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The Results Of Budge's Evangelistic Efforts


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If you have been brought out of the Catholic Church by Budge's superior arguements and "truth" please post your testimony to that effect in this thread. Surely after the many months and over 1000 posts there are many of you.

Don't all post at once. We don't want to bring down the website.

Peter and the Apostles had 3000 the first day. Most assuradly many of you will be posting testimonies on this thread.

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I know I am posting to rocky soil here mostly.

for any seeds that do sprout, it may 10 years in the happening.

Speaking of evangelization efforts, when is the last time you passed out a tract or preached you must be born again in Jesus Christ?

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[quote name='Budge' post='1079104' date='Sep 29 2006, 01:02 PM']
I know I am posting to rocky soil here mostly.

for any seeds that do sprout, it may 10 years in the happening.

Speaking of evangelization efforts, when is the last time you passed out a tract or preached you must be born again in Jesus Christ?


You are not and have never been searching to evangelize anyone. I have seen your message board. I think you are here spoiling for a fight, but deeper down than that, I think you want out of where you are at.

You read so much on the Catholic Church that I find it hard to believe that its all out of spite. You even read EWTN. I bet you even watch some of Mother Angelica. <_<

Sooner or later you are going to have to stop being so mad at The Church for your bumpy journey down life's road. I'm sorry you got caught in the UU mess. I really am. I'm sorry that its going to be really really tough to make the step to leave behind where you are at. Its what you know. Scott Hahn and all of us converts can connect with you on that one.

As my Catholic sister Budge, I love ya, I really do. I'm just not going to be your personal punching bag. Thats what you do. You come on here and you take it out on everyone. I choose to believe you do not do it on purpose. Then that would mean you are a nasty person. You are not "saving" anyone but you sure as heck are losing yourself.

God Bless Budge I hope Peace finds you soon

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[quote name='Budge' post='1079104' date='Sep 29 2006, 11:02 AM']
I know I am posting to rocky soil here mostly.

for any seeds that do sprout, it may 10 years in the happening.

Speaking of evangelization efforts, when is the last time you passed out a tract or preached you must be born again in Jesus Christ?

Preach the gospel always. Use words if necessary.

By their works ye shall know them.

How're ya measuring up there, Budge?

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Mary Kathyrn,

While you are a nice lady, I am sad to see you taking the usual gambits out of the Catholic apologist handbook...

1. Claiming that everyone who leaves Rome is angry or has psychological deficients. I was well liked and had a good position at last Catholic Church. I left because I left the fool's gold for the REAL THING, a relationship with Jesus Christ.

2. An Ex-Humanist/Theosophical, reader of Alice Bailey, UU, cannot be fooled by the Universalist with a Christian veener of the Popes. With an education like no other, of 13 years in the UU denomination, I am not fooled by platitudes or the endless excuses for "interreligious dialogue". I do not believe the worlds hope is in the United Nations or New Age dialogue any longer but in Jesus Christ.

[url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=26803&hl="]READ ESSAY HERE[/url]

3. Gal 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

Preach the gospel always. [u]Use words if necessary.[/u]

By their works ye shall know them.

How're ya measuring up there, Budge?[/quote]

I dont follow Catholic lifestyle evangelism, which does not work, and really is based on a Im Ok, Your Ok premise....

This does not call anyone to repentance or becoming a new creature in Christ.

The first one is false and actually goes against the Word of God...

Rom 10:17 [b]So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.[/b]

This is what I believe...

[b]Luk 14:23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and[u] compel [them] to come in[/u], that my house may be filled.[/b]

Edited by Budge
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[quote name='Budge' post='1079128' date='Sep 29 2006, 01:37 PM']
Mary Kathyrn,

While you are a nice lady, I am sad to see you taking the usual gambits out of the Catholic apologist handbook...

1. Claiming that everyone who leaves Rome is angry or has psychological deficients. I was well liked and had a good position at last Catholic Church. I left because I left the fool's gold for the REAL THING, a relationship with Jesus Christ.

2. An Ex-Humanist/Theosophical, reader of Alice Bailey, UU, cannot be fooled by the Universalist with a Christian veener of the Popes. With an education like no other, of 13 years in the UU denomination, I am not fooled by platitudes or the endless excuses for "interreligious dialogue". I do not believe the worlds hope is in the United Nations or New Age dialogue any longer but in Jesus Christ.

[url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=26803&hl="]READ ESSAY HERE[/url]

3. Gal 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
I dont follow Catholic lifestyle evangelism, which does not work, and really is based on a Im Ok, Your Ok premise....

This does not call anyone to repentance or becoming a new creature in Christ.

The first one is false and actually goes against the gospel.

Rom 10:17 So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

This is what I believe...

[b]Luk 14:23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and[u] compel [them] to come in[/u], that my house may be filled.[/b]
Interesting that you think that someone trying to have an honest conversation is a ploy, and that Catholics don't have a relationship with Christ.
We repent of our sins and go to confession Budge, so we really don't need anyone calling us to repentance or becoming new creatures in Christ. With the endless grace of God, we already are. :) So if thats what you are attempting you are on the wrong website. Go play with the pagans. You are not pro-Jesus Christ or God Almighty, but simply another anti-catholic, lost in fallacies written by someone else.

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[quote]If you have been brought out of the Catholic Church by Budge's superior arguements and "truth" please post your testimony to that effect in this thread. Surely after the many months and over 1000 posts there are many of you.[/quote]

I am like Zachariah and Noah....

Edited by Budge
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[quote name='Budge' post='1079144' date='Sep 29 2006, 12:50 PM']
I am like Zachariah and Noah....

On this I totally agree

You're all wet

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[quote name='Budge' post='1079128' date='Sep 29 2006, 11:37 AM']
I dont follow Catholic lifestyle evangelism, which does not work, and really is based on a Im Ok, Your Ok premise....

This does not call anyone to repentance or becoming a new creature in Christ.

The first one is false and actually goes against the Word of God...

Rom 10:17 [b]So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.[/b]

This is what I believe...

[b]Luk 14:23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and[u] compel [them] to come in[/u], that my house may be filled.[/b]

Your quotes are two sides of the same coin. After the servant compelled folks to come in - and by the way, I might point out that the servant took action and didn't just stand on the street corner handing out tracts - they heard and had faith. And once they had faith, then what? Sit out and congratulate themselves on how great their faith is? As you yourself know, faith without works is dead.

BTW, I might also point out that it was by Jesus' "lifestyle" that we are saved. The Beatitudes were, of course, revolutionary. But it was Jesus' actions on the Cross that really mattered.

'Nuff said.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1079128' date='Sep 29 2006, 12:37 PM']
Mary Kathyrn,

While you are a nice lady, I am sad to see you taking the usual gambits out of the Catholic apologist handbook...

1. Claiming that everyone who leaves Rome is angry or has psychological deficients. I was well liked and had a good position at last Catholic Church. I left because I left the fool's gold for the REAL THING, a relationship with Jesus Christ. [/quote]

Budge I do not believe that everyone who leaves the Church has a psychological defect. However because of how your post come across I DO believe that you feel hurt and damaged by the Catholic Church. On that I am sorry.
This does not call anyone to repentance or becoming a new creature in Christ.

2. An Ex-Humanist/Theosophical, reader of Alice Bailey, UU, cannot be fooled by the Universalist with a Christian veener of the Popes. With an education like no other, of 13 years in the UU denomination, I am not fooled by platitudes or the endless excuses for "interreligious dialogue". I do not believe the worlds hope is in the United Nations or New Age dialogue any longer but in Jesus Christ.

[url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=26803&hl="]READ ESSAY HERE[/url]

You mean an ex-humanist/theosophical, reader of Alice Bailey, and educated 13 years in the UU, will HATE so much when they decide something is wrong, they will put up blinder blocking the Truth to come to you because you have convinced yourself that you can not be wrong AGAIN.

3. Gal 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
I dont follow Catholic lifestyle evangelism, which does not work, and really is based on a Im Ok, Your Ok premise....

No, you have set Yourself against me as mine enemy, for you will not hear the Truth. LIVING the faith DOES work. it brougtht me into the Church, as well as several people I know back to the Church. Christ's love is about meeting people where they are at and picking them up, not about throwing them into a fire of guilt, and torment of 4,ooo pounds of cut n' paste reading.

Rom 10:17 [b]So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.[/b]

This is what I believe...

[b]Luk 14:23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and[u] compel [them] to come in[/u], that my house may be filled.[/b]

YES, budge you hit it on the nail. We MUST Hear, the Gospel, but it is our lives which first opend the door to the ear. Actions speak LOUDER than words. Why is it that whenever you want to argue something and ignore everything written completely and post pictures, then claim a victory? You yourself recognize tha actions and how they are percieved reveal truth. The oportunity for evanelezation is first opened through our lives whether we realize it or not. Second we do go out everyehere compeling people to come to Christ whether by word or deed.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1079128' date='Sep 29 2006, 11:37 AM']
I dont follow Catholic lifestyle evangelism, which does not work, and really is based on a Im Ok, Your Ok premise....

This does not call anyone to repentance or becoming a new creature in Christ.

The first one is false and actually goes against the Word of God...

Rom 10:17 [b]So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.[/b]

This is what I believe...

[b]Luk 14:23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and[u] compel [them] to come in[/u], that my house may be filled.[/b]

Your quotes are two sides of the same coin. After the servant compelled folks to come in - and by the way, I might point out that the servant took action and didn't just stand on the street corner handing out tracts - they heard and had faith. And once they had faith, then what? Sit out and congratulate themselves on how great their faith is? As you yourself know, faith without works is dead.

BTW, I might also point out that it was by Jesus' "lifestyle" that we are saved. The Beatitudes were, of course, revolutionary. But it was Jesus' actions on the Cross that really mattered.

'Nuff said.

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double posted, sorry...

You mean an ex-humanist/theosophical, reader of Alice Bailey, and educated 13 years in the UU, will HATE so much when they decide something is wrong, they will put up blinder blocking the Truth to come to you because you have convinced yourself that you can not be wrong AGAIN.

3. Gal 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
I dont follow Catholic lifestyle evangelism, which does not work, and really is based on a Im Ok, Your Ok premise....

No, you have set Yourself against me as mine enemy, for you will not hear the Truth. LIVING the faith DOES work. it brougtht me into the Church, as well as several people I know back to the Church. Christ's love is about meeting people where they are at and picking them up, not about throwing them into a fire of guilt, and torment of 4,ooo pounds of cut n' paste reading.

Rom 10:17 [b]So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.[/b]

This is what I believe...

[b]Luk 14:23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and[u] compel [them] to come in[/u], that my house may be filled.[/b]

YES, budge you hit it on the nail. We MUST Hear, the Gospel, but it is our lives which first opend the door to the ear. Actions speak LOUDER than words. Why is it that whenever you want to argue something and ignore everything written completely and post pictures, then claim a victory? You yourself recognize tha actions and how they are percieved reveal truth. The oportunity for evanelezation is first opened through our lives whether we realize it or not. Second we do go out everyehere compeling people to come to Christ whether by word or deed.

Edited by PadrePioOfPietrelcino
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[quote name='Budge' post='1079128' date='Sep 29 2006, 11:37 AM']
I dont follow Catholic lifestyle evangelism, which does not work, and really is based on a Im Ok, Your Ok premise....

This does not call anyone to repentance or becoming a new creature in Christ.

The first one is false and actually goes against the Word of God...

Rom 10:17 [b]So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.[/b]

This is what I believe...

[b]Luk 14:23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and[u] compel [them] to come in[/u], that my house may be filled.[/b]

Your quotes are two sides of the same coin. After the servant compelled folks to come in - and by the way, I might point out that the servant took action and didn't just stand on the street corner handing out tracts - they heard and had faith. And once they had faith, then what? Sit out and congratulate themselves on how great their faith is? As you yourself know, faith without works is dead.

BTW, I might also point out that it was by Jesus' "lifestyle" that we are saved. The Beatitudes were, of course, revolutionary. But it was Jesus' actions on the Cross that really mattered.

'Nuff said.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1079104' date='Sep 29 2006, 12:02 PM']
I know I am posting to rocky soil here mostly.

for any seeds that do sprout, it may 10 years in the happening.

Speaking of evangelization efforts, when is the last time you passed out a tract or preached you must be born again in Jesus Christ?

Your asking the wrong guy. I've passed out about 1000 gospel tracts over the last two years as a matter of fact. Don't see Peter and Paul waiting around 10 years. What's funny in fact is that in my 8 years on these types of boards I have only witnessed one or two going from Catholicism to Protestantism, while I've witnessed MANY go the other way. On this very board there is quite a list. Even on the Protestant boards I've not seen Catholics won over while some Protestants come over to the good side. No, budge, if you get the weak sheep out alone you will decieve some, but on these boards anti-catholics like you generally are wasting their time. It's just plain fact. Your lies and distortions of the Catholic faith will quickly expose as someone who is not honest you and they in fact will help win many over to the catholic side, for they will begin to listen to what Catholics say when they find they have been decieved by your twistings. These are facts based on years of observation.

By the way, so far 0 posts for budge.

Edited by thessalonian
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[quote name='Budge' post='1079128' date='Sep 29 2006, 12:37 PM']
Mary Kathyrn,

While you are a nice lady, I am sad to see you taking the usual gambits out of the Catholic apologist handbook...

1. Claiming that everyone who leaves Rome is angry or has psychological deficients. I was well liked and had a good position at last Catholic Church. I left because I left the fool's gold for the REAL THING, a relationship with Jesus Christ.

2. An Ex-Humanist/Theosophical, reader of Alice Bailey, UU, cannot be fooled by the Universalist with a Christian veener of the Popes. With an education like no other, of 13 years in the UU denomination, I am not fooled by platitudes or the endless excuses for "interreligious dialogue". I do not believe the worlds hope is in the United Nations or New Age dialogue any longer but in Jesus Christ.

[url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=26803&hl="]READ ESSAY HERE[/url]

3. Gal 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
I dont follow Catholic lifestyle evangelism, which does not work, and really is based on a Im Ok, Your Ok premise....

This does not call anyone to repentance or becoming a new creature in Christ.

The first one is false and actually goes against the Word of God...

Rom 10:17 [b]So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.[/b]

This is what I believe...

[b]Luk 14:23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and[u] compel [them] to come in[/u], that my house may be filled.[/b]

I looked for any mention of an apologists handbook.
Maybe I missed it?

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