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Logic Of Man Cannot Be Infallible, Even With God's Help


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"I don't believe in infallible men."

The Bible as we know it was written down by men, subsequently translated by men. Although it is the Word of God, men still wrote it, and as we do not believe in infallible men, it follows that we do not believe in an infallible Bible.

So much for Sola Scriptura.

Quotes from the Bible cannot refute this logic. It's not my argument, either. As a Catholic, I believe God is perfectly capable of preventing mankind from teaching error. I can believe in an infallible Bible, and I do. Others, however, cannot.

How sad for them.

Edited by Lil Red
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Thy Geekdom Come

Hehe...this reminds me of the bumper sticker I saw on a truck at Walmart: "The KJV is God's Perfect Word"...what a farce...

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KJV = King James Version

King James = a [size=4]man who ruled over humans[/size], demanding [b]honor and sacrifice[/b] (taxes) and wore [i]frilly clothes [/i] [s][font=Book Antiqua][size=5]and gold on his head with precious stones. Seems to be making himself an idol [/size] [u]and [b]demanding idolatry[/b][color="#000099"].

KJV = King James' VERSION. [/color] HIS[/u] personally supervised version of the Bible. Who the heck was he to tell everyone who how to interpret the Bible with a NEW version, [color="#CC0000"][size=5]removing actual books [/size] [/color] and scripture that had been part of Scripture for about [size=5]1,000 years[/size].

KJV = The version pagan worshipers who [size=7]idolize a mere man to remove scripture and create a [i]false [/i] religion.[/size] They are anti-Christian because [u]they take the words from God's son away from him [/u] and subject them to the interpretation of a [size=4]mere human 'King'[/size].

[size=5]Pagan anti-christs use the KJV.[/size] Look it up, it's common sense.
Unless you are a PEW PUPPY that only reads the SELECTED verses the PREACHER allows you to or you won't keep up with the indoctrination (I mean bible class) that is being forced on you. Sure. They will get you to BUY your own bible ($19.95 @ B&N) along with study guides, work books, colored bracelets with letters and a highlighter.

Edited by Anomaly
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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Anomaly' post='1071680' date='Sep 22 2006, 05:20 PM']
KJV = King James Version

King James = a [size=4]man who ruled over humans[/size], demanding [b]honor and sacrifice[/b] (taxes) and wore [i]frilly clothes [/i] [s][font=Book Antiqua][size=5]and gold on his head with precious stones. Seems to be making himself an idol [/size] [u]and [b]demanding idolatry[/b][color="#000099"].

KJV = King James' VERSION. [/color] HIS[/u] personally supervised version of the Bible. Who the heck was he to tell everyone who how to interpret the Bible with a NEW version, [color="#CC0000"][size=5]removing actual books [/size] [/color] and scripture that had been part of Scripture for about [size=5]1,000 years[/size].

KJV = The version pagan worshipers who [size=7]idolize a mere man to remove scripture and create a [i]false [/i] religion.[/size] They are anti-Christian because [u]they take the words from God's son away from him [/u] and subject them to the interpretation of a [size=4]mere human 'King'[/size].
[size=5]Pagan anti-christs use the KJV.[/size] Look it up, it's common sense.
Unless you are a PEW PUPPY that only reads the SELECTED verses the PREACHER allows you to or you won't keep up with the indoctrination (I mean bible class) that is being forced on you. Sure. They will get you to BUY your own bible ($19.95 @ B&N) along with study guides, work books, colored bracelets with letters and a highlighter.

Anomaly, you're Budge?!

Edited by Raphael
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Please correct my [code]quote[/code]. I had to edit.

I understand Budge and Eutychus' perspective and principles and my [b]EYES[/b] [size=4]have been [b]OPENED[/b]![/size]

[size=3][u]They[/u][/size] won't admit these [u][size=4]facts[/size][/u] because it will eat into the [b]p[size=5]rofits[/size][/b] of the [size=6]Big Christian Publishers[/size] who have all those Christian Book Stores with [u]scented[/u] angels and [i]3 color highlighters[/i]. It's a[color="#990000"] multi-Trillion Dollar [/color] [size=7]$$[/size] enterprise

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Its always interesting to me when Catholics start a thread on their own to diss God's Word.

Psa 119:42 So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me: for I trust in thy word.[/size]

When Jesus answered Satan during the time Satan tempted him in the desert He didnt answer, Rabbi {POPE} so and so told me....

He answered THREE TIMES...


Mat 4:4 But he answered and said, [size=5]It is written[/size], Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Mat 4:7 Jesus said unto him, [size=5]It is written again[/size], Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

Mat 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for [size=5]it is written[/size], Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1071865' date='Sep 22 2006, 05:23 PM']
Its always interesting to me when Catholics start a thread on their own to diss God's Word.
Psa 119:42 So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me: for I trust in thy word.[/size]

When Jesus answered Satan during the time Satan tempted him in the desert He didnt answer, Rabbi {POPE} so and so told me....

He answered THREE TIMES...


Mat 4:4 But he answered and said, [size=5]It is written[/size], Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Mat 4:7 Jesus said unto him, [size=5]It is written again[/size], Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

Mat 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for [size=5]it is written[/size], Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
[/quote]I do believe the [size=2]Caths[/size] are [font="Palatino Linotype"]dissing Budge's [size=5][b]word[/b][/size][/font].

[i]Which [font="Arial Black"]web page [/font] [/i] or concordium or [s]set of tapes [/s] [size=5]should I [color="#009900"][b]buy[/b] so I can [/color] trust [/size] in God's word as [font="Franklin Gothic Medium"][size=4]spoketh by Budge[/size][/font]?

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Hey keep up the good font work, makes it easier to read and I like it :)

I did not write those verses. Why are you saying I wrote one of the gospels? That is weird and makes no sense.

Jesus said "It is written" three times, did I make that up?


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[quote name='Budge' post='1071865' date='Sep 22 2006, 05:23 PM']
Its always interesting to me when Catholics start a thread on their own to diss God's Word.
Psa 119:42 So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me: for I trust in thy word.[/size]

Mat 4:4 But he answered and said, [size=5]It is written[/size], Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
[/quote]The [u][b]CATHS[/b] on this phorum [/u] have responded with with [font="Trebuchet Ms"]scripture that you [/font] [i]ignore yet you[/i] post "[size=6]by EVERY [/size] word that [u]proceedeth out of the mouth [/u] of God."

[size=6]I need to [/size] have the [i]list of [font="Book Antiqua"]words to [size=1]ignore[/size][/font][/i], the [color="#FF0000"]list of words to [font="Comic Sans Ms"][size=7]emphasize[/size][/font][/color], the [size=3]books to remove out of the Bible[/size] every [size=3][font="Book Antiqua"]1,200 [i]to 1,500[/i][/font] years[/size], who was God's secretary for the Old Testament, [size=4]]and[/size] what [color="#CC0000"]color highlighter[/color] [/size] to use.

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Dude, you've got to be like breaking every internet rule in the book...

I love it :D:.

Edited by goldenchild17
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Cool beans, keep up the good font work!

I havent figured out the color thing yet...;)
"by EVERY word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."[/quote]

Where have Catholics responded to me using scripture...

[on some earlier posts] so far today, NOT ONCE...

I read back through this thread, I was the only one who used any scripture.

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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1071727' date='Sep 22 2006, 04:52 PM']
winchester, i had to fix the title - it was driving me crazy! :wacko:

Thanks. Now, on to Budge.

Budge, by your own logic, the Bible cannot be infallible. It was written by men, and you yourself have said you don't believe in infallible men.
By your logic, the Bible verses you quoted, being not only written by men, but translated by men, aren't reliable.

As for "it is written," it refers to the Scriptures. That's not the New Testament. That did not exist until after Christ's death. But we cannot trust that because a man wrote it down. He wrote BOTH things down, in fact. You do not believe in infallible men, remember?

Budge, I'll take the troll line:
No one is saying you wrote those verses, and you know it, so get off. They're commenting on your interpretation of the Bible. Nowhere in the Bible does it say you may only use what is written. It simply does not say that. You will not find the doctrine of Sola Scriptura in the Bible as we know it today.

So, to recap:
Jesus may have said those words that were written down by men. Even if He did, He was referring to the Old Testament. He didn't say that was the only way to pass down information.
But, whether He said them or not, men had to write down His words.

"I don't believe in infallible men."

So you can't believe in the infallibility of the Bible.

Ye goan' hafta pick one, sister Budge!

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[quote]"I don't believe in infallible men."

So you can't believe in the infallibility of the Bible.

Ye goan' hafta pick one, sister Budge![/quote]

One either believes Scripture is inspired by God or not.

I believe it is.

2Ti 3:16 [u][size=4]All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God,[/size] [/u]and [u][is] profitable for doctrine[/u], [b]for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:[/b][/size]

According to the catholics here this scripture is wrong.

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If all scripture is given by God, why did the PROTS take out pages and pages out of the Bible thahad been around for, um.... 1,500 years?

What section of the Bible is the Table of Contents?

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