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United Nations-vatican Joined At The Hip


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Well its time for some realism and an examination of what the UN really is.

From UNESCO...{UN subsidiary}
[size=4]“It was also suggested that inter-religious dialogue should be preceded by intra-religious dialogue, and the dialogue should aim at the discovery of universal sources of consciousness. It was further suggested that all religions can come together in joint service to man[/size]. It was then pointed out that this joint service to man will be manifest in the promotion of human rights, justice and development that is sustainable and development that creates constant movements of harmony and good will.

[size=4]A suggestion was made that peace will come when we can accept in our own temple the divine presence celebrated in the temples of other religions.[/size] In a remarkable poetic expression, it was declared that as one advances in age, one learns more and more how to smile and wait. [size=4]It was also felt that a truly spiritual being wishes sincerely that a Christian should become a better Christian, that a Muslim should become a better Muslim, that a Buddhist should become a better Buddhist, instead of wishing that one should be converted from one religion to the other. True conversion, it was underlined, is the inner conversion from egoism to universality, [b]to the realization of the divinity of man [/b],[/size] and to the program of action of developing good individuals and enlightened citizens.[/quote]

[url="http://www.unesco.org/dialogue2001/delhi/values.html"]UNESCO LINK[/url]

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The Church supports some of the U.N. efforts to prevent war, violence, and terrorsim. however, the Church firmly oppose it's promotion of the other evils you have listed. It has fought those in the U.N. at every turn who promote such evils.

I recently went to a great speech on the U.N., from one who works with the U.N. to fight its godless agenda.
[url="http://www.christendom.edu/news/releases.shtml#ruse"]Story here: C-FAM's Ruse Explains the Real Threat of United Nations[/url]

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[quote]however, the Church firmly oppose it's promotion of the other evils you have listed. It has fought those in the U.N. at every turn who promote such evils.

If this is true, why does the Vatican support the increasing of the United Nations power?

Why does the Vatican support the UN's disarmament policies, {They just dont apply to nukes but hand guns}

[url="http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/secretariat_state/documents/rc_seg-st_doc_20001006_disarmament-martino_en.html"]VATICAN LINK[/url]

Every week one can find a Vatican representative praising and PROMOTING the UN. {sure theres a few criticisms from time to time, but the promotion of the organization remains paramount}

[quote]Code: ZE06091204

Date: 2006-09-12

Papal Message to U.N.-Related Prayer Service

"To Build a Future of Justice, Freedom and Peace"

NEW YORK, SEPT. 12, 2006 (Zenit.org).- Here is the text of the address delivered Monday by Archbishop Celestino Migliore, the Holy See's permanent observer to the United Nations, to the prayer service held on the occasion of the opening of the 61st Session of the U.N. General Assembly.

The address included a message sent in Benedict XVI's name by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Vatican secretary of state. The service was held at the Church of the Holy Family, New York.

* * *

Mr. Secretary-General and Mrs. Annan,
Madam President of the General Assembly,
Bishop Gerald Walsh,
Your Excellencies,
Dear Friends,

It gives me great pleasure to welcome all of you to this annual prayer service on the occasion of the opening of the 61st Session of the United Nations General Assembly. I would like to acknowledge and express my sincere thanks to His Eminence Cardinal Egan, who is recovering from recent knee surgery, for sending us his representative, Bishop Walsh. To Father Robert Robbins, pastor of this parish, thank you for your abiding and warm hospitality and for opening the doors of this lovely church for this prayer service.

I am delighted to acknowledge the gracious presence of His Excellency the secretary-general and Mrs. Kofi Annan, and Her Excellency Ms. Haya Rashed, president of the 61st Session of the General Assembly.
Mr. Secretary-General, you have been consistently assiduous during your long and fruitful tenure, in participating in this annual prayer service. It is good and symbolic to be united with you in prayer, to publicly acknowledge the privilege God has entrusted to us to work on behalf of the greater good of the family of nations.[/size]

Ambassador Al Khalifa, as you assume your new functions, we pray with you and for you that the Almighty sustain you in your resolve to serve the membership of the United Nations.

I am particularly pleased to acknowledge the presence among us this evening of representatives of member states as well as those of Christian and non-Christian religious communities.
We salute all the efforts made to build the capacity, working mechanisms, institutions of the U.N., and above all its willingness to stand with the peoples of the world and put its resources at their service.[/size] For these tools and instruments to be truly effective, however, they require something more: They need human minds and hearts, together with a firm political will, to make them productive. This is why we gather this evening in prayer. Prayer is addressed to God. In it we question him and, by implication, prayer also questions ourselves.

I am pleased to see among those present the faces of many friends and acquaintances, U.S. citizens and visitors with no immediate connection to the U.N., some of whom I met recently and who said to me: [size=4][u]We want to come and pray too, because we believe in the United Nations[/u], we believe it is an instrument for peace, and we want God to change our hearts so that all of us will work passionately for the betterment of humanity.[/size]

As we gather together in prayer this evening, we cannot help but remember also the sad events of 9/11 five years ago. May the commemorations held throughout the country today be an impetus to ask God to change hearts.

At this time I want to share with you the message which His Holiness Benedict XVI has sent us for this occasion through Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of state. It reads as follows:

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI sends cordial greetings to all gathered for the annual prayer service on the eve of the Sixty-first Session of the United Nations General Assembly. Acknowledging the progress made in the past year towards a more effective presence and activity of the United Nations organization in the areas of global peacekeeping and the protection of basic human rights, His Holiness expresses his hope that the review of the organization's structures undertaken on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of its founding will result in an increased practical commitment to meeting the needs and aspirations of the peoples of the developing world.

In the scheduled dialogue on international migration and development, and the midterm review of the program of action for the least developed countries, His Holiness sees a significant opportunity for realistic and responsible steps to deal with two of the most serious political and ethical questions facing the international community at the present time. Trusting that Almighty God will bestow upon all those associated with the work of the coming session the wisdom, perseverance and moral vision needed to confront these pressing issues, t[size=4]he Holy Father prays that they will be sustained in their efforts to build a future of justice, freedom and peace for the whole human family.[/size]

Cardinal Angelo Sodano
Secretary of State

[Original text in English; adapted]

email this article[/quote]

Why does the Vatican believe that the UN is even working for a future of justice, freedom and peace?

Its all platitudes, to support and promote a godless organization.


Concerning your link, I know there are INDIVIDUAL Catholics and a few Catholic groups, who are right about the UN and know some of the inherent dangers.

Sadly they dont seem to realize how the Vatican actually actively PROMOTES this organization.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1074091' date='Sep 24 2006, 06:24 PM']
Concerning your link, I know there are INDIVIDUAL Catholics and a few Catholic groups, who are right about the UN and know some of the inherent dangers.

Sadly they dont seem to realize how the Vatican actually actively PROMOTES this organization.
These individual Catholics and Catholic groups happen to be much more knowledgable about both the Vatican and the U.N. than you are, getting their knowledge from years of extensive personal professional experience, rather than from dingbat anti-Catholic websites and Jack Chick comics.

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I doubt all of them done their homework totally, have they read the endless pro-UN speeches of Sodano and Martino? The endless speeches that PROMOTE the UN via the Popes?

However, Ive read some of the articles by those Catholics, and in some cases, with the exception they are holding to the OTC stuff, they say the same things I say.

So here is a CATHOLIC fellow just like me wondering why the Vatican seeks more power for the evil UN...of course we have huge differences in belief, but he isnt imaging the promotion of the UN via the Vatican, it is really happening.

Vatican Seeks More Power for Evil U.N.

by Christopher A. Ferrara

In his landmark encyclical Ubi Arcano Dei (1922), Pope Pius XI warned against pursuit of an "illusory peace, written only on paper" following the First World War. His Holiness rejected the notion that there could be true peace in the world based on a secular "League of Nations." The true league of nations, he taught, is Christianity, and the center of that league of nations is the Holy Catholic Church, for "She alone is adapted to do this great work" of securing true peace in the world, and the Church alone "is divinely commissioned to lead mankind." Human schemes to create a secular peace "assuredly will fail," His Holiness accurately prophesied 17 years before World War II and the spread of world communism — the "errors of Russia" which continue to afflict the world in the present day.

Post-conciliar churchmen have rejected Pius XI’s wise counsel.[u] The Vatican apparatus — the same crew that has hounded Fr. Nicholas Gruner for so many years because of his success in promoting the Message of Fatima — now openly calls for a greater role for the United Nations as guarantor of "world peace." But the United Nations is infinitely worse in moral terms than the League of Nations Pius XI knew was doomed to failure. The U.N. has been instrumental in promoting throughout the world the "human rights" of abortion and contraception, even attempting to intimidate once-Catholic countries that have been insufficiently accepting of these "rights," as I have noted in previous columns. (See "New World Order Update" section of column archives.)[/u]

Unconcerned about the overwhelming evidence of the U.N.’s evil agenda — which even concerned Protestant commentators have remarked over and over again [b]—[u] the Vatican’s former observer to the United Nations, Archbishop Renato Martino, at a recent conference in New York City to commemorate the 40th anniversary of John XXIII’s encyclical Pacem in terris, argued "that the U.N. should have greater power." (CWNews, October 10, 2003) Archbishop Martino, now head of the "Pontifical Commission for Justice and Peace," is reported to have said that "the U.N. currently lacks the resources and the authority necessary for its mission of preserving world peace." In other words, the U.N. needs more money and more authority over us.[/u][/b]

But what of the Catholic principle of subsidiarity, as enunciated by Pius XI in his encyclical Quadragesimo Anno? According to this principle, political authority should be exercised at the lowest possible levels of government — by subsidiary, local organs, hence "subsidiarity" — in order to prevent the usurpation of local autonomy and the inevitable loss of freedom to Big Government. America’s current political regime is a veritable case study of what happens when the principle of subsidiarity is trampled.

CWNews notes that Archbishop Martino "made the unusual argument that the principle of subsidiarity points to the need for a greater structure of global government. The U.N. itself must be reformed, he said, to guarantee the rights of the member-nations. But the international body must also have the authority to exercise greater influence in a global society."

That certainly is an "unusual argument." How does one serve the principle of subsidiarity, which calls for political authority to be exercised at the lowest possible level, by promoting a global super-government dominated by militant secularists? This is more of the post-Conciliar nonsense we have become accustomed to since Vatican II. Along the same lines is the ridiculous claim that the New Mass of Paul VI, which he himself referred to as "this novelty," is really quite traditional. Global "subsidiarity" and novel "traditions" represent the sort of contradiction in terms which evidence that diabolical disorientation of the Church remarked by Sister Lucy.

As the Pope’s death seems very near, we can only shudder at what the Vatican apparatus and the Pope’s successor will do if they persevere in the lines established by, sad to say, John Paul II himself: "Peace" through the United Nations and prayer meetings with the practitioners of pagan religions; "Christian unity" through an ecumenism that confirms Protestants in their errors, which grow more egregious by the day; "liturgical reform" consisting of the massive disruption of every settled liturgical tradition in the Church.

Clearly, we live in a time when the Church has been invaded by an alien spirit. Or as Paul VI was forced to admit: "The opening to the world has become a veritable invasion of the Church by worldly thinking." That worldly thinking includes the Vatican’s insane campaign to increase the authority of the United Nations.

As the next papal conclave fast approaches, the battle for the Church will reach new levels of intensity. We will witness the working out of what the Third Secret undoubtedly predicted. As Our Lord told Sister Lucy, the Consecration of Russia will inevitably be accomplished, but "it will be late." How late will determine how much more damage the Church and the world will have to suffer from the Church’s invasion by worldly thinking. We can only hope and pray that John Paul II’s successor will be the one to bring the Fatima prophecy, culminating in Russia’s conversion and the flowering of true world peace, to its glorious and inevitable fulfillment. Until that day, we can only expect our situation to worsen, for God will not provide any remedy other than the one He has decreed for the Church in this time of confusion. I mean the remedy prescribed to the three shepherd children at Fatima and confirmed by a public miracle on October 13, 1917, whose anniversary the Vatican has (predictably enough) completely ignored. Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for Us![/quote]

By the way Jack Chick mostly ignores the UN...


Edited by Budge
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The political powers in the Vatican have often made errors in regards to aliiances.

That's changed no dogma.

This thread is pointless.

I'd put Jack Chick and the UN in the same category.

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Trads have the interfaith piece of the puzzle figured out but without dependence on Gods Word, and oddly in a religion that teaches you to follow men you KNOW are heretics, you folks are going to end up very lost and confused.

I thank God daily that I was born again, and came to know Jesus Christ personally, I could have ended up in the maze known as traditionalist Catholicism where people sadly follow leaders THEY KNOW ARE HERETICS.

Jesus warned of wolves in sheeps clothing for a reason, he didnt say follow them.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Budge' post='1075648' date='Sep 26 2006, 01:48 PM']
I thank God daily that I was born again, and came to know Jesus Christ personally, I could have ended up in the maze known as traditionalist Catholicism where people sadly follow leaders THEY KNOW ARE HERETICS.
Wow, so I'm not the only one, huh? Good to know. :)

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[u][b]TO BUDGE:[/b][/u]

dUSt (the webmaster and the guy who pays for your ability to post foolishness) has asked you not to use huge font sizes. please respect his request.

use the [b]bold feature[/b], the[u] underline feature[/u], the [i]italics feature[/i] or the [color="#FF0000"]colors feature. [/color] or[b][i] [u][color="red"]heck, all four![/b][/u][/color][/i]

Edited by Lil Red
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[quote]Unconcerned about the overwhelming evidence of the U.N.’s evil agenda — which even concerned Protestant commentators have remarked over and over again — the Vatican’s former observer to the United Nations[b],[size=2] Archbishop Renato Martino, at a recent conference in New York City to commemorate the 40th anniversary of John XXIII’s encyclical Pacem in terris, argued "that the U.N. should have greater power.[/size]"[/b] (CWNews, October 1[/quote]

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Steve in Vista

[quote name='Budge' post='1073660' date='Sep 24 2006, 08:12 AM']
These plans are being put into play of course now, this is acouple years old, but continuing as always...
There it is all condensed into one sentence, the large one in bold above......

"the U.N. can always count on the Holy See to be not only an attentive permanent observer, but also a traveling companion.."[/b]

"Fellow Traveller" with the ONE WORLD GOVT organization working hard to be the Universal end times Revelation 17 church, united with the globalists and one world government, which is warned of in Revelation.
[font="Arial Black"]
Rev 17:13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.[/font]

"Let those with eyes see and ears hear"

[url="http://news.google.com/nwshp?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official_s&tab=wn&q=Vatican%20and%20UN"]CATCH THE LATEST TRAVELING TOGETHER HERE[/url]



CHAP. 24.—IDOLS ARE THE MEANS BY WHICH DEMONS ENSNARE MEN TO DAMNATION…For although man made gods, it did not follow that he who made them was not held captive by them, when, by worshipping them, he was drawn into fellowship with them,--into the fellowship not of stolid idols, but of cunning demons; for what are idols but what they are represented to be in the same Scriptures, "They have eyes, but they do not see,"(2) and, though artistically fashioned, are still without life and sensation? But unclean spirits, associated through that wicked art with these same idols, have miserably taken captive the souls of their worshippers, by bringing them down into fellowship with themselves. Whence the apostle says, "We know that an idol is nothing, but those things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons, and not to God; and I would not ye should have fellowship with demons."(3) …"Sing unto the Lord a new song; sing unto the Lord, all the earth. Sing unto the Lord, bless His name; declare well His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, among all people His wonderful things. For great is the Lord, and much to be praised: He is terrible above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols of demons: but the Lord made the heavens."(4)

… a time was coming when the worship of idols should be abolished, and the domination of the demons over those who worshipped them (by Jesus Christ condemning and defeating paganism)


CHAP. 5.--For then death was incurred by sinning, now righteousness is fulfilled by dying. In the case of the holy martyrs it is so; for to them the persecutor proposes the alternative, apostasy or death. For the righteous prefer by believing to suffer what the first transgressors suffered by not believing. For unless they had sinned, they would not have died; but the martyrs sin if they do not die. The one died because they sinned, the others do not sin because they die. By the guilt of the first, punishment was incurred; by the punishment of the second, guilt is prevented. Not that death, which was before an evil, has become something good, but only that God has granted to faith this grace, that death, which is the admitted opposite to life, should become the instrument by which life is reached.


CHAP. 21. …For if they assert that in their republic the Romans did not serve unclean spirits, but good and holy gods, must we therefore again reply to this evasion, though already we have said enough, and more than enough, to expose it? He must be an uncommonly stupid, or a shamelessly contentious person, who has read through the foregoing books to this point, and can yet question whether the Romans (or any other pagans as Augustine makes the point time and again) served wicked and impure demons. But, not to speak of their character, it is written in the law of the true God, "He that sacrificeth unto any god save unto the Lord only, be shall be utterly destroyed."{Augustine’s quote from Ex:22:20:

20 He that sacrificeth to gods, shall be put to death, save only to the Lord. (DRV) which St. Augustine quotes many times to drive the point home.} The dreadful sanction of this command makes it clear that God wanted no sacrifices offered to such gods, good or evil. (As St. Augustine states repeatedly elswhere, all the other gods are, in reality, evil.)


But it may be replied, Who is this God, or what proof is there that He alone is worthy to receive sacrifice from theRomans? One must be very blind to be still asking who this God is. He is the God whose prophets predicted the things we see accomplished. He is the God from whom Abraham received the assurance, "In thy seed shall all nations be blessed."(2)That this was fulfilled in Christ, who according to the flesh sprang from that seed, is recognized, … He is the God whose divine Spirit spake by the men whose predictions I cited in the preceding books, and which are fulfilled in the Church which has extended over all the world.



In this oracle of his god Apollo, Porphyry avowed that the God of the Hebrews is so great that the deities themselves are afraid before Him. I am surprised, therefore, that when God said, He that sacrificeth to other gods shall be utterly destroyed, Porphyry himself was not afraid lest he should be destroyed for sacrificing to other gods. (which false sacrifice Porphyry did offer and caused others to do)
This philosopher, however, has also some (pretended) good to say of Christ, oblivious, as it were, of that contumely (slanderous lies) of his of which we have just been speaking; or as if his gods spoke evil of Christ only while asleep, and recognized Him to be good, and gave Him His deserved praise, when they awoke. For, as if he were about to proclaim some marvellous thing passing belief, he says, "What we are going to say will certainly take some by surprise. For the gods have declared that Christ was very pious, and has become immortal, and that they cherish his memory: that the Christians, however, are polluted, contaminated, and involved in error. And many other such things," he says, "do the gods say against the Christians."

St. Augustine in the rest of this chapter goes on to relate how Porphyry then claims that one of pagan goddesses, Hecate, the underworld three headed goddess of black magic whose animal familiar was a dog, claimed that Jesus Christ was not resurrected in the flesh but only spiritually and was only a good man and not God. St. Augustine absolutely condemns this as diabolic lies by enemies of Christians.



I see that I must omit many of the statements of the gospels and epistles about this last judgment, that this volume may not become unduly long; but I can on no account omit what the Apostle Paul says, in writing to the Thessalonians, "We beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,"(2) etc.
No one can doubt that he wrote this of Antichrist and of the day of judgment, which he here calls the day of the Lord, nor that he declared that this day should not come unless he first came who is called the apostate --apostate, to wit, from the Lord God. And if this may justly be said of all the ungodly, how much more of him? But it is uncertain in what temple he shall sit, whether in that ruin of the temple which was built by Solomon, or in the Church; for the apostle would not call the temple of any idol or demon the temple of God. And on this account some think that in this passage Antichrist means not the prince himself alone, but his whole body, that is, the mass of men who adhere to him, along with him their prince; and they also think that we should render the Greek more exactly were we to read, not "in the temple of God," but "for" or "as the temple of God," as if he himself were the temple of God, the Church.(3) Then as for the words, "And now ye know what withholdeth," i.e., ye know what hindrance or cause of delay there is, "that he might be revealed in his own time;" …(St. Justin Martyr says this is Jesus Christ Himself Who “withholdeth”)…"For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now holdeth, let him hold until he be taken out of the way: and then shall the wicked be revealed?" … That which there is no doubt he said is this, that Christ will not come to judge the quick and dead unless Antichrist, His adversary, first come to seduce those who are dead in soul; although their seduction is a result of God's secret judgment already passed. For, as it is said "his presence shall be after the working of Satan, with all power, and signs, and lying wonders, and with all seduction of unrighteousness in them that perish." For then shall Satan be loosed, and by means of that Antichrist shall work with all power in a lying though a wonderful manner. …they shall be such signs and wonders as shall seduce those who shall deserve to be seduced, "because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved." Neither did the apostle hesitate to go on to say, "For this cause God shall send upon them the working of error that they should believe a lie." For God shall send, because God shall permit the devil to do these things, the permission being by His own just judgment, though the doing of them is in pursuance of the devil's unrighteous and malignant purpose, "that they all might be judged who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." Therefore, being judged, they shall be seduced, and, being seduced, they shall be judged. But, being judged, they shall be seduced by those secretly just and justly secret judgments of God, with which He has never ceased to judge since the first sin of the rational creatures; and, being seduced, they shall be judged in that last and manifest judgment administered by Jesus Christ, who was Himself most unjustly judged and shall most justly judge.

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Steve in Vista

[quote name='Budge' post='1076619' date='Sep 27 2006, 10:10 AM']
So does this mean youre against the Vatican kissy-face with the UN Steve?

Number one, you don't have to use that kind of language. Formal language is much more effective. I am for Jesus Christ. I reject the non-sense that comes down the pike from time to time almost always in a political context to be sure. Go back to the reformation and you will find that with certain exceptions (such as pacifist ana-Baptists, not all of them were, I am refering to those that were sick to death of the killing), most of the motivation such as that of the Lutheran Princes was greed, money, lands and more greed. However, the same is true of Cardinal Richelieu and Cardinal Mazarin and Louis the Sun King of France heir to those two most infamous prelates' machinations. The same is also true today of the Christian Dispensationalist Zionist docetic gnostic apostasy from Christ and their support of anything the war monger Bush does. Do you oppose the brutal murders and pillage of the Palestinian Catholic and Orthodox Church members by Israel since 1948 until the present? Christian Dispensationalist Zionists glory in it thinking they have happened onto a timeline THAT JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF SAID NO MAN KNOWS. The reason they do that is to trap the unwary and tell them to send their "love donations" in paranoid fear and greed to some evil false prophet like Benny Hinn or Paul Crouch. Statements many times by some Catholics may even be flawed. But the motivation is to seek relief for the exact people that Jesus said to help! The folks that fit most exactly to what St. Augustine was speaking about as Antichrist pretend Christians, are the Christian Dispensationalist Zionists. My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ said:

1 ¶ Then shall the kingdom of heaven be like to ten virgins, who taking their lamps went out to meet the bridegroom and the bride.
2 And five of them were foolish and five wise.
3 But the five foolish, having taken their lamps, did not take oil with them.
4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with the lamps.
5 And the bridegroom tarrying, they all slumbered and slept.
6 And at midnight there was a cry made: Behold the bridegroom cometh. Go ye forth to meet him.
7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.
8 And the foolish said to the wise: Give us of your oil, for our lamps are gone out.
9 The wise answered, saying: Lest perhaps there be not enough for us and for you, go ye rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves.
10 Now whilst they went to buy the bridegroom came: and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage. And the door was shut.
11 But at last came also the other virgins, saying: Lord, Lord, open to us.
12 But he answering said: Amen I say to you, I know you not.
13 Watch ye therefore, because you know not the day nor the hour.
14 ¶ For even as a man going into a far country called his servants and delivered to them his goods;
15 And to one he gave five talents, and to another two, and to another one, to every one according to his proper ability: and immediately he took his journey.
16 And he that had received the five talents went his way and traded with the same and gained other five.
17 And in like manner he that had received the two gained other two.
18 But he that had received the one, going his way, digged into the earth and hid his lord's money.
19 But after a long time the lord of those servants came and reckoned with them.
20 And he that had received the five talents coming, brought other five talents, saying: Lord, thou didst deliver to me five talents. Behold I have gained other five over and above.
21 His lord said to him: Well done, good and faithful servant, because thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will place thee over many things. Enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
22 And he also that had received the two talents came and said: Lord, thou deliveredst two talents to me. Behold I have gained other two.
23 His lord said to him: Well done, good and faithful servant: because thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will place thee over many things. Enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
24 But he that had received the one talent, came and said: Lord, I know that thou art a hard man; thou reapest where thou hast not sown and gatherest where thou hast not strewed.
25 And being afraid, I went and hid thy talent in the earth. Behold here thou hast that which is thine.
26 And his lord answering, said to him: Wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sow not and gather where I have not strewed.
27 Thou oughtest therefore to have committed my money to the bankers: and at my coming I should have received my own with usury.
28 Take ye away therefore the talent from him and give it him that hath ten talents.
29 For to every one that hath shall be given, and he shall abound: but from him that hath not, that also which he seemeth to have shall be taken away.
30 And the unprofitable servant, cast ye out into the exterior darkness. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
31 ¶ And when the Son of man shall come in his majesty, and all the angels with him, then shall he sit upon the seat of his majesty.
32 And all nations shall be gathered together before him: and he shall separate them one from another, as the shepherd separateth the sheep from the goats:
33 [b] [u][color="#FF0000"]And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his left.
34 Then shall the king say to them that shall be on his right hand: Come, ye blessed of my Father, possess you the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
35 For I was hungry, and you gave me to eat: I was thirsty, and you gave me to drink: I was a stranger, and you took me in:
36 Naked, and you covered me: sick, and you visited me: I was in prison, and you came to me.
37 Then shall the just answer him, saying: Lord, when did we see thee hungry and fed thee: thirsty and gave thee drink?
38 Or when did we see thee a stranger and took thee in? Or naked and covered thee?
39 Or when did we see thee sick or in prison and came to thee?
40 And the king answering shall say to them: Amen I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me.
41 Then he shall say to them also that shall be on his left hand: Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire, which was prepared for the devil and his angels.
42 For I was hungry and you gave me not to eat: I was thirsty and you gave me not to drink.
43 I was a stranger and you took me not in: naked and you covered me not: sick and in prison and you did not visit me.
44 Then they also shall answer him, saying: Lord, when did we see thee hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to thee?
45 Then he shall answer them, saying: Amen: I say to you, as long as you did it not to one of these least, neither did you do it to me.
46 And these shall go into everlasting punishment: but the just, into life everlasting[/color].[/u][/b](DRV)

Psalm 1:1 Beatus vir qui non abiit in consilio impiorum... Blessed is that man who doesn't walk in the counsel of the impious

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