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So How's The Pope Doing?


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Ash Wednesday

When he was first pope I was a bit freaked out because I didn't know much about him. Now I love him.

As far as how good of a job he's doing, who am I to say? I'm not really much of an expert on how to be a pope. With that being said though I think the man is a great source of wisdom and knowledge and my only feeling of dismay is when people fail to appreciate the gifts he has been blessed with and brings to the Church. Instead people cluck about how much he isn't the same media superstar that JPII was, and people joke about how old or "scary" he (BXVI) looks.

I guess it's their loss, though. If people couldn't appreciate or recognize what Jesus did and still does in his own humility, I should expect nothing less from people as far as the pope is concerned now.

Edited by Ash Wednesday
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I think Pope Benedict, as well as Pope John Paul II did, is trying to get everyone back to the very core of our Faith, Jesus Christ Himself, and a deep and intimate relationship with Him. If we don't have that, nothing else matters.

[b]Pope says Christians must discover Jesus personally[/b]

By Carol Glatz
Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- To truly know Jesus requires discovering him personally, Pope Benedict XVI said at his weekly general audience.

While hearing about Christ through the Bible or through other people can introduce a person to Christian belief, "it must then be ourselves (who) become personally involved in an intimate and deep relationship with Jesus" in order to know he is truly the savior of the world, the pope said.

Under gray, cloudy skies the pope returned to the Vatican Oct. 4 by helicopter from his long summer stay at the papal residence in Castel Gandolfo, south of Rome.

Some 30,000 pilgrims packed into St. Peter's Square, where security was boosted by additional uniformed police officers -- some of whom held metal-detector wands -- posted along the periphery of the square.

The pope, however, continued his traditional tour of the square in his open jeep at the start of the audience, greeting pilgrims and kissing babies. Additional plainclothes Swiss Guards trailed the jeep.

Continuing a series of talks on the apostles, the pope focused his catechesis on St. Bartholomew, who is traditionally identified as Nathanael.

Little is known about this apostle, the pope said, which goes to show that "belonging to Jesus can be lived and witnessed without performing outstanding works."

It was Nathanael who, incredulous at first that the Messiah could come from an obscure town, said, "Can anything good come from Nazareth?"

But Philip urged him to "come and see" for himself. Jesus showed Nathanael that he already knew him and that he had seen him under a fig tree.

The pope said this struck Nathanael as proof that Jesus was someone who "knows everything about me, knows everything" in the world, including the right path to take in life, and that this was a man whom he could really trust.

It was then that Nathanael realized and proclaimed before Jesus that he was the Son of God and the king of Israel -- two aspects of Christ that all Christians must never lose sight of, the pope said.

Proclaiming only Christ's "heavenly dimension" as the Son of God risks turning him into something "ethereal and evanescent" or intangible and fleeting, said the pope, just as only recognizing his place in human history as the "king of peace" would overlook his divinity.

God bless

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[quote name='Jasvon' post='1085443' date='Oct 6 2006, 08:20 AM']
I think Pope Benedict, as well as Pope John Paul II did, is trying to get everyone back to the very core of our Faith, Jesus Christ Himself, and a deep and intimate relationship with Him. If we don't have that, nothing else matters.[/quote]


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Through my sources, of which I have several, I have known about this for awhile. I have had several misgivings, but if the Pope thinks that this is a good idea, then I think that I will support him on it.

[url="http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-2397919,00.html"]Pope set to bring back Latin Mass that divided the Church[/url].

This isn't from some right wing neo-con, proof is in the begruding language that ol' Ruthie uses, but rather I think that this is coming.

So, how is the Pope doing? Well, hot stuff, he is doing just fine, thanks. O the times they are a changin'.

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