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The Pauline Habit...


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Apologies. I know we've talked about this before but I can't find the thread. The FSP habits or lack thereof confuse me :ninja: :

1. Do they wear the vest/skirt or the other habit here in the US?

2. Do they wear it all the time in the US?

3. Do they all wear the same thing here in the US?

I have actually talked with the vocations directress, but it still isn't clear to me. :blush:

Thanks for your help! :)

cf. : [url="http://www.daughtersofstpaul.com/daughters/index.html"]http://www.daughtersofstpaul.com/daughters/index.html[/url]

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I'm afraid my post won't be entirely helpful but I do know the Paulines somewhat.

1. They wear both. Unfortunately I'm not sure what dictates which they wear when.

2. I've never seen a Pauline wearing anything other than a habit. Even playing basketball, etc. I've only seen them in habits.

3. :idontknow: As far as I know they all either wear the vest/skirt or the habit with the Roman looking collar (I don't know what this is called).

I've got a lot of photos from Sr. Lauren's many visits to Boston with the sisters. I'll look at them again later and see whether I can piece together more information for you. I'm surprised Sr. Margaret Michael wasn't more forthcoming. She is usually very direct in her own New York kind of way. :)

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[quote name='OLAM Dad' post='1065779' date='Sep 18 2006, 04:49 AM']
I'm afraid my post won't be entirely helpful but I do know the Paulines somewhat.

1. They wear both. Unfortunately I'm not sure what dictates which they wear when.

2. I've never seen a Pauline wearing anything other than a habit. Even playing basketball, etc. I've only seen them in habits.

3. :idontknow: As far as I know they all either wear the vest/skirt or the habit with the Roman looking collar (I don't know what this is called).

I've got a lot of photos from Sr. Lauren's many visits to Boston with the sisters. I'll look at them again later and see whether I can piece together more information for you. I'm surprised Sr. Margaret Michael wasn't more forthcoming. She is usually very direct in her own New York kind of way. :)


Thanks Dad. It was probably my fault, i.e. I probably didn't ask my questions very clearly (when I wrote I was asking about the scapular specifically etc.). :blush:

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Not necessary true about their habits or lack of. I have seen them in street clothes when not at work. No veil no habit. Seems like few wear the habit, but tend to wear the vest and skirt outfit.

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Sr. Lauren told me that many of them wear street clothes when they go out, and I'm not certain but I got the impression that it was kind of up to them if they wore it out.

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[quote name='Veritas' post='1065706' date='Sep 17 2006, 10:26 PM']

Apologies. I know we've talked about this before but I can't find the thread. The FSP habits or lack thereof confuse me :ninja: :

1. Do they wear the vest/skirt or the other habit here in the US?

2. Do they wear it all the time in the US?

3. Do they all wear the same thing here in the US?

I have actually talked with the vocations directress, but it still isn't clear to me. :blush:

Thanks for your help! :)
cf. : [url="http://www.daughtersofstpaul.com/daughters/index.html"]http://www.daughtersofstpaul.com/daughters/index.html[/url]

This is what I know of the FSP habits.

1) When their habit was changed from the black habit (after VII) it went to the blue habit with the white collar. As time progressed some countries (I am not sure why or if this happened when the orginal change was made) had the vest/skirt option. So only the US province and a few other countries had the dress version, most had switched to the vest/skirt or (jumper style option). After years ago the Mother General asked the US province to make the switch to the option that was more widely used. I believe this was more for unformity. So they are in that process. Most sisters will wear the "new" version but if the old version isn't worn out why not still use it? So for "offical" events they use the skirt/vest but some sisters still have good condition "old" version.

2) As far as being in the bookcenter, or anything offical (with a very few exceptions) they wear the habit. Excersicing in the habit is up to them. I know many sisters who switch into "lay clothes" to run. I also know sisters who switch into lay clothes to go out as well. It really is up to the indivdual.

3)One last note on the habit. It does vary in some countries according to the culture. One good example is India. There they wear the sari but it is a specific color which in that culture is a sign of being consecrated to God. Also the veil (with or without) varies from country to country, again sort of culture specific. Ex. they wear the habit but not the veil in England, but they wear both in the US/Canada. So if a sister is visiting from another country for a period of time they would probably just wear the habit they usually wear in their country. So you could see two FSP's wearing different things.

I hope this answers the questions a least a little.


Edited by philothea0806
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OKay everyone, here it is straight from Sr. Helena Raphael in Chicago (Midwest Vocation Director):

Daughters of St. Paul habit:

a) the one-piece habit with sleeves and "with roman collar "
b) long skirt and vest or
c) long one-piece with blouse/turtleneck) all are always with veil--all are of the same blue material.

We're only out of habit: when doing sports, doing something messy, and we try to be strictly incognito (we don't want any people we know to see us, we don't strike up conversations with people and tell them we're nuns, etc.). Since we are nuns 24/7, it's not a 9-5 thing where we are out of habit before/after hours, it has to be a very good reason....


you can contact Sr. Helena for further questions at helraphaelfsp@aol.com

The Daughters are totally worth checking out because of the charism and apostolate. They are also extremely knowledgeable about the media (obviously). But I recommend checking them out if you are discerning because their retreats leave you with a plethora of things to ponder and realize that are lifelong. I have to say their retreats are by far a very positive experience even if you are not called to the religious life! They also have a very strong devotion to Our Mother, Mary--which is so beautiful.

Check their website for retreats and do get to know Sr. Margaret Michael too. They are just a great community! I will always support them as a layperson.


one more thing, they are an international community.
that's such a cool thing!

Edited by Laurentina1975
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I agree with Lauren ... they're worth taking a look at.

I did a holy week retreat with them in 1997 or 1998 ... it was a good retreat

What I remember the most (not anything specific about the retreat). I wanted so much that this community would be it ... but the Lord kept saying throughout "no, not here".

At one point I remember being in their chapel, and I kept telling the Lord "But ..." this and that.

So finally He responded back with a phrase that was popular at the time ... "what part of NO don't you understand?".

I'm glad for the experience ... it was the first time I heard a resounding No while searching.

Also -- at the time I had a very wise spiritual director. When I told him I was going to visit the Daughters of St. Paul, he said "what a good idea". When I came back, he asked me how it went ... and I told him how loudly I heard "no" throughout the retreat. So, he then said "I knew they weren't right for you". So I asked him, well, why didn't you tell me? He responded "You had to hear no for yourself". :maddest:

but ... he was right :blush:

I do remember some of the easter music that they played/sang -- I don't think I'll forget the tunes (I don't remember their names but I remember some of the words and the tunes).

(I almost forgot!!!)
Actually I'm in debt to one of the sisters from the community ... this one sister got me thinking about religious live about 11 years ago. I'll try to remember and post the story as a new thread (its pretty cool, and kind of funny).

-- Carmen

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  • 3 months later...

I didnt' discern with this order as I felt called to the cloister, but I have had the oppertunity of meeting a few of the sisters and one was Sister Donna Jean who was just an absolute joy to talk with and from what I have seen this is a wonderful order for anyone discerning the active apostolate!

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They are an awesome Order with beautiful spirituality. I visited them four summers in a row at their motherhouse in Boston.

I will tell you that I have seen a group of them come home from being out in the city "visiting one of the sisters' moms", and all of them were wearing t-shirts and capri pants... no veils. This was not commonplace at the motherhouse (although they are allowed to take off their habits, as has been said, for sports and the beach, etc.). This incidence happened when I was visiting another one of their smaller houses. Either the rules have changed since then (2004), or those sisters just didn't know what the rules were...........

I'll leave that one open-ended :)

Also there are a couple of sisters at the motherhouse who wear a blue jean dress with a blouse and their veil. Although there is not always uniformity when it comes to their habit, they do seem to appreciate their habits and overall are a good Order. There are things I don't like, but there is also a lot of good.

Edited by Totus Tuus
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As far as I know (and I am a good friend of this community), their habits are extremely important to them. Of course if they are on vacation or participating in sports, they tend to dress in lay clothing. :) However, I think it's best to ask the vocation director if you have specific questions about their habits. Asking other people in discernment isn't really fair on either part. You have to go to the source to get your questions answered, as it is part of discernment and is fair on both parts.

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