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Is Your "real Christianity"...


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Is Budge's definition of "real Christianity" (cf. her "Benedict Apologizes" thread) just the need to be so offensive that one is constantly having an adrenaline release to put them in the "fight" mode of "fight or flight" so that one feels like "I'm a real Christian because you could kill me now for the faith"?

Does that, in fact, make one a "real Christian"?

I think that's just a sham.

This is a serious question, which I think may explain the attitude of many of our cantankerous friends here on debate table.

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So do you believe a Christian should stand up for the faith or not?

It seems you do not.

I do not sanction violence and the call for crusades sickens me, go check the crusade thread where I wrote this several posts together there is a difference between crusades and legitimate defense, ie if Muslims attack a European or other nation or commit riots...

I did not support the Iraq war by the way and do not support every war that is out there in the world.

I know big time war is coming though from Bible prophecy.

The apostles were beaten, scared, whipped and several killed for the gospel.

Would you mock at them for [u]whatever adrenaline they had[/u] as they refused to deny Christ?

Actually a mark of a real Christian to me is if a person would be willing to die for preaching the gospel or making a stand for Jesus Christ.

{are you going to now equate me with a suicide bomber for defending Christian martyrship?}

You know Lukewarmness goes hand in hand with the kumbuyah interfaith gospel.

No favors are being done for these Muslims by those who dont stand for Jesus Christ.

You consider me offensive not because I insult anyone here but

because I stand by my beliefs.

That is the PC liberal brainwashing.

"Anyone who disagrees with me hates me"

"Anyone who does not agree with me or my religion is offensive"

Where the greatest good is to avoid all offense and come to agreement despite compromise and giving in.

Truth thrown in the trashcan.

It seems Catholics here are far more worried about peop-le getting offended then anyone going to hell.

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When they unleash the Katusha's onto the Vatican, you can go volunteer to help bury the "Martyrs for Allah" that are responsible.

Recite the 99 names of Allah to his relatives, and console them that he is in paradise with his 72 virgins.


This has happened already once, that should be a warning sign...


Agca was a muslim.

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I'm laughing to myself (not in a mean way), because you so clearly don't know me. I'm honestly not angry with your reply. Here's why: I do believe we all need to be ready to die for the faith and lukewarmness sickens me. It's not doing anyone any favors and those, who don't preach the reality of sin and hell will be held fearfully accountable. In that regard, we completely agree. I also will agree that many Catholics and many Protestants are too mute about sin and are in danger of exchanging the "social gospel" for the "saving message of Jesus Christ" as Pope Benedict elucidated on his recent trip to Germany. What concerns me, is that the apostles didn't shout at people when they went preaching... they talked with them. The Pope, likewise, doesn't shout at people, he talks with them. Forgive me if this is just an online misread, but your bold-caps-letters and manner of writing reads like shouting. The Pope, likewise, doesn't shout people into Christianity --like Jesus. Instead, he loves them, he tells them about Christ's love and forgiveness and he explains the portions of truth their own present worldviews may contain and then brings them into the fullness of faith in Jesus Christ in the Catholic Church.

Anyone who's spent any time in Rome will be awed and inspired by the hundreds of thousands of Christian martyrs. Anyone who knows anything about Church history will recall the brutal martyrdoms in the Coliseum in particular.

Simply because I don't shout people into the faith, I am not pc/liberal brainwashed. Instead, I love them in, at the same time, not compromising any point of Catholic truth --even in areas that are not popular or politically correct.


Now, if we're all done highjacking the thread... I'd like to get back to hyper-emotionalism as it relates to Christian dialogue and being a "real Christian".

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So what is your point?

an ad hominen psychoanalyzation just because you dont like the fact someone stands by their convictions and uses a few large fonts for emphasis. By the way I wish this whole board was at number 4 or 5, I have to squint to see this teeny tiny print and I have the text size turned up on my computer.

I dare say if you think someone preaching a bit too loudly or boisterous is wrong, what about the "rebel" {read Christian martyr} who refuses to give in to societies demands, to worship a false god or more. Surely they are a "disturbance to the social order".
surely in their refusal to submit they are being a "bit emotional"

This is why your words read so untrue. More psycho-analyzing, more defense of dead emotions and lukewarmness. Claims of being oh so loving, when thats actually not the truth.

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='Budge' post='1065228' date='Sep 17 2006, 04:16 PM']
So what is your point?

an ad hominen psychoanalyzation just because you dont like the fact someone stands by their convictions and uses a few large fonts for emphasis. By the way I wish this whole board was at number 4 or 5, I have to squint to see this teeny tiny print and I have the text size turned up on my computer.

I dare say if you think someone preaching a bit too loudly or boisterous is wrong, what about the "rebel" {read Christian martyr} who refuses to give in to societies demands, to worship a false god or more. Surely they are a "disturbance to the social order".
surely in their refusal to submit they are being a "bit emotional"

This is why your words read so untrue. More psycho-analyzing, more defense of dead emotions and lukewarmness. Claims of being oh so loving, when thats actually not the truth.
No one hates you for standing for what you believe. However, people are quite annoyed and sometimes offended by your use of name calling and terms which are not used in Christian love.

Honestly, ask yourself, would Jesus say some of the things you are saying? There is a difference between using a strong and direct tone, and just plain name calling. I would tend to believe that more often than not, you are just calling people names.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1065162' date='Sep 17 2006, 03:28 PM']

You consider me offensive not because I insult anyone here but

because I stand by my beliefs.

That is the PC liberal brainwashing.

"Anyone who disagrees with me hates me"

"Anyone who does not agree with me or my religion is offensive"

Where the greatest good is to avoid all offense and come to agreement despite compromise and giving in.

Truth thrown in the trashcan.

It seems Catholics here are far more worried about peop-le getting offended then anyone going to hell.

No you are offensive because you are an insulting Jack Chick wanna be, who uses bad manners and offensive material to get you so-called point across, and lack any understanding of history or scholarship, and cover yourself with pride on how great you are as a generic christian. If you think anyone actually takes you or your points seriously, you are sadly mistaken. You are wrapped up in your me and my bible world, and you reject everything labeled catholic, not because its wrong, but because anything catholic, in your mind, couldn't possibely be right. Instead of teaching us something positive about your beliefs [ if there are any] you simply come to spread hate. Obviously your preachers have you well cathechised in the hate department.

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From Catholic Apologist Technique List.

Cant you folks come up with better then this?


* 3: Accusation of hate technique

Insist vehemently that your opponent is full of hate.
It is always advisable to paint your opponent as hateful.
This technique should always contain a reference,
to your extreme caringness and the limitless bounds of your great humility.[/quote][/size]

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That's sad (if true, I noticed no link). But sadly, in this case, the shoe does seem to fit you Budge.

But, I still like you. :sign:

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[quote name='Budge' post='1065228' date='Sep 17 2006, 02:16 PM']
So what is your point?...

I dare say if you think someone preaching a bit too loudly or boisterous is wrong, what about the "rebel" {read Christian martyr} who refuses to give in to societies demands, to worship a false god or more. Surely they are a "disturbance to the social order".
surely in their refusal to submit they are being a "bit emotional"...


That's not what I'm saying. What I am saying, is do you think being "emotional" means being a "real Christian"? Do you think Catholics are not "real Christians" because we're "not being emotional enough"? Do you equate feelings of adrenaline/emotion with being a "real Christian"?

I posit hyper-emotionalism is neither necessary, nor sufficient for "real Christianity". Although, their presence doesn't necessarily mean "real Christianity" isn't present.

So, for the martyrs to experience this makes total sense. However, when you are talking with other Christians, dialoguing in fact, is this really necessary?

Don't be afraid to think --it's okay. God did give us brains for a reason (this is meant to be encouraging, not sarcastic). There is a heresy you should know about. It's called [i]fideism[/i]. Here's another recommendation for you --"Fides et Ratio" by JPII.

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