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What Does Repent Mean?


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[quote name='Winchester' post='1103807' date='Oct 28 2006, 10:16 PM']
Behold! I have given this thread new life.
I realize that I constitute a threat to rational discourse.

Seriously, how are you so funny!?

Regarding the question at hand... :sadder: :weep:

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Obviously, for a living person, repentance is a process. The Bible shows a cyclic pattern wit hthe history of the people of God, and it gives us good example and a cause to avoid despair, for if an entire people can turn from Him even when they are favored, and then return, then certainly a single man may turn and return.

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What's the point, Budge? Most English speakers know what "repent" means.

Blessed Father Damien, pray for us!

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To acknowledge the wrong done, one's guilt for it, to resolve not to do it again, and to desire to make amends to God and to anyone who you injured.

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In the OT two words are regularly translated 'repent' or some near equivalent- [i]naham [/i] ('be sorry, change one's mind') and [i]sub[/i] (in the sense, 'turn back, return').

In the NT the words translated 'repent' are [i]metanoeo[/i] and [i]metamelomai[/i]. In Greek they usually mean 'to change one's mind,' and so also 'to regret, feel remorse.'

...the NT usage is much more influenced by the OT [i]sub[/i]; that is, repentance not just as a feeling sorry , for changing one's mind, but as a turning round, [u]a complete alteration of the basic motivation and direction of one's life.[/u] This is why the best translation for [i]metanoeo[/i] is often 'to convert,' that is, 'to turn round.'

--from the New Bible Dictionary

Edited by mulls
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