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[quote name='Budge' post='1077988' date='Sep 28 2006, 01:04 PM']
Its teachings are a muddled mess.[/quote]Just because you don't understand them doesn't mean they're a mess. I understand things just fine. You just need it explained differently.

[quote]They hear the Popes preach about their great respect for Islam, every other religion out there, and how it is not PC to 'diss" other religions.[/quote]And? It's NOT PC to "diss" other religions. Disagree with the other religion all you want. Make it known that you disagree all you want. It's still not ok to "diss" another's faith. In doing so, you insult them, and you've surely heard the line "whatever you do to the least of my children, you do to me as well." (or something like that. I know the quote isn't exact)

[quote]So you are surprised at this confusion?[/quote]Not really. When the youth have people like you spewing half truths and falsities about Catholocism in their faces, of course they're going to get confused. They hear one thing from one person and a contradictory statement from another. Being youthful, they see false contradiction when instead one person is simply telling untruths. Do you go around trying to teach math? No, you leave that to the mathematicians. Do you teach archaeology? No, you leave that job to the archaeologist. So why do you insist on trying to teach Catholocism? Just leave it to the Catholics.

[quote]When theres no clear boundaries between Catholicism and paganism this is what you get. [/quote]Once again, I can see the boundaries just fine. Just because your eyes are closed doesn't mean that nothing is there.

[quote]I know several young people and older now, who consider themselves what I call Hybrid-Catholic religions..

2 Catholic-Wiccans, 1 Catholic-Buddhist...[/quote]I know nothing about Wiccan, so I'll refrain from commenting, but I've already said it before and you've responded, so I know you "heard" me. Buddhism is not a religion. It is a way of life. It is quite possible to be Catholic and Buddhist at the same time.

[quote]these things are happening whether you like it or not and there is a reason for it.
Head in sand denial isnt going to do anything.[/quote]These things happen in EVERY faith. People fall away from every faith. There is molestation in all faiths. About a week before the the first mention of altarboy abuse, the newspaper where my grandfather lives(he showed me the paper and everything) released a story about a Jewish rabbi molesting children that were helping him out in temple. It happened IN his city and got one paragraph on page four. Fast forward to a week later and the first child comes forth about being abused by a Catholic priest. It happened 3 states away from my grandfather, and yet was front page news(the main story even). So, you see, it happens all over the place. You should have learned long ago that the media is horribly biased.

[quote]It will be your kids, who no longer go to church, who become UU, or dump it all together, because after all if being good gets you to heaven why bother with waking up on Sunday morning?
[/quote]We wake up on Sunday because we know that going to church is part of being good and you should be as good as you can. And no, if someone doesn't go to church due to not knowing that it's a good thing to do, that doesn't necissarily mean that they are bad, just less good. Your problem is that you think only in black and white when there are unlimited colors inbetween.

[quote name='Budge' post='1078097' date='Sep 28 2006, 02:33 PM']
As Ive said before your church has made itself the center of salvation instead of Jesus Christ.[/quote]Take a piece of paper and a pen. Now put a dot at the center of the paper and label it "Jesus Christ". Now draw a circle around that dot and label it "Church". Now draw an even bigger circle around that one and label it "People". Now take a look at what you've drawn. Even though "Church" as in the center of "People", "Jesus Christ" is in the center of "Church" and by default "People". Now imagine if you had drawn that big circle("People") without the "Church". It would be sort of difficult to make sure "Jesus Christ" is in the center of the "People" circle. It would be much easier to draw it so that "Jesus Christ" stays at the center of the "People" circle if there were another smaller circle there ("Church") as a guide to help you out.

We use "Church" as a guide to help keep us centered around "Jesus Christ". You try to move the "Jesus Christ" dot around to fit in the center of "People", which you just can't do.

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If this muddled mess actually existed in the Catholic faith, we would all be disagreeing and fighting over theology. Gee that's what happens over on a Protestant board I post on. Everybody is like budge and has their own "infallible" teaching. Now that's a muddled mess.

There is nothing close to the unity among believers on that board compared to this one. NOT EVEN CLOSE. Oddly enough I hear the same muddled mess on Protestant radio. Hank Hanagraph denies the pre-trib rapture and tim lahaye is up in arms. Then he calls Christian Zionism cultic. :o. Another God preaches open theism and then they have orthodox preaching on there that is almost Catholic. One guy teaches that baptism is salvific (he's a lutheran) another teaches it is not. Some say Catholics are damned to hell, some that we are Christians. Talk about a muddled mess. Oddly enough on Catholic radio I don't ever hear any hosts who disagree with eachother in any kind of a significant manner. Not even close to the protestant stations. Of course budge will make excuses for this.

Edited by thessalonian
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Farsight one, it is not possible to be Catholic and Buddhist at the same time. By canon law, considering yourself a buddhist acheives a latae sentiantae excommunication as apostasy.

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Why? Seriously. I believe you and I know not to try and alter my faith to meet my personal preference, but I do like to know why. The One thing I can think of about Buddhism that goes against Catholic teaching is the aspect of reincarnation. So you just deny that part. You're not 100% Buddhist any more, but then again no one is perfect anyways.

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Thy Geekdom Come

There are unfortunately disobedient Catholics out there. There are also those who claim to be Catholic but don't realize that they really aren't. There are also some who are Catholic in name only.

What do you want us to say, that Jesus Christ came to save only those who were already conformed to Him and therefore without any need of salvation?

Rather than blaming their faith on the Church (which is illogical, anyway, since pluralism comes from the secular world, not from "interfaithism," as you call it), you should be seeking to bring them to Christ so that He may save them.

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To New Reformation:

{another resident Revelation 17 Prot who joins with the Catholics to block Christians who tell them the truth}


And let's be clear here. I grew up in an Independent Baptist family. My dad was a youth pastor. I've been IFB most of my life. In the IFB circles I've grown up in, the IFB churches I've visited, etc, let's be perfectly honest, and say that most IFB's don't know anything about theology. You know what they know about? Standards. And that's about it. And before anybody jumps on me for saying anything like that, technically I'm still a member of an IFB church, so I can make that observation. I've been to IFB colleges. I've been in IFB churches. I know the IFB movement like the back of my hand.[/quote]

So what happened to you? Most IFB churches teach the truth about Rome being the counterfeit church in Revelation. Sounds like you ignored everything you were taught, ran off to college and then started going with the world and its "theology", after all there's more worldly status in being an euridite theologian friendly with Rome, then in being a Christian who makes a stand for Biblical seperation. Also just because you were RAISED IFB, doesnt mean you really ever become born again or made the faith your own.

By the way when people ask what I am, I say Christian first, many churches are falling away and in there I include baptists who have joined with the world system. They do exist. What is interesting about you as a Baptist on this board, is I have not seen you stand up for any of the Christian faith, but come from the premise that Catholics are Christian too. {Dont see you posting against any doctrines you consider false or telling Catholics you must be born again} Honestly I really had no way to tell you apart from the Catholics here except perhaps for your name.
Try arguing something like, oh, I dunno...Doctrine maybe? It will serve you better, and will be more reflective upon Christ if you argue in charity and on valid points.[/quote]

Why would I follow the Catholic paperwork requirement, who cares what the official doctrines are if millions are being led to the antichrist?

Unlike you who has totally sold out, Im going to tell these Catholics the truth.

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[quote]Unlike you who has totally sold out, Im going to tell these Catholics the truth. [/quote]

We're still waiting for you to start. Distorting the teachings of the Church and trying to paint a picture of confused teachings is not truth. Bearing false witness against those you disagree with is your truth.

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[quote]Unlike you who has totally sold out, Im going to tell these Catholics the truth. [/quote]

Whose truth? Your truth, the truth of the guy who sits next to you in the pew (or does your church forbid pews as a Catholic invention) or the truth of the church down the street?

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If you cannot tell the difference beween the Kabba god Allah, and YHWH, we have openings in our third grade sunday school program. Just call it "REMEDIAL RCIA"!

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[quote]Unlike you who has totally sold out, Im going to tell these Catholics the truth.

Actually, you just seem to insult, post abuses of theology, add more insults rather than actual cogent arguments (if you respond at all,) then throw some Bible quote, insult some more, add zero cogent arguments, insult, assume, deride, Lie, slander.

Then you disappear.

Then you create other posts.

You're not telling us anything we don't know. We know there are corrupt people within the Catholic Church. The Bible says you cannot separate the weeds from the wheat. We know they teach false or dangerous things. These things are not in the Depositum Fidei (and don't bother with the red herring.) Those led astray in good faith I believe we can trust to the Mercy of God, in addition to proclaiming what the Church truly teaches. Those who teach falsely we can also trust to God. We don't have to follow erroneous teachigns--only the correct ones. Jesus told people this in the Bible. Find it, Budge.

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Was that supposed to hurt our feelings?[/quote]

The heart is a deceitful thing.

Why not consider the FACT that you have departed from the basics of Christianity in the acceptance of false gods {demons} of other religions?

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