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This is IRONIC! - Debates With Prots Forbidden?


[quote] By a decree of Alexander IV (1254-1261) inserted in "Sextus Decretalium", Lib. V, c. ii, and still in force, [size=4]all laymen are forbidden, under threat of excommunication, to dispute publicly or privately with heretics on the Catholic Faith.[/size] The text reads: "Inhibemus quoque, ne cuiquam laicæ personæ liceat publice vel privatim de fide catholicâ disputare. Qui vero contra fecerit, excommunicationis laqueo innodetur." [size=4](We furthermore forbid any lay person to engage in dispute, either private or public, concerning the Catholic Faith. Whosoever shall act contrary to this decree, let him be bound in the fetters of excommunication.)[/size]

What should all those Catholic apologists do?

Uh oh, you are all now excommunicated. Pick up your check, youre done, and go find good Christian churches...

:lol_roll: :lol_roll:

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[quote name='Budge' post='1073655' date='Sep 24 2006, 09:04 AM']
This is IRONIC! - Debates With Prots Forbidden?

[quote]By a decree of Alexander IV (1254-1261) inserted in "Sextus Decretalium", Lib. V, c. ii, and still in force, all laymen are forbidden, under threat of excommunication, to dispute publicly or privately with heretics on the Catholic Faith. The text reads: "Inhibemus quoque, ne cuiquam laicæ personæ liceat publice vel privatim de fide catholicâ disputare. Qui vero contra fecerit, excommunicationis laqueo innodetur." (We furthermore forbid any lay person to engage in dispute, either private or public, concerning the Catholic Faith. Whosoever shall act contrary to this decree, let him be bound in the fetters of excommunication.)[/quote]

What should all those Catholic apologists do?

Uh oh, you are all now excommunicated. Pick up your check, youre done, and go find good Christian churches...

:lol_roll: :lol_roll:

Budge, Budge, Budge......

Unfortunately you treat that snippet like you treat Sacred Scripture.

What else is said in that New Advent article.......

[quote]To discuss as doubting the truth of the faith, is a sin; to discuss for the purpose of refuting error, is praiseworthy. At the same time the character of the audience must be considered. If they are well instructed and firm in their belief, there is no danger; if they are simple-minded then, where they are solicited by unbelievers to abandon their faith, a public defence is needful, provided it can be undertaken by competent parties.[/quote]

[quote]This law, like all penal laws, must be very narrowly construed. The terms Catholic Faith and dispute have a technical signification. The former term refers to questions purely theological; the latter to disputations more or less formal, and engrossing the attention of the public. There are numerous questions, somewhat connected with theology, which many laymen who have received no scientific theological training can treat more intelligently than a priest.[/quote]

So, when you look at anything, you must look at it in context and not simply with a narrow mind. So, defending the faith is completely acceptable, but disputing it as a matter of the Catholic doubting the faith is what is not permissable.

It smells of elderberries dealing with someone who actually has a degree in Theology, huh?

Good luck on the next freaky-deaky misinterpretation.

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[quote]To discuss as doubting the truth of the faith, is a sin; to discuss for the purpose of refuting error, is praiseworthy. At the same time the character of the audience must be considered. If they are well instructed and firm in their belief, there is no danger; if they are simple-minded then, where they are solicited by unbelievers to abandon their faith, a public defence is needful, provided it can be undertaken by competent parties.[/quote]

Ah 20 disclaimers.


Why cant they ever say something direct ever?

I think theology degrees only serve to make people more confused.

Most pastors coming out of even Prot seminaries that focus more on theology are getting further and further away from Gods Word.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1073707' date='Sep 24 2006, 11:39 AM']
Ah 20 disclaimers.


Why cant they ever say something direct ever?

I think theology degrees only serve to make people more confused.

Most pastors coming out of even Prot seminaries that focus more on theology are getting further and further away from Gods Word.

Actually, theology degrees make things clearer.

And your answer is obvious and was expected. Why Ohhhhhhh Why can't they, blah blah blah..... The answer is that they do make things clearer, but the understanding of the answer comes from education. Hence the degree in theology.

Good luck, you need it. You are failing.

When you are ready to hear the Truth of the Church again, we will be here. God Bless.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Budge' post='1073707' date='Sep 24 2006, 01:39 PM']
Most pastors coming out of even Prot seminaries that focus more on theology are getting further and further away from Gods Word.
No one who studies good theology gets far from God's word. It's like the difference between a coworker and a husband. The coworker sees a woman well-dressed, proper, and cordial; he would not recognize her as the husband does: unclothed, loving, trusting, and intimate.

Catholic theology delves into God's word so as to make the theologian intimate with God's ways. Fundamentalism takes God's word at face value, not wanting to look any deeper. That's why fundamentalists find it so hard to recognize Catholic Scriptural theology as Christian. It's simply too intimate for them.

Edited by Raphael
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Catholic theology delves into God's word so as to make the theologian intimate with God's ways. Fundamentalism takes God's word at face value, not wanting to look any deeper. That's why fundamentalists find it so hard to recognize Catholic Scriptural theology as Christian. It's simply too intimate for them.[/quote]

Most theologists today have become nominal agnostics. Theology is corrupt with modernism. They follow human wisdom instead of God's wisdom and endless vain philosophies.

Theologists are basically the SCRIBES of today.

Luk 11:44 Woe unto you, [size=5]scribes[/size] and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are as graves which appear not, and the men that walk over [them] are not aware [of them].

Theologians do not become more intimate with God, they become more intimate with themselves and a god of their own making.

Edited by Budge
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On what authority can you equate "theologists" with scribes and then quote a verse to "prove" your point??? You can't just make stuff up.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Budge' post='1073751' date='Sep 24 2006, 02:26 PM']
Most theologists today have become nominal agnostics. Theology is corrupt with modernism. They follow human wisdom instead of God's wisdom and endless vain philosophies.

Theologists are basically the SCRIBES of today.

Luk 11:44 Woe unto you, [size=5]scribes[/size] and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are as graves which appear not, and the men that walk over [them] are not aware [of them].

Theologians do not become more intimate with God, they become more intimate with themselves and a god of their own making.

I said those who study good theology. It's an unfortunate fact that there are false theologians...just one branch of the false prophets we were warned about since the beginning.

How do you know the good theologians? They are the ones who agree with Christ's Church, which He promised would not fall.

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I said those who study good theology. It's an unfortunate fact that there are false theologians...just one branch of the false prophets we were warned about since the beginning.

How do you know the good theologians? They are the ones who agree with Christ's Church, which He promised would not fall.[/quote]

Good theology in the Catholic Church?

Like Scott Hahn telling us the Holy Spirit is feminine?

Not one adheres to Gods Word, they invent their own theories THEOLOGY, about God, to circumvent Gods Word.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Budge' post='1073770' date='Sep 24 2006, 02:38 PM']
Good theology in the Catholic Church?

Like Scott Hahn telling us the Holy Spirit is feminine?

Not one adheres to Gods Word, they invent their own theories THEOLOGY, about God, to circumvent Gods Word.
Dr. Hahn never said that the Holy Spirit was feminine. You completely misunderstand his point.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1073770' date='Sep 24 2006, 02:38 PM']
Good theology in the Catholic Church?

Like Scott Hahn telling us the Holy Spirit is feminine?

Not one adheres to Gods Word, they invent their own theories THEOLOGY, about God, to circumvent Gods Word.
What part of this didn't you understand?:
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If you wish is debate something frame it within the above terms or you will be warned or suspended. Most people here are members of the Catholic Church, not "Catholic Church". The head of our Church is Benedict 16th, not Benny.
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Dr. Hahn never said that the Holy Spirit was feminine. You completely misunderstand his point.[/quote]

[url="http://www.newoxfordreview.org/note.jsp?did=0105-notes-hahn"]DID THESE CATHOLICS MISUNDERSTAND TOO?[/url]

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Budge' post='1073785' date='Sep 24 2006, 02:52 PM']
[url="http://www.newoxfordreview.org/note.jsp?did=0105-notes-hahn"]DID THESE CATHOLICS MISUNDERSTAND TOO?[/url]
That article sites the Remnant, which is a radical traditionalist newspaper. They hate orthodoxy as much as you do. Of course they would want to jump all over his theology and treat him like a heretic. I have met Dr. Hahn and his whole family. They are perfectly orthodox Catholics.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1073655' date='Sep 24 2006, 11:04 AM']
This is IRONIC! - Debates With Prots Forbidden?


What should all those Catholic apologists do?

Uh oh, you are all now excommunicated. Pick up your check, youre done, and go find good Christian churches...

:lol_roll: :lol_roll:

So by your interpretation, you're forcing us to disobey our laws because you are posting here to debate with us, thereby making us go against what we believe is right, thus you are telling us that we should not listen to authority and we should do things even if we think it's wrong just because SOMEBODY (anybody) thinks it's right.

So, we can do whatever we want to do as long as somebody thinks we're right?
Don't lie and try to say you're not telling us this. You're debating with us about this, and by debating with us you are forcing us to go against what that piece of text says (in your interpretation).

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