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Benedict Apologizes In Person


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Budget and Eutychus:

When are you guys going to Iran, Syria, etc. and preach the Gospel on a street corner? Anything less is to not be a real Christian. Good luck your trip!

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I do think this could have been a tremendous oppurtunity, and I do regret that the pope backed down; though I am happy that he did not back down completely-- he did not apologize for the comments, just for the offence they caused. At least he did not go and say "I was totally wrong, the Byzantine Emporer was totally wrong, et cetera et cetera" and I sincerely hope he does not do that. It would have been great and awesome and a resurgence of a long dormant Catholic spirit of fearless evangelization to come out and say "I speak the truth, Mohammad himself led armies and subdued many nations in the name of a God whom the muslims do not believe is bound to reason-- both the violence perpetuated in God's name and the denial of the Eternal Logos are evil things which mohammad brought into this world: it is time that the great arab people who for so long have been seaking the true God of Abraham came to know Jesus Christ, the Eternal Logos, and the true path of peace"

Seriously, the arabs might have become even more enraged; but they would probably have more respect for western civilization finally not backing down and caving in. They do not respect us; they demand that we grant their religion many rights but do not think they need to show us the same rights. They see us as completely weak.

But again, at least he didn't take back his words, and I really hope he doesn't.

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Justified Saint

This kind of posturing is so boorish. The Catholic Church is the whore of Babylon remember? What do you (Budge and Euty) care how she speaks to Muslims. The are all just co-religionists in the cult of Satan plotting the destruction of true Chrisitians.

Your guys' imaginations have been dried up for some time (if you have ever had any).

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Actions/words have consequences. The head of a religious congregation/organization has a particular responsibility for his flock... an Italian nun was shot and killed by Muslims recently... coincidence? Perhaps, but I'm a bit skeptical. Many Muslims are on street corners calling for war against Catholics. While many Catholics may be willing to die for their faith (and all of them should be), a great many of them are not prepared. It's not smart to send people to their death.

I echo the sentiments above... if Budge and Eutychus were honestly serious about their convictions, they'd be in Iran preaching the "true gospel" in the "spirit of Paul"?

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