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The Results Of Budge's Evangelistic Efforts


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Poor budge.

Someone, please tell our dear separated sister that she has made one of you at least think instantaneously about fellowshipping with her as a Protestant. Anyone? Anyone? :idontknow:

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She makes me pray alil more about the intentions behind the fundi movement.

"Born Fundamentalist, Born again Catholic" great book...I will buy you a copy ma'am, if u want. Or mail you mine.

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Ive already read Karl Keatings Catholicism Vs. Fundamentalism, I doubt a book of Catholic converts dicussing how the smells and bells, and "history" led them in is going to change my mind....

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[quote name='Budge' post='1079194' date='Sep 29 2006, 12:24 PM']
Oh Really?
"Call no {religious man} father..."

"do not make...."

"do not bow down to...."

The Boomerang Bible everything comes back different.
Hasn't Budge elsewhere spoken against [b]adding to[/b] and [b]taking away from[/b] the words of the Bible?

[quote name='Budge' post='1079394' date='Sep 29 2006, 02:55 PM']
That has to do with worship as well.
The two gold cherubs [b]God commanded[/b] to made on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:18-21) most certainly had to do with worship!

As did the cherubs in the Temple built by Solomon (1 Kings 6:23-30) and the lions and bulls and cherubs decorating the wheeled stands for the bronze basins of the Temple (1 Kings 7:27-37).

Or were these passages excised from the Budge Version of the Bible?

Edited by Socrates
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Budge, you posting here in phatmass is sorta like if the people over at [url="http://www.godisimaginary.com"]www.Godisimaginary.com [/url] came to your forums and started posting their videos. do you see how ignorant they seem? that's sorta like how you are to us.

iono, that's all i wanted to say.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1079666' date='Sep 29 2006, 07:29 PM']
Ive already read Karl Keatings Catholicism Vs. Fundamentalism, I doubt a book of Catholic converts dicussing how the smells and bells, and "history" led them in is going to change my mind....
Don't forget the calisthenics!

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[quote name='Budge' post='1079666' date='Sep 29 2006, 08:29 PM']
Ive already read Karl Keatings Catholicism Vs. Fundamentalism, I doubt a book of Catholic converts dicussing how the smells and bells, and "history" led them in is going to change my mind....
God forbid Budge that you read any history, you would never want to pollute your minds with actual facts....

just keep worshipping your book and you will be fine.

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[quote name='PadrePioOfPietrelcino' post='1079186' date='Sep 29 2006, 01:18 PM']
I do believe the believe the Bible and as the Bible says.. Man does not live on bread alone but by [size=5] every word [/size] that come from the mouth of God.

[quote name='Budge' post='1079194' date='Sep 29 2006, 01:24 PM']
Oh Really?
"Call no {religious man} father..."

"do not make...."

"do not bow down to...."

The Boomerang Bible everything comes back different.

You see Budge, that's the thing. We believe in EVERY WORD Of the Bible, not just the ones we pull out of context for our own purposes. See the difference?

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Hmm... At our little parish we have several-hundred thousand visitors a year. And at the entrances we have provided nice little "tracts" called "God's Love for You" from Catholic Answers. We also provide nice little "Confession Guides" from the Knights of Columbus outlining the 10 Commandments. Then we provide other brochures like "Top Ten Reasons to Come Back to the Faith" and "The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults" from Our Sunday Visitor. We go through over 30,000 of these a year and spend thousands of dollars to provide them... and, oh yes, we're Catholic.

If someone has never heard specifically, who Jesus is, what he did, that he saves, and what he provides --they need to hear it literally and clearly --on that we TOTALLY agree. However, along with that there is love in action. The two cannot and mustnot be separated in our efforts to save souls in/for/by/with Christ.



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Oh, and I sell evangelization media (cds and brochures) for a living (in addition to all the volunteer work) --and I'm a Catholic! Lucky me, truly!


Christ wants you back in the Church Budge! The Church He created!

Edited by Veritas
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[quote name='Budge' post='1079666' date='Sep 29 2006, 07:29 PM']
Ive already read Karl Keatings Catholicism Vs. Fundamentalism, I doubt a book of Catholic converts dicussing how the smells and bells, and "history" led them in is going to change my mind....

I have read both. Currie is a former fundamentalist who still has respect and love for his breathen. He has the perspective that his faith grew into catholicism. He didnt convert, he reconciled. It is not like Keating, who was never(**to my knowledge) a fundi. It is an enjoyable and short read. And honestly, I would be interested to see what you thought of it. I respect you too much to suggest that reading a book with covert you, or save your soul(**whatever lingo we are using today) I believe you have a valid faith in your theology and I enjoy dialogue.but you do have an unjustified scorn for catholicism.

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Lifestyle evangelism does work, and I have a couple of stories about it that I want to share here.

My university's Christian Union (a club that is open to Christians of all denominations but has a heady evangelical flavour) states that its main goal is 'to make Jesus Christ known to students in Cambridge'. When I saw that mission statement at the Societies' Fair, I agreed with it at once and signed up for the CU. Then I discovered that 'making Jesus Christ known to students in Cambridge' involves staging evangelistic talks and lectures that are suitable for three-year-olds in terms of their academic content, and heckling people to go to these talks. I use 'heckling' for a reason. Members of the CU stand outside our college's dining hall on the evening when there is to be a talk and collar people as they come out from dinner. "Would you like to attend a talk? Free food and drinks!"

"No, thanks. I'm busy."

"It won't take long! Just forty-five minutes, not even that..."

The CU plasters the college with posters advertising these talks and sends out e-mails about them to all the students, so there really is no need to use this tactic. Now the only people who come to the talks are the ones who were too polite or too nervous to stand their ground on the cafeteria steps. A large portion of the college is now very hostile towards the CU. They see us as pushy and - thanks to the intellectual calibre of the talks - stupid.

Compare this to the methods of Warwick University's Christian Union. They also have lots of evangelistic talks and so on. They give out free Bibles and other books at the start of term, too. But one of my friends who goes to Warwick tells me that they also keep a box outside their president's door. If you or anyone you know is having a hard time, Christian or not, you write their name on a slip of paper and put it in the box. That person will be prayed for and also receive a gentle offer of practical help. (If you get the flu, for example, members of the CU are willing to take care of a few things for you while you're ill - doing your laundry, collecting your lecture notes and assignments, etc.) They don't use these opportunities to pass out a bushel of tracts, as a ream of Christian reading material (or reading material of any kind) is probably not what you want when your temperature is rocketing. They just help you for the sake of helping you. Unsurprisingly, they get a much bigger turn-out at their evangelistic talks than we do at ours. People are more likely to respond to a message if they can see it being lived out in front of them. This is Jesus alive, not Jesus on paper.

I've had the same experience with evangelism on an Internet forum for teenagers with autistic spectrum disorders. (I'm also a teen with an ASD - I helped to establish the forum in 2004.) Over the past two years, I've had in-depth conversations about faith in general and Christianity in particular with at least twenty different people. One fourteen-year-old girl, formerly an agnostic, became a Christian over the course of one of our MSN chats. (She has no particular denomination at the moment and can't go to church because her disability means that it's difficult for her to leave home unaccompanied - but at least she prays now.) One of my closest friends from that forum, aged twenty, is migrating from an evangelical church to a Catholic one. A seventeen-year-old Wiccan wrote to me to say that she was scared of becoming a Christian but she couldn't stop thinking about the Beatitudes. Could I help her? A fourteen-year-old Jewish girl came to me wanting to know more about Christianity. There have been many others.

At the moment I'm in regular contact with a boy who seems like a hardcore atheist. He's been on the brink of suicide this past week, but he is slowly responding to the Gospel - only it's not a gospel that the Christians on the forum are presenting in words. We're just being kind to him. He's not had much kindness in his life, and it shows. As I do whenever I give advice or write a message of support, I sign myself off with a quiet, unobtrusive 'I'm praying for you'. Sooner or later, that one sentence causes an e-mail to turn up in my private inbox, asking questions about my beliefs.

This method works. It works because it isn't easy for me to convey the depths of my faith in poor stumbling words. I can't do justice to the Gospel unless I move out of the way, make myself very small, and let Jesus take my place at the computer keyboard whenever I use that forum. If you do your best to live what you believe rather than talking about it, the Holy Spirit has a lot more room to breathe.

Edited by Cathoholic Anonymous
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[quote name='Budge' post='1079128' date='Sep 29 2006, 10:37 AM']
Mary Kathyrn,

While you are a nice lady, I am sad to see you taking the usual gambits out of the Catholic apologist handbook...

1. Claiming that everyone who leaves Rome is angry or has psychological deficients. I was well liked and had a good position at last Catholic Church. [b]I left because I left the fool's gold for the REAL THING, a relationship with Jesus Christ.


So the UU "church" was the "REAL THING"? Or were you just confused over what the "REAL THING" was?

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BTW, I know a bunch of Evangelical Christians who would rather LIVE their faith rather than pass out tracts and pester people about what they believe. People don't like it when someone treats them like a five-year-old because they haven't heard the gospel or being pestered for a tract when they clearly do not want one. There is A LOT to be said for living through actions rather than annoying people.

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[quote]BTW, I know a bunch of Evangelical Christians who would rather LIVE their faith rather than pass out tracts and pester people about what they believe.[/quote]

If they refuse to past out tracts or ask people if they are born again, they have fallen into lukewarmness.

I know lots of unbelievers, and IRL I get along quite fine with them, but one has to OPEN ones mouth about the gospel, scripture and JESUS to get the message out there.

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