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Charging Children As Adults


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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1069179' date='Sep 21 2006, 09:40 AM']
I believe he was.
But as you have said, he only had "less than a minute" to respond.

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[quote name='Norseman82' post='1069175' date='Sep 21 2006, 09:32 AM']
You did not send a kid to the hospital for two days.

He was in 12th grade, not 8th.

There is no concrete evidence of the freshman tormenting of the 12th grader yet presented.

Mitigating circumstances are presented at the trial and/or sentencing stage.

Do you know what this sounds like to me? What happens at the beginning of the year at a lot of high schools? "Freshman initiation" by the upperclassmen. And it is right of the courts to crack down like this when someone gets sent to the hospital, especially when the school district can be later sued if they do not take steps if the offender injures or kills someone again.

It wasn't a freshman intiation. Unthough had the victim been older, I doubt it would have happened.

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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1069194' date='Sep 21 2006, 10:50 AM']
It wasn't a freshman intiation. Unthough had the victim been older, I doubt it would have happened.

Then what was it? You previously stated the freshman was not innocent. Why? And how did the senior have a horrible home life, and how did the state fail him? This is a debate board, and you need to back up what you say, because your current style of argument (and this was evident in the other capital punishment thread) will not fly in a court of law. And it will not help your cause here or in the remainder of the real world.

At least Farsight one gave some concrete examples from his own experience.

Again, spend less time on emotionalism and more time on reason and back yourself up with concrete facts and/or logic. I even believe there is a pinned topic on this.

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[quote name='Norseman82' post='1069272' date='Sep 21 2006, 01:09 PM']
Then what was it? You previously stated the freshman was not innocent. Why? And how did the senior have a horrible home life, and how did the state fail him?

The freshy harmed a relative of the senior, I guess.

The legal system did fail him, both of them.

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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1069372' date='Sep 21 2006, 01:52 PM']
The freshy harmed a relative of the senior, I guess.

The legal system did fail him, both of them.
[/quote]Still not sufficient excuse. Harmed in what way? You can't beat up somebody in public and not expect to get in trouble. If a beat-down was appropriate (which doesn't seem likely with the little facts you've given) one needs the intelligence to do it in private.
The legal system is not perfect because it's human. Was there a criminal offense? Two wrongs don't make a right and we don't have the right to vengance, only to justice within the limits and paramters of society. Otherwise we would have anarchy.

You still seem to want to excuse one of them for the failures of others or the legal system or whatever. Grow up. Every wrong can't be righted. Sometimes you have to smell of elderberries it up.

Edited by Anomaly
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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1069372' date='Sep 21 2006, 02:52 PM']
The freshy harmed a relative of the senior, I guess.

You [i]"guess"[/i]???

You have to be surer and more specific than that! That certainly won't fly in a court of law!

[quote name='Anomaly' post='1069388' date='Sep 21 2006, 03:16 PM']
If a beat-down was appropriate [/quote]

Additionally, when I was growing up in the "Archie Bunker" section of Chicago, even when society felt someone deserved the "beat down", there were still understood rules, like don't hit someone when their glasses were still on. And people knew when to stop. There were fistfights, scuffles, a few black eyes and bloody noses here and there, but NEVER were there any that I recall that landed anyone in the hospital for a fraction of the time that the freshman got! That is crossing the line.

Edited by Norseman82
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[url="http://www.keloland.com/News/NewsDetail6371.cfm?Id=0,50842"]Your beating?[/url]

[quote]The victim of a beating at Watertown High School on Wednesday has been released from the hospital.

Authorities say the 15-year-old boy suffered a fractured skull at the hands of a 17-year-old boy. The older boy has been charged with aggravated assault and is to be in court on Monday.

Codington County State's Attorney Vince Foley has requested that
the 17-year-old be handled in adult court instead of juvenile

Aggravated assault is a felony that can bring a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison.

[b]School officials say the fracas took place between classes and was recorded by security cameras.[/b] The 17-year-old has been indefinitely suspended from school.

[url="http://www.keloland.com/News/NewsDetail6371.cfm?Id=0,50800"]More on the story[/url]

[quote]Police are investigating a beating at Watertown High School Wednesday. Watertown Police Spokesman Troy VanDusen says officers and paramedics were called to the scene about eleven-thirty to help a 15-year-old boy who had been beaten and was bleeding. Paramedics rushed the boy to Prairie Lakes Hospital.

VanDusen says officers arrested a 17-year-old Watertown boy on one count of aggravated assault and took him to jail. Police are not releasing either boy's name or the victim's condition.

[b]VanDusen says it's unclear how the altercation started and officers are continuing their investigation.[/b][/quote]
I dont see how you get off defending this beating unless you have some information that the police don't have and that the cameras didn't record :wacko:

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There is no defense for fracturing a skull. That is one hell of a wallop. It probably is the viscousness and the degree of harm that leads the DA to want to charge as an adult.

Make and adult choice, suffer the adult consequences.

Plus it's become pretty clear, catholicinsd is judgeing by empathetic emotion.

It is always very difficult to know how to balance mercy and justice because they have to go together. It's easy to disagree where the mercy to the attacker begins to infringe upon the justice of punishment for his act. Blaming other people, the legal system, reasons to attack, failure of the school, inattention by the school officer actually minimizes the dignity of humanity that God gave us when He made us self-responsible.

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[quote name='Anomaly' post='1071178' date='Sep 22 2006, 09:53 AM']
There is no defense for fracturing a skull. That is one hell of a wallop.


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[quote name='notardillacid' post='1070460' date='Sep 22 2006, 03:41 AM']
[url="http://www.keloland.com/News/NewsDetail6371.cfm?Id=0,50842"]Your beating?[/url]
[url="http://www.keloland.com/News/NewsDetail6371.cfm?Id=0,50800"]More on the story[/url]
I dont see how you get off defending this beating unless you have some information that the police don't have and that the cameras didn't record :wacko:

Yes, this is it. However, you need to remember that I was there. The kid was coherrent after he was pummled.

Edited by catholicinsd
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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1071197' date='Sep 22 2006, 10:38 AM']
Yes, this is it. However, you need to remember that I was there. The kid was coherrent after he was pummled.
Doesn't matter. People with concussions are often coherent afterward, go home, get hemorraging and other problems in their brains, and die in their sleep. The fact that he was coherent doesn't mean that he was healthy.

Besides, if you shoot at one person and another gets in the way and dies, you're still guilty of murder of the unintended and intended murder of the other. Intention, especially in grave crimes, stands on its own even without effects.

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I don't have time to debate you people. Suffice it to say that if your dear children were ever charged as adults, I would wish them more sympathy then you have shown.

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