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The Killing Begins..


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[quote name='Justified Saint' post='1065068' date='Sep 17 2006, 10:58 AM']
Does this mean you think Catholics are Christians? <I think I just fell off my chair>

His last talk of Mary made me fall of my chair laughing

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Killing non-Muslims is nothing new in Somalia.

In outrage at being accused of being a violent religion, a Imam called for the death of Bene.

Poor Muslims. They have 100 words for infidel, but not one for irony.

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1064954' date='Sep 17 2006, 08:18 AM']

This will NOT be the last Catholic clergy murdered in cold blood over this.

um, Nuns arn't clergy. They're Religious.

Some Nuns might WANT to be clergy, but they aren't always the best orders to be looking at for faithful teaching.

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[quote name='Winchester' post='1065521' date='Sep 17 2006, 10:55 PM']
Poor Muslims. They have 100 words for infidel, but not one for irony.

;) hey, Chester - i like that

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1065056' date='Sep 17 2006, 12:23 PM']
Not yet. Give it a tad more time.

She right now is given the attributes of a diety. Omnipresence, Omnipotence, Creative Powers, Tascending of time and space, and control over nature.

Where I come from, no matter how much you protest that you are not, when you believe the above, you are, whether you know that or not.

If Mary is given the attributes of a diety, then it is by you and you alone friend.

She consented, that is the most important part to make here. Her role in the salvation of man is evident in Scripture. We dont pray TO her. We pray for her assistance, like you would ask your own mother in times of need for help. All gifts that Mary may possess are given by Our Father. That doesnt make her a diety, but our ally. I for one consider her my greatest ally.

Yeah, I also fell off my chair laughing when I read your post above.

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the killing begins...

by now more churches have been attacked - using the Pope's comments as an excuse
as we saw in news postings on the Open Mic forum, Christian churches are being attacked by Muslim Islamofascists
and now also in the of the holy time of Ramadan violence is up in the name of "holy war"

interesting how the west goes out of it's way to avoid seeing a holy war... while the Jihadistan has shouted HOLY WAR: JIHAD! in our collective faces

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