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SMME November Retreat


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So who is exactly going from phatmass to the Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist retreat this November?

Thanks to one of our phatmassers, I will be going to this retreat for the first time ever, after trying to get there previously 8 times.

Here is the story,

Tracy (FSGM) invited me to go with her to the retreat, so I manage to hook up with some friends, and Donna Marie (passionheart) paid the 25$, I was convinced that nothing could deteriorate this wonderous thing God made happen.

Then it fell through - Tracy entered, I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy :bounce: Then the retreat didnt matter to me. After she entered, and life started to become normal, I told me mom well I need a driver to take me to the retreat. She said she will see who she could find. Nothing.

I wasnt about to loose hope in our Lord - I knew He was determined to get me there ONE DAY. Then out of the clear blue sky I talked to another phatmasser on IM.

Then before I knew it, she had bought me a train ticket to Ann Arbor for the retreat. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Then came the next blessing, Sister Joseph Andrew talked to a benefactor, Sister Pio Maria's mother who is a knew novice, and Hilary (her mom) said she would be honored to have me overnight - since I will be leaving the Second, to go there, and leaving the Sixth to come back to Minnesota.

[b]A novena of rosaries are being prayed, the phatmasser, Hilary, and Sister Joseph Andrew


And thank you Donna Marie[/b]

:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Edited by AlterDominicus
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[quote name='AlterDominicus' post='1072612' date='Sep 23 2006, 11:51 AM']
So who is exactly going from phatmass to the Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist retreat this November?

Thanks to one of our phatmassers, I will be going to this retreat for the first time ever, after trying to get there previously 8 times.

Here is the story,

Tracy (FSGM) invited me to go with her to the retreat, so I manage to hook up with some friends, and Donna Marie (passionheart) paid the 25$, I was convinced that nothing could deteriorate this wonderous thing God made happen.

Then it fell through - Tracy entered, I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy :bounce: Then the retreat didnt matter to me. After she entered, and life started to become normal, I told me mom well I need a driver to take me to the retreat. She said she will see who she could find. Nothing.

I wasnt about to loose hope in our Lord - I knew He was determined to get me there ONE DAY. Then out of the clear blue sky I talked to another phatmasser on IM.

Then before I knew it, she had bought me a train ticket to Ann Arbor for the retreat. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Then came the next blessing, Sister Joseph Andrew talked to a benefactor, Sister Pio Maria's mother who is a knew novice, and Hilary (her mom) said she would be honored to have me overnight - since I will be leaving the Second, to go there, and leaving the Sixth to come back to Minnesota.

[b]A novena of rosaries are being prayed, the phatmasser, Hilary, and Sister Joseph Andrew


And thank you Donna Marie[/b]

:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

I am very happy for you!!! I knew this time would be time to go. As I said keep praying and trusting in the Lord. Do me a favour, say hi to SJA for me and if you can give her a big hug for me :D:

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[quote name='passionheart' post='1072673' date='Sep 23 2006, 11:57 AM']
I am very happy for you!!! I knew this time would be time to go. As I said keep praying and trusting in the Lord. Do me a favour, say hi to SJA for me and if you can give her a big hug for me :D:

Its on my list!!!!

I have a little theatrical performence that Sister Mary David did in Alton to Sister Stephania, because SMD is so tall, SS, is short.

That I will be doing in reverse, Sister Joseph Andrew is taller then me, which makes me short. And the perfect time to do this is Friday the Nov. 3rd - Because she wants me at the school in the afternoon, A DAY BEFORE the actual retreat.

:bounce: :drool: :drunk: :juggle: :blowkiss:

[quote name='HeavenlyCalling' post='1072678' date='Sep 23 2006, 12:20 PM']
And tell all the old pham there that we love 'em!!

I will totally do so!

Edited by AlterDominicus
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I'm going! I didn't think I would be able to without spending a lot of money and taking 4 days off of work. But I got a really good seat sale! I'm not on an official countdown yet, but I'm super excited!


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November 4-5th, my weekend is extended because I have to leave a couple days early since the ride is long. I get three extra days in Ann Arbor, WOOHOOO! Thursday night, Friday, and a little bit of Monday morning before I get back on the train.

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[quote]'ll be there! :D A friend of mine is a new postulant there now, too, so I'm doubly excited [/quote]
Oh, anyone we here on Phatmass would know?
I wish I was going sooooooooo much, I cant wait until May ( I wanted to go in Jan, but then I thought of the possibility of my plane being grounded for five hours because of snow and thought, maybe I'll wait! :))
Prays for everyone who is going, have a great time and a safe trip :sign: :D:

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3 PHATMASSERS!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOOO! Scout me out. I'll have a name tag, with my AlterDominicus and Rep. Phatmass. Sister Joseph Andrew will get a kick out of it. Which one of you three havent realllly been aquainted with Sister Joseph Andrew?

Speaking of postulants as friends, I have one to. Hehehe. YAY!

Edited by AlterDominicus
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