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So How's The Pope Doing?


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[quote name='Budge' post='1078211' date='Sep 28 2006, 03:13 PM']
:P: :lol_roll: :lol_roll:

Actually that one was funny.

Sorry I dont have a teddy-bear fund right now..;)


and not in a 'derogatory-you-are-a-stupid-catholic-i-laugh-upon-you' way!


i love you Budge!

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[quote name='hot stuff' post='1077840' date='Sep 28 2006, 10:43 AM']
So I know a few folks that were dancing a little jig when then Cardinal Ratzinger was made pope. Proclamations were made that [list]
[*]Masses would return to latin
[*]guitars would be burned (as well as guitarists)
[*]German beers would dramatically come down in price
[/list]A little over a year later, what do you think of what the Holy Father has done so far? Are some folks frustrated that these things haven't occurred yet? Are folks concerned that perhaps sweeping changes against abuses might not happen? Are you satisfied that the Holy Father is being guided properly by the Holy Spirit? Were you surprised that his first encyclical was about the topic of love?
I gotta say a few things.

1. He isn't a bad pope, but he ain't John Paul II.
2. I would hate mass in latin. I prefer to be able to comprehend, and there for dwell on the words being said.
3. Guitars at mass got me going back to mass in the first place. It would be a shame to lose them as this is the situation with a lot of youth today.
4. German beer is nasty. Then again, most beer is. Go Guinness.

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[quote name='hot stuff' post='1077840' date='Sep 28 2006, 10:43 AM']
So I know a few folks that were dancing a little jig when then Cardinal Ratzinger was made pope. Proclamations were made that [list]
[*]Masses would return to latin
[*]guitars would be burned (as well as guitarists)
[*]German beers would dramatically come down in price
[/list]A little over a year later, what do you think of what the Holy Father has done so far? Are some folks frustrated that these things haven't occurred yet? Are folks concerned that perhaps sweeping changes against abuses might not happen? Are you satisfied that the Holy Father is being guided properly by the Holy Spirit? Were you surprised that his first encyclical was about the topic of love?
PS I was a little concerned that this topic could cause a problem with Phorum guidelines. But I spoke with dUSt about it and he thinks if some folks have some concerns or critiques about the Holy Father, they can talk about them respectfully and constructively.
I wasn't quite sure what to expect ... but honestly, I was glad to see that there weren't a bunch of changes right away. If there had been, it would have been an affront to the legacy of a great pope millions of people loved. And, I found it reassuring that his first encyclical was about love. Seeing someone in a position of great influence who has a well-earned reputation as an intellectual be able to speak eloquently about matters of the heart is encouraging.

As far as being concerned that sweeping changes against abuse might not happen ... that isn't, I suppose, such a big concern for me. Before I became Catholic, I was under the impression (delusion?) that there was some sort of system in place that ensured doctrinal compliance. That impression was destroyed pretty early on in my journey. In some ways, I wish it were different. The perfectionist bit of me would like to see every priest in every parish perfectly present church teaching. But the realist in me recognizes that we are all in process, even those in positions of trust and leadership. The axe of doctrine must always be wielded with love.

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Yeah, I'm kind of irritated that the venacular in the Mass hasn't been outlawed or at least made a special indult only granted to like one parish per diocese yet...

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His leadership's been fairly equal to what I expected. I was excited when he was elected over some of the other nominees. But back at the time I was actually hoping Arinze would get it.

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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1079397' date='Sep 29 2006, 03:58 PM']
Yeah, I'm kind of irritated that the venacular in the Mass hasn't been outlawed or at least made a special indult only granted to like one parish per diocese yet...
Well, I wouldn't hold my breath on that if I were you...

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[quote]But back at the time I was actually hoping Arinze would get it.[/quote]

I think it'd be kind of cool if Cardinal Arinze became pope after BXVI.

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I think we need to realize that from our own points of view, we might see needs for changes, and we could say "the problem with the mass is that's its not in Latin, or the problem with the mass is the guitars, or the problem with the mass is that cantor, man she's horrible, or the problem with the mass is there is no coffee afterwards, or the problem with the mass is girl servers, or the problem with the mass is..." My point is that there are so many things which need attention that the Pope guided by the Holy Spirit must work in accordance to what he sees in the Church. He is the Pope and what we see as needing to be fixed first, may not be what needs to be fixed first.

*clink, clink* 2 cents

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How about this. Maybe he hasn't changed the things mentioned in this thread because, they are not abuses. The Venacular is not an abuse, and adaptations were made to the GIRM by the US Bishops to allow string instruments and percussion in the US (I know Cam will fight me till the death about this). I think he is continuing the great work started by JPII.

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I don't think the USCCB had authority to change the GIRM, so therefore, string instruments and percussion are litrugically abusive at mass, and therefore, it is mortally sinful to have percussion or string instruments at Mass.

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[quote] Christ and the Pope Contrasted

Christ wore a crown of thorns. (Matthew 27:29) "Among (the pope's) insignia (is) .. the triple crown." (Externals of Catholic Church, Msgr. John O'Sullivan, p.9)

Christ said, "My Kingdom is not of this world." (John 18:36) The Pope is "Sovereign of the State of Vatican City" and "a temporal monarch." (Ibid., p.9)

Christ washed His disciples' feet, this manifesting a spirit of humility worthy of emulation by His followers. (John 13:5) For centuries, the Pope presented his foot to be kissed. (Catholic Dictionary of Theology, Volume III, p. 178)

Christ gave His Gospel free to all. (Matthew 8:10) The Pope authorizes stipends {a fixed sum of money} for Masses. (Priest Conway, The Question Box)

Christ said, "Call no man upon earth your father." (Matthew 23:9) "The Pope is usually mentioned as `Our Holy Father'". (Externals of Catholic Church, p.9)

Christ authorized the Holy Spirit as His Vicar on earth. (John 14:26) According the Catholic Alamanac, p. 145 "Christ chose St Peter to be .. his vicar on earth .. These powers were passed to his successors."

Christ is the Head of the Church. (Colossians 1:18) }According to the Catholic Almanac} "St. Peter, .. the head of the church ... these prerogatives passed to his successors."

Christ claims infallibility for Himself and the Word of God alone. (Matthew 24:35) "The successor of Peter .. is infallible in matters of faith and morals." (Externals of Catholic Church, O'Sullivan, p.5)

Christ taught that sin should be confessed to God. (1 John 1:9) "Sacramental confession is the act by which a person accuses himself of his sins to a priest." (Catholic Alamac, p. 279)

Christ taught His followers to pray to God through Him. (John 16:23) The Pope teaches his followers to pray to Mary. "We often more quickly obtain what we ask by calling on the name of Mary than by invoking that of Jesus." (Glories of Mary, Liguori, p. 254)

Christ is the one mediator between God and man. (1 Timothy 2:5) "We can honor the saints by praying to them." (St. Joseph's Catechism, p. 113)

Christ taught that salvation was by grace. (John 3:16) The Pope teaches salvation by works. "We sin by presumption when we trust that we can be saved by God alone without our own efforts." (St Peter's Catechism, p.33)

Christ was poor and lowly. (Matthew 22:19, Matthew 11:29) The material wealth of the Vatican, over which the Pope absolute monarch, is immense.

Christ has no place to lay His head. (Matthew 8:20) The Pope lives in a magnificent palace surrounded by wealth and pomp. (Excerpts from pamphlet written by Wendell Holmes Rone, adapted by Bill Jackson)

[mod]we don't link to anti-Catholic sites.[/mod]


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I think the Pope is doing an awesome job, especially emphasizing the importance of love and family in a world where they seem to have been forgotten. And as for the Mass changes, though I would like to see a more reverent Mass, I think the Pope has more pressing issues to worry about than whether a Mass has guitars or not.

Personally, I think that a Mass in Latin w/either Gregorian Chant or classical music and a Mass that is loud with guitars and percussion can be equally reverent as long as they are done correctly. I went to Mass at Franciscan when I visited and they had guitars and more contemporary music and it was beautifully done. The joy of the people was abundant and you could tell everyone really believed it, they weren't just going through the motions like many do at so many Catholic parishes I've been to.

OK, done with the hijack, just felt I had to say that part (about Mass music) :)

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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1080678' date='Oct 1 2006, 12:36 PM']
I don't think the USCCB had authority to change the GIRM, so therefore, string instruments and percussion are litrugically abusive at mass, and therefore, it is mortally sinful to have percussion or string instruments at Mass.
You have no proof, so stop with the accusations already.

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