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Allah isn't our God!
Question from Marie S on 9/28/2006:

"we simply state that the Jewish God and the Moslem Allah are divine and we thank God that we have some unity with both. Fr. Bob Levis" [b]I can't believe that a Catholic Priest doesn't understand that Allah is not the God of a Catholic or Christian, since the Muslim sees Jesus as a prophit and not a Savior and part of the Divine Trinity[/b]. Please explain this
Answer by Fr. Robert J. Levis on 9/28/2006:

Marie, All orthodox Catholic priest should be teaching what their Catholic Church teaches in the documents of Vatican Council 2: "The Catholic Church hlas also a high regard for the Muslims. They worship God, who is one, living adn subsistent, merciful and almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has also spoken to man. They strive to submit themselves without reserve to the hidden decrees of Gd, just as Abraham submitted himself to God's plan, to whose faith Muslims early link their own." The Conciliar Fathers quote a letter of Pope St. Gregory VII to Anzir, King of Mauretania who holds this same teaching. [b]Marie, we know the Islamic theology is full of error, but in God they believe. Don't be more Catholic than the Catholic Church.[/b] Fr. Bob Levis[/quote]

Many folks in the pews if they found this out really wouldnt be too happy.


Edited by Budge
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In Arabic Allah is God. Arabic Christians call God Allah. Do you condemn them budge?

Tell me, was the God of Cornelius the one true God even though Cornelius did not know him as a trinity or know Jesus as savior? I believe I've asked this and you have ignored it in the past. The Moslems believe in a God who has created all things. Who is supreme. Those are truths. God is the judge of the things that they are in ignorance of about him. Not us. But Budge thinks she is the judge of all it seems on this board.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1078100' date='Sep 28 2006, 03:36 PM']Many folks in the pews if they found this out really wouldnt be too happy.[/quote]I'm so disappointed to find out that Islamic theology is full of error. How dare Fr. Levis say such a thing! LOL :P:

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[quote]ews, Christians, and Mslims all worship God- be His Name God, Yaweh, Jevohah or Allah.[/quote]

well Cardinal Mahony is planning some Islam-Christian ho-downs, maybe your parish will join up.

[quote]What's your point? An individual didn't understand something, so the Church is bad?[/quote]

How about the Church has it wrong, the individual has a teeny bit of Holy Spirit induced, Hey remember that first commandment!??"

[quote]In Arabic Allah is God. Arabic Christians call God Allah. Do you condemn them budge?[/quote]

Nope, I am talking about Allah of Islam. That is a semantics issue.

[quote]I'm so disappointed to find out that Islamic theology is full of error. How dare Fr. Levis say such a thing! [/quote]

Hey whats a few errors among brothers in Allah? Which since you folks believe Allah of Islam is God means you are brothers with Islam.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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[quote]How about the Church has it wrong, the individual has a teeny bit of Holy Spirit induced, Hey remember that first commandment!??"

Or maybe the person is just an ignorant bigot?

The Moslems can trace thier roots back to Abraham. It is a FACT that they worship the G_d of Abraham (YWH). Thier theology is lacking, but then, so is yours, so maybe you don't orship G_d either.

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[quote name='CatholicCid' post='1078216' date='Sep 28 2006, 05:14 PM']
You missed half of thessalonian's post.

Yet again. Protestants hate when I bring up cornelius. They simply can't be honest about him.

I talked to a Muslim at work this afternoon. Nice young man. I asked him who God is to him? He said he was omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient. The creator of all things, above all things. Allah for him is simply the one true God. Why should I have to tell him this is false. It's not. Now he did not have a trinitarian view and did not have the right view of Jesus (something I hope to talk more to him about in the future), but his view was very Old Testament. The idea that God is one (which the Jews and Muslims have right) is not a false idea. They simply lack a more perfect understanding of him. What they believe is a starting point. We don't have to throw out everything they believe and start over.

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[quote]Allah for him is simply the one true God. Why should I have to tell him this is false. It's not.[/quote]

You know universalism is the easy way out, no one ever has to be offended, you never have to worry about anyone getting mad at you, as you explore how your beliefs match their own.

Catholics dont have to worry as they go out into the world to preach "Allah of Islam equals God! Youre Ok, Im Ok!"

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[quote name='Budge' post='1078266' date='Sep 28 2006, 03:49 PM']
You know universalism is the easy way out, no one ever has to be offended, you never have to worry about anyone getting mad at you, as you explore how your beliefs match their own.

Catholics dont have to worry as they go out into the world to preach "Allah of Islam equals God! Youre Ok, Im Ok!"


You have convinved me. If a person's understanding of G_d doesn't coincide 100% with mine, said person worships Satan. It is all so clear now! Only problem is, heaven is going to be rather lonely, since I'll be the only one there.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1078266' date='Sep 28 2006, 06:49 PM']
You know universalism is the easy way out, no one ever has to be offended, you never have to worry about anyone getting mad at you, as you explore how your beliefs match their own.

Catholics dont have to worry as they go out into the world to preach "Allah of Islam equals God! Youre Ok, Im Ok!"
So saying God is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, the creator of all things, above all things is universalism?
I wonder how you describe God?

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I don't think "equals" is really the proper word.

God the Father. Not God the Son, not God the Holy Spirit.

The Jews did not know about the latter two persons of God. They were only revealed God the Father. They don't accept Jesus. Catholicism sees this as a fatal flaw.

Acknowledge, Ghost Rider.

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You have convinved me. If a person's understanding of G_d doesn't coincide 100% with mine, said person worships Satan. It is all so clear now! Only problem is, heaven is going to be rather lonely, since I'll be the only one there.

So belief in Jesus Christ is now an optional belief?

Ok thanks for making that so clear.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1078279' date='Sep 28 2006, 06:54 PM']
So belief in Jesus Christ is now an optional belief?

Ok thanks for making that so clear.
isn't it amazing you automatically make the wrong interpretation every single time

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