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Why Does The Pope Respect Islam?


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If you cannot tell the difference beween the Kabba god Allah, and YHWH, we have openings in our third grade sunday school program. Just call it "REMEDIAL RCI.

Edited by Budge
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[quote name='Winchester' post='1078229' date='Sep 28 2006, 05:25 PM']
Isn't there a commandment regarding slander?

Budge, budgie budger!

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[quote]The part that will really "trip your trigger" Budge, is that this applies as much to a "Satanist" as it does to a Judeo-Christian; because a "Satanist" ipso facto must accept Judeo-Christian thought, since Satan is a direct subject of God, insofar as he is a fallen angel. [u]So while a "Satanist" may hold these paragraphs from the Catechism of the Catholic Church in contempt, he must at least recognize the truth of them in order to hold to the opposite view point[/u].[/quote]

Im sure the wayward teens who torture cats in the woods, and draw pentagrams on the park benches will love to hear that...


Maybe you can have the honor of being the first Catholic, to arrange a Satanist-Catholic interfaith pow-wow, you could invite The Temple of Set and Church of Satan, and have a rap session about the truths you share then,
just like the Pope had the Vooduns at Assisi do their libations on the floor of one of the rooms in the convent, you could then invite your Satanist pals to draw a pentagram on the floor and do some rituals for you.

Edited by Budge
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Si un satanisto cree que robar y matar son peccados, ¿está correcto o no?

a) SI _____

b) NO_____

Jeśli „sataniste” wierze że kradzież i morderstwo nie są moralne, czy jest prawo czy nie?

a) TAK ____

b) NIE ___

Hey, I figure if she can't understand when I ask in English, maybe she'll understand when I ask in Spanish or Polish....[/color]

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[quote name='Budge' post='1078321' date='Sep 28 2006, 05:22 PM']
Im sure the wayward teens who torture cats in the woods, and draw pentagrams on the park benches will love to hear that...


Maybe you can have the honor of being the first Catholic, to arrange a Satanist-Catholic interfaith pow-wow, you could invite The Temple of Set and Church of Satan, and have a rap session about the truths you share then,
just like the Pope had the Vooduns at Assisi do their libations on the floor of one of the rooms in the convent, you could then invite your Satanist pals to draw a pentagram on the floor and do some rituals for you.

Probably not, but then again it can be a strong tool for conversion away from "Satanism."

I don't think that I am the first Catholic to do that. I think that if you look to Scripture, you'll find that going on in Acts. But since you are a Bible Christian, you should already know that.

Nice ad hominem tu quoque aimed that the Pope. You are full of fallacies. And your credibility continues to take a gigantic beating.....not in a good way.

And since when are my friends Satanists? Please don't make stupid statements like that. I don't make them about you. That is bad form.

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[quote name='Winchester' post='1078569' date='Sep 28 2006, 09:03 PM']
Budge lost. She has been defeated in this thread.

Well, duuuhhh.....She never had a chance.

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Convincing Catholics Satanism doesnt hold truth?

I really dont care if I lost...

The whole thread is based on the Catholic false version of truth where half-truths rule.
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[quote name='Budge' post='1078649' date='Sep 28 2006, 10:16 PM']

Convincing Catholics Satanism doesnt hold truth?

I really dont care if I lost...

The whole thread is based on the Catholic false version of truth where half-truths rule.

Yes you do, that is why you made that post.

Care to give a half truth to which I can respond? Thank You.

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