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Socialism Tastes… Pretty Bland

Lounge Daddy

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[quote name='Raphael' post='1076844' date='Sep 27 2006, 04:31 PM']
I was told by a biologist that the debate was still out on which was better.

Personally, I use butter over margarine for all cooking purposes. The only margarine I use is Fleishman's Olive Oil-based margarine with no trans fat (because it's light, supposed to be good for your heart, and tasty).
Okay, I'll give you "the debate is still on as to which is overall better for you" but... many people have it in their heads that butter = bad and margerine = good and that's just not true.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='homeschoolmom' post='1076849' date='Sep 27 2006, 05:35 PM']
Okay, I'll give you "the debate is still on as to which is overall better for you" but... many people have it in their heads that butter = bad and margerine = good and that's just not true.
I agree with that.

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The government should not stick its nose where it doesn't belong.

This is all leading to a ban of tobacco. Banning it in public buildings. banning it in private buildings. Banning it within a certain distance of public buildings. Taxing it heavily. The massive billion-dollar lawsuits.

What's next? banning it outside? Banning it in private homes?

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Private homes do not have the general public coming into it at all hours of the day. There is nothing unreasonable about asking people to kill themselves OUTSIDE of an establishment, anymore than it's unreasonable to ask employees to wash their hands after using the restroom.

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If you don't want to wash your hands at home, don't. But when you run an establishment that serves the general public, the public authorities have a responsibility to ensure that their health is protected.

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Where does the Constitution say something has to be in the Constitution to be reasonable or valid? Where does the constitution restrict pornography?

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How about right HERE!

"Amendment X - Powers of the States and People. Ratified 12/15/1791.

The powers [b]not delegated to the United States by the Constitution,[/b] nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

The FEDERAL government has no buisness doing what it is doing

Edited by notardillacid
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That doesn't say something is wrong simply because it's not in the constitution. It says the local government is responsible for those matters which are not specifically given to the federal government.

The article Lounge Daddy linked to is about the state of New York proposing a ban, not the federal government.

The smoking bans are also a state-by-state matter, not federal. Some states have it, some don't. In some states, only select cities have the ban.

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[quote name='TrueImage' post='1076845' date='Sep 27 2006, 04:33 PM']
You know, it's just as legitimate to call the ban fascist as it is to call it socialist. Both are authoritarian.
Right on!
Ronald Reagan made a comment (more than a few times) that he didn’t give a carp about left and right… he saw things as up and down: down toward the prison, and up toward freedom.

And wanted us all to strive to look up. :D:

[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1076721' date='Sep 27 2006, 02:25 PM']
The businesses that are being regulated are private. The people who go there do not have to go there. Why are these private organizations being treated as a public entity? All for one and one for all or something, I don't know. I wouldn't call it socialistic, but it's a socialistic ish phenomenon.

Hell YES, Dairy! :cool:

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Freedom is not the right to do what you want, but the right to do what you ought, as the beloved Pope John Paul II reminded us many times. Just because you can fill the lungs of women and children with second hand smoke doesn't mean you're free.

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1076721' date='Sep 27 2006, 01:25 PM']
The businesses that are being regulated are private. The people who go there do not have to go there. Why are these private organizations being treated as a public entity? All for one and one for all or something, I don't know. I wouldn't call it socialistic, but it's a socialistic ish phenomenon.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' post='1076738' date='Sep 27 2006, 02:39 PM']
I agree about smoke, that's why I go pretty much to smoke free establishments.

Sure thing, this is why the owners choose how to establish [i]thier own buisness[/i] , and you choose whether or not to give them [i]your buisne$$[/i]

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