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Prayers For Discerners In Australia....


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Out of pure :annoyed: :( I thought I would put a request here.

Would those who are willing, please pray for people here in Australia who are discerning......its really an up hill battle here.

Why......well the habited (trad/enclosed) orders you can count on your fingers. (the various Carmels, Tyburn, Jamberoo, Redemptoristines and two Poor Clare houses).

Ok, there are a couple active orders that are habited also, roughly another six orders.
Many don't respond to enquiries (I emailed one order 4 times and never got a response). They are Dominican!!!!!! :idontknow: From what I see in the USA they are more than happy to respond.

And the focus is so much on Priesthood that even the sisters who work in vocations offices are focused on Priestly vocations. :annoyed: :annoyed: :annoyed:
Ok, that is important.....but what happens to the young women.

So out of pure frustration I ask the Pham here to please pray for us out here, also I am adding the links to some Aussie orders for your :drool: :drool: :drool:

[url="http://jamberooabbey.org.au"]Jamberoo Abbey[/url]

[url="http://carmelite.com"]Aussie Carmels[/url]


Please re-type the redemptoristines in....links don't work, sorry :ohno:

The Redemptoristines are in serious condition....and could use some vocations.

Have fun looking and thanks for your prayers,

Edited by In His Light
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[quote name='In His Light' post='1073540' date='Sep 24 2006, 03:44 AM']
Out of pure :annoyed: :( I thought I would put a request here.

Would those who are willing, please pray for people here in Australia who are discerning......its really an up hill battle here.

Why......well the habited (trad/enclosed) orders you can count on your fingers. (the various Carmels, Tyburn, Jamberoo, Redemptoristines and two Poor Clare houses).

Ok, there are a couple active orders that are habited also, roughly another six orders.
Many don't respond to enquiries (I emailed one order 4 times and never got a response). They are Dominican!!!!!! :idontknow: From what I see in the USA they are more than happy to respond.

And the focus is so much on Priesthood that even the sisters who work in vocations offices are focused on Priestly vocations. :annoyed: :annoyed: :annoyed:
Ok, that is important.....but what happens to the young women.

So out of pure frustration I ask the Pham here to please pray for us out here, also I am adding the links to some Aussie orders for your :drool: :drool: :drool:

[url="http://jamberooabbey.org.au"]Jamberoo Abbey[/url]

[url="http://carmelite.com"]Aussie Carmels[/url]


Please re-type the redemptoristines in....links don't work, sorry :ohno:

The Redemptoristines are in serious condition....and could use some vocations.

Have fun looking and thanks for your prayers,

Let's try this:


I have been very concerned about vocations in Australia. There are more traddie orders in the works, so eventually, something will be founded.

I keep getting inspirations to do something for the Aboriginies, who are classed as "native fauna" by the government. I used to correspond with a discerner from Australia, and she had just come off of three years of study of the situation. Very archaic and cruel laws. Problem is, I wouldn't know under which patronage to place the new religious insitute. My first thought was "Mary, Mirror of Justice."

The Aussie discerner had to go to the U.S. for her vocation. I think she may have entered the Franciscans of the Immaculate. Last I heard from her, she was going on retreat with them. That was over a year ago.

I also recall reading the profile of the Servants of the Blessed Sacrament down there. They discarded the habit because "we are not medievalists." They have no vocations, and are setting up long-term care for their members.

I think if you could find a good, conservative bishop; ask to meet with him; and open your heart to him, something might happen where vocations are concerned.

And if you're feeling the stirrings of the Holy Ghost in your own heart (re: a new charism), start writing it down.


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Sr Mary Catharine OP

[quote name='Gemma' post='1073623' date='Sep 24 2006, 09:18 AM']
Let's try this:


I have been very concerned about vocations in Australia. There are more traddie orders in the works, so eventually, something will be founded.

I keep getting inspirations to do something for the Aboriginies, who are classed as "native fauna" by the government. I used to correspond with a discerner from Australia, and she had just come off of three years of study of the situation. Very archaic and cruel laws. Problem is, I wouldn't know under which patronage to place the new religious insitute. My first thought was "Mary, Mirror of Justice."

The Aussie discerner had to go to the U.S. for her vocation. I think she may have entered the Franciscans of the Immaculate. Last I heard from her, she was going on retreat with them. That was over a year ago.

I also recall reading the profile of the Servants of the Blessed Sacrament down there. They discarded the habit because "we are not medievalists." They have no vocations, and are setting up long-term care for their members.

I think if you could find a good, conservative bishop; ask to meet with him; and open your heart to him, something might happen where vocations are concerned.

And if you're feeling the stirrings of the Holy Ghost in your own heart (re: a new charism), start writing it down.


Australia is blessed to have Bishop Anthony Fisher who happens to be a Dominican. He and the other Friars there are anxious to have a monastery of contemplative nuns. Probably that will be where the next foundation will be from the USA. We have one Aussie discerning with us and I'd love it if there could be more because then they could go back and make a foundation!

There is a new Dominican community of [url="http://users.dragnet.com.au/~veritas/"]Sisters[/url] but I don't belive they have email.

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What about Cardinal Pell? I'm sure he's a busy as nothing else, but he'd probably love to receive a letter from you talking about your cares, worries and frustrations, and to ask for his prayers.

Meanwhile, be assured of my prayers too. It's not easy, but God will make our burden light :sign:

Love and prayers,


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It's sad to think that Australia is struggling with vocations like that, we are pretty lucky here in the US to have some wonderful, traditional orders (and some not so much) who usually do respond, you and your fellow Catholic Australians will be in my prayers.

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[quote name='HeavenlyCalling' post='1073643' date='Sep 24 2006, 10:52 AM']
It's sad to think that Australia is struggling with vocations like that, we are pretty lucky here in the US to have some wonderful, traditional orders (and some not so much) who usually do respond, you and your fellow Catholic Australians will be in my prayers.

My friend I understand what you talking about. Canada is in the same boat but I believe the tide is going to turn. The Holy Father met with our Bishops and He had some tough words for them. For many us all we could say was "Amen" to that.

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[quote name='In His Light' post='1073540' date='Sep 24 2006, 02:44 AM']
Out of pure :annoyed: :( I thought I would put a request here.

Would those who are willing, please pray for people here in Australia who are discerning......its really an up hill battle here.

Why......well the habited (trad/enclosed) orders you can count on your fingers. (the various Carmels, Tyburn, Jamberoo, Redemptoristines and two Poor Clare houses).

I think that's part of the reason why the Sisters of Life were so happy to visit Australia & New Zealand.

You have my prayers

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Thanks everyone.

[b]Gemma: [/b] Australia's patron is Our Lady Help of Christians, so there maybe an idea....goodness knows we could do with some help. And yes I have had some thought about a charism, but........I think the amount of hoops I would need to jump through would be too much. (I am also on your founders forum).

[b]Sr Mary Catherine:[/b] Regretfully the order you mention wants people under 30 and I am 30, and having been told forget it one too many times by orders with similar purposes, as I am both 30 and a recent convert so, I have not contacted them.

BTW how would someone discern with you at that distance???? Ok, I have been talking to Sr Rita at the Adorers over there for some general talk/sounding board purposes, but isn't the distance too great???? Mmmmmm sounds interesting, (thoughtful look) could we chat via PM......."bells going off in head".

Otherwise thanks everyone else :) goodness knows it not easy here.


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[quote name='Gemma' post='1073623' date='Sep 24 2006, 10:18 PM']

I keep getting inspirations to do something for the Aboriginies, who are classed as "native fauna" by the government.


I beg your pardon???????? ;)

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[quote name='cappie' post='1074470' date='Sep 25 2006, 01:52 AM']
I beg your pardon???????? ;)

I'm quoting a college student who had just come off of three years of studying the situation. :idontknow:

Hey, Belinda, perhaps you and Cappie could get together off-board?


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[quote name='In His Light' post='1073540' date='Sep 24 2006, 02:44 AM']
[url="http://jamberooabbey.org.au"]Jamberoo Abbey[/url]

Their habits are lovely! I really enjoyed their website. Thanks for passing it along. And, of course, many prayers for your country.

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Ahhh Belinda, I'm in an even worse boat than you. NZ is even more of a desert when it comes to faithful orders. :(

I agree with Magnificat and I must say I was thrilled to meet some of the Sisters of Life. -- We have the Little Sisters of the Poor and the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master, they both wear a modified habit and are very sweet, but there are no Dominican orders here, nor are there any women Franciscans. :(

As for discerning with geographically distant communities... I say go for it, if it seems to be the right step to take. :) At the moment, the only communities I am in vocational contact with are overseas. :) It's hard, especially on family, but if it's His will... then, what can we do? If I were to enter religious life in a foreign country, I'd want to bring the order back TO NZ.....we need it. ;)

You are definitely in my prayers. :)

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[quote name='memtherose' post='1075378' date='Sep 26 2006, 07:30 PM']
Ahhh Belinda, I'm in an even worse boat than you. NZ is even more of a desert when it comes to faithful orders. :(

I agree with Magnificat and I must say I was thrilled to meet some of the Sisters of Life. -- We have the Little Sisters of the Poor and the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master, they both wear a modified habit and are very sweet, but there are no Dominican orders here, nor are there any women Franciscans. :(

As for discerning with geographically distant communities... I say go for it, if it seems to be the right step to take. :) At the moment, the only communities I am in vocational contact with are overseas. :) It's hard, especially on family, but if it's His will... then, what can we do? If I were to enter religious life in a foreign country, I'd want to bring the order back TO NZ.....we need it. ;)

You are definitely in my prayers. :)

I was wondering about the situation over your way?
The Dominicans here are out of habit and don't answer, not sure about the order that Sr Mary Catherine mentioned, sending them a letter today.
The Francisans never answered me either!

I'm really starting to think its a real lack of interest in some of the congregations!!!!!
I emailed one a week ago asking for written information and was referred back to their website by them :ohno: .

I can't put a website in the back of my office book! I can't kneel with a website at my bedside and pray about it!!! So I am wondering more and more....... :idontknow:

So I have emailed 3 orders in the USA.

Just to give you "guys" in the USA a better picture, here is the major vocation site for Australia.

[url="http://www.catholicozvocations.org/index.php"]Oz vocations[/url]

You will see that some only have a town as reference, and some have no information on them at all.

Yet the sites in the USA are amazing.
I've been talking to Sr Rita who is in charge of Life Choices for the Adorers over there and she quite blunty tells me I could "fall into" an order over there with my profile......so that adds to frustration.

What have you guys got that we are missing?????


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I agree it does look like Australian religious orders are in a bad way.
I pray that, particularly, Blessed Mary Mackillop's Brown Josephites return to wearing the habit and gain young aspirants.

But i do think there is a lot of hope, in the outskirts of Sydney there are the Tyburn nuns, have a look at their page they seem pretty cool.

I really believe that for the religious orders to take off as we would love, Australia must prioritise those who have priestly vocations as having good and holy priests is a necessity, without which we could not have anything!

After that happens, then the religious life in this country will have support and I doubt that religious orders can really thrive without the support of good and holy priests.

I recently met some Dominican nuns from Wagga, NSW and they are inspiring, being of the younger generation I have never met orthodox religious sisters in habits.
It was so great for me to meet them, they are articulate, intelligent, witty and oh so holy.

Thankyou for your prayers Americans, and Belinda, I'll be praying for your discernment and vocation

Edited by JamesTheYounger
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When I made my first visit to [url="http://www.carmelite.org.uk/Quidenham.html"]Quidenham Carmel[/url] I met an Australian nun called Sister Helen who had left her country for the sake of entering Carmel. When I asked her why she hadn't just chosen an Australian monastery, she replied, "Carmel isn't very vibrant over in Australia and in any case I felt that my vocation lay overseas."

Perhaps restoring and rejuvenating the religious life in Australia will be part of your calling. Perhaps you will have to be like Sister Helen and quite literally 'put out into the deep'. I'll pray for you.

Memtherose, do you - and here I pray for a minor miracle - live in Tauranga or anywhere near Tauranga? If not, do you know a good orthodox Catholic who lives there? I ask this because I have a penfriend who is extremely interested in becoming a Catholic. She lives in that city and she could do with some help.

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