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The Killing Begins..


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Fox news just got a alert that a nun and her body guard were killed in somalia.

MOGADISHU, Sept 17 (Reuters) - Gunmen shot and killed an Italian nun and her bodyguard in Mogadishu on Sunday, witnesses and medical staff said, in the latest attack on aid workers in Somalia.

"After serious injuries, she died in the hospital treatment room. ... She was shot three times in the back," Dr Ali Mohamed Hassan, a physician at children's hospital in north Mogadishu where the nun worked, told Reuters.

The aid worker's bodyguard was also killed in the attack.

Details were sketchy, but one suspect had already been arrested by Islamist militiamen who control the capital, the witnesses said.

Islamists representing courts practicing strict sharia law seized Mogadishu from U.S.-backed warlords earlier this year. The Islamists' presence brought some order to the chaotic capital.

But Mogadishu is awash in weapons and aid workers have been targets of violence in the past.

Political tensions have also created a sense of insecurity as the Islamists take more territory from a militarily inferior government based in the provincial town of Baidao.


MOGADISHU, Sept 17 (Reuters) - The killing of an Italian Catholic nun in Mogadishu on Sunday may well be linked to anger among Muslims about Pope Benedict's recent remarks on Islam, a senior source among Somalia's Islamists said.

"There is a very high possibility the people who killed her were angered by the Catholic Pope's recent comments against Islam," the source told Reuters.

The source, however, offered no specific evidence to support that motive.

Gunmen shot and killed the nun, who worked at a children's hospital in north Mogadishu, and her bodyguard.

"After serious injuries, she died in the hospital treatment room. ... She was shot three times in the back," Dr Ali Mohamed Hassan, a physician at the hospital, told Reuters.

The attack occurred amid widespread Muslim anger over comments by Pope Benedict in a speech on Tuesday in Germany in which he quoted a 14th century emperor who said everything the Prophet Mohammed brought was evil "such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached".

The Pope's speech was construed by many in the Muslim world as anti-Islamic. Churches have been attacked in the Palestinian territories over the weekend.

The Pope on Sunday said he was sorry his speech had sparked anger among Muslims and said his intention had been to start a dialogue.[/quote][quote]

Edited by Akalyte
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I predicted this one.

FIRST OF ALL this is the ONE area, that I believe all Christians should unite together on. The Islamics have a saying .. ."First we kill the Saturday people, then the Sunday people next"

This will NOT be the last Catholic clergy murdered in cold blood over this.

You do NOT GIVE IN to these "turban wearers" { I was warned that I had to be NICE to the people that are threatening to murder the pope by the mods here, we cannot call THEM names, as they put out hit contracts ... gotta be Kumbayah you know...}

The only thing they understand, have EVER understood, at Tours, Vienna, Lopetano, and Sicily is the cold hard point of the bayonett, or the barrel of a gun. And the sooner the world accepts that FACT, the quicker we can toss them out, and isolate them from the rest of decent humanity.

Edited by Eutychus
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I wonder if Catholics here are waking up to what Islam is really all about.

1. They do not worship God {Allah is NOT GOD} They worship a god that preaches to them to kill all infidels, that means any unbelievers--Christians, Catholics, athiests. Go check out a Koran from the library, its in there.

2. It is a religion of complete and utter bondage, that brings even its [u]own people [/u]endless heartache and suffering. Read of some of the stuff that is done to women, both physical and mental, they are treated like slaves. Ive read enough of the memroirs of ones who have escaped including lady from Saudia Arabia. These are all truly horrifying stories. Learn what happens to any Muslim that dares to convert to be a Christian.

Google Sharia Law.

Learn how folks in Saudia Arabia really live, Christians are killed there constantly, there isnt one Christian church in some of these countries.

3. It is not a religion of PEACE as the liberals, and kumbuyahers would want you to believe.

4. Interreligious dialogue is based on the false precepts that false religions even hold the same values as you do. They do not. Muslims do not value what Western culture values at the core. These are people who even sacrifice the life of THEIR OWN CHILDREN to exact revenge....[suicide bombings and more]

I sincerely hope some of you are rethinking some of that Allah equals God stuff......

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so does that mean you dont believe Allah of Islam is God?

Jesus told us to examine the fruits, the fruits of Islam, are extremely extremely poor.

The poor Muslims are under the bondage of a false spirit that even leads to immense suffering for THEM.

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I dont believe Islam worships the same God. They worship demons.

my personal interpretation "woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet. I wonder if that moon is the cresent of islam. Islam will be conquered.

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Good point Akalyte! I always felt that any Angel could have just slipped in to tell Mohammed anything it wants. I mean come-on, lowering the eternal sonship of Jesus to a simple Divinity is silly. Read the words of St Paul around 60 AD:

Paul, an apostle not from human beings nor through a human being but through Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised him from the dead, and all the brothers who are with me, to the churches of Galatia: grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins that he might rescue us from the present evil age in accord with the will of our God and Father,
to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
I am amazed that you are so quickly forsaking the one who called you by (the) grace (of Christ) for a different gospel (not that there is another). But there are some who are disturbing you and wish to pervert the gospel of Christ. [u][b]But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach (to you) a gospel other than the one that we preached to you, let that one be accursed![/b] [/u] [b][u]As we have said before, and now I say again, if anyone preaches to you a gospel other than the one that you received, let that one be accursed! [/u] [/b] Am I now currying favor with human beings or God? Or am I seeking to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a slave of Christ. Now I want you to know, brothers, that the gospel preached by me is not of human origin. For I did not receive it from a human being, nor was I taught it, but it came through a revelation of Jesus Christ.

Nuff said. Islam's Gospel is different from Christ's Gospel. :o

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first of all somalia is an utter mess.

second of all, dont judge a religion based on a couple nut jobs. I would hate for Catholicism to get blamed everytime a fundi bombed an abortion clinic.Or the actions of the KKK(who claim to be christian)

Catechism 841

[quote]The Church's relationship with the Muslims. "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day."
(LG 16; cf. NA 3.)(LG=Lumen gentium, NA= Nostra aetate)[/quote]

something I wrote on this topic

[quote]I have a working knowledge of the six doctrines of islam. In all respect for the christians here allow me to word them in an evangelical language. For I learned along time ago most of our differences come from language.

God is an all powerful, all seeing, all knowing creator. This view is very similar to the jewish view of God. minus the trinitarian theology

angels,(gabriel to Shaitan and the jinns...based on the hebrew terms for satan and denoms)

Scripture 4 God inspired books: torah of moses(xn call the pentateuch) the Zabur(pslams of david) the Injil(a version of the gospel of Jesus) and the Qur'an. but because doctrinally muslims believe that Jews and christians corrupted their scripture the Qur'an is Allah's final word to mankind, superseding all previous writings.

mohammed The quran lists 28 prophets of Allah, including Adam, noan abraham, moses, david, Jonah, and Jesus. but the last and greatest is Mohammed

Eschatology(end times) on the last day the dead will be resurrected. Allah will be the judge, and each person is sent to heaven or hell. Heaven is a place of sensual pleasure, hell is for those who oppose Allah and his prophet Mohammed.

Predestination God has determined what He pleases and no one can change what He has decreed (kismet, doctrine of fate) from this doctrine comes the most common islamic phrase,"if it is Allah's will"

Five Pillars of the faith:

Statement of belief to become a muslim, a person must publically repeat the Shahadah:"There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is the prophet of Allah."

Prayer Muslims pray five times a day-daybreak, noon, midafternoon, after sunset, early evening. The Muslim must kneel and bow in the prescribed manner in the direction of the holy city, Mecca.

Alms Muslim law today requires the believer to give one/fortieth of his profit (2.5%) this offering goes to the widows, orphans, the sick and other unfortunates.

Ramadan The ninth month of the islamic lunar year is called ramadan and is the highest Muslim holy season. Muslims are required to fast for the entire month. Food and drink, as well as smoking and sexual pleasures are forbidden, but only during daylight hours. During Ramadan, many muslims eat two meals a day, ther first just before sunrise, and the other shortly after sunset. During Ramadan, the believer must not commit any unworthy acts. If he does, his fasting is meaningless

Pilgrimage to mecca the Hajj, must be performed at least once in a lifetime. Or send someone in his/her place.

How the Qur'am contradicts the bible.

The bible has has an important influence on the teaching of Islam. For instance, the muslim proudly traces his ancestry to Ishmael, a son of Abraham. Muslim beliefs about the nature of God, the resurrection of the body and judgment are roughly similar to the teachings of the bible. But there are some striking differences. Here are some I have found of Muslim ideas contradicting what is taught in scripture.
For Muslims God is one, period Th QUr'an explicitly attacks the christian teaching on the trinity, saying that anyone who ascribes "partners" to God is committing the sin of shirk(blasphemy). This prohibition is explicitly directed against the christian doctrine of the trinity and the teaching that Jesus is God. Many muslims are also erroneously taught that Christians are reallyu tri-ttheists who believe in God the father, mary the mother, and Jesus the son. This grotesque caricature of the trinity is a complete misrepresentation of what the bible teaches and christians believe. Muslims also teach that Allah is transcendent (all-powerful) and relatively impersonal. Of the 99 names ascribed to God in Islam, "father" is omitted (to avoid the idea of the father and the son) This is in stark contrast to the Bible and to Jesus' own teaching, which says that God is our personal heavenly father. While one of the 99 Muslim names for God is "the merciful," he is not viewed primararily as a dispenser of love and grace, but more as a righteous judge to whom the Muslim must give account.
The Qur'an denies that Jesus is the son of God although is describes the virgin birth in a passage similar to luke 1:26-38(see Surah 3:45-47). The Qur'an calls Jesus a prphet equal to Abraham, Jonah, and others; bu places Him in rank far below Mohammed. Surah 4:171 says that "Jesus...was only a messenger of Allah...far is it removed from His transcendent majesty that He should have a son" Mohammed totally ignored what the New testament says about Jesus' divinity (see, matt 8:29; 17:5; John 1:1-5; 8:58; 10:30, 14:9; 20:28; Col 1:15-17; 2:9) instead of admitting that verses like these exist, Muslims claim Christian have changed the bible.
The Qur'an says that Christ never really died on the Cross "they slew him not nor crucified, but it appeared so unto them'(Surah 4:157) According to Islam, Allah took Jesus to heaven just before the crucifixion, because it is unthinkable that an approved prophet of God should face such humiliating defeat. Muslims say Judas made up so cleverly to resemble Jesus that even Mary and the Disciples were fooled. A minority muslim theory is Jesus was in a coma on the cross and was taken down, revived and later died. Obviously, all of this is in complete opposition to the teaching of the bible and witness of early patristic history. As we have seen, the cross is the center of God's redemptive plan. The crucifixion of Christ was prophesied in the OT. Eyewitness accounts of that crucifixion are contained in each of the four gospels. Jesus predicted his death many times(see matt 16:21). Why did he die? as a ransom for many(mark 10:45) He promised that through His shed blood there would be fgorgiveness of sins (matt 26:2 As for Judas, the gospels tell us that he was the one who betrayed Jesus (see mark 14:10.11,43-45) and in remorse for what he did Judas hung himself. This is a major problem area in the testimony of islam. They claim this "eyewitness" testimony counter anything in patristic history, and developed it 400yrs after any possible witnesses were dead. In a nutshell there is no source from which this doctrine could be contributed to. Not even the early heresys felt this way.
Surah 4:111 declares that each perso must take care of his or her own sins The muslim must earn salvation from sin by following the 5 pillars of faith, if he doesnt make it, its his own fault:"whoever goes astray he himself bears the whole responsability of wondering"(surah 10:109) In contrast the bible teaches that we all have sinned and gone our own way. The only way mankind can find forgiveness is through faith in Christ.

In summery the major differences between Muslims and Christians

regarding God Muslims believe there is no God but Allah; Christians believe that God is revealed in scripture as father, son and Holy spirit, three persons who are coeternally God.

Regarding Jesus christ Muslims believe that Jesus was only a man, a prophet below Mohammed in importance, who did not die for man's sins; Christians say Christ is the son of God the sinless redeemer who died and rose again in fullfillment of scripture for sinful man.

Regarding sin Muslims claim that humans are born with hearts that are clean slates. If they commit sins, these can be overcome by acts of the will, christian counter that we are born corrupted(original sin) by sin, spiritually dead apart from God's grace, and that no one does good apart from faith.

Regarding salvationMuslims say that Allah does not love those who do wrong, and each person must earn his or her own salvation; christians contend that a loving God sent His son to die for our sins; according to the scripture.

I hope and pray I did an accurate and respectful job of comparing the common points and differences in our two faiths.,[/quote]


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[quote]my personal interpretation "woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet. I wonder if that moon is the cresent of islam. Islam will be conquered. [/quote]

There are MANY of that are deadly serious about prophecy, the end times church will unite around a female diety, all you have to do is carefully examine how many Muslims are attending Roman Catholic marian shrines.

Zeitun Eqypt was the prototype a forshadowing of the merger, apparitions, and deceptions.


The Q'uran has MUCH MORE in it about Mary, than does the standard bible texts we use.

Fr Ladis J. Cizik, Blue Army National Executive Director

Islam is an Arabic word that can be defined as "to make peace." Islam is the religion founded by Mohammed, which considers the Koran as its holy book. In addition, Islam accepts the New Testament of the Christians and the Old Testament of the Jews as Divinely inspired works. Followers of Islam are known as Muslims (also: Moors, Turks, and Moslems) and, just as Jews and Christians, believe in only one God. Yet, over the centuries, Muslims have engaged in tremendous wars with Christians and Jews. It would seem that there is little hope for peace. However, Heaven's Peace Plan, involving Our Lady, is evidenced at Fatima, Portugal as well as other places around the world.


The Moors once occupied Portugal. The village of Fatima was given the Islamic name of the well-loved Princess of the nearby Castle of Ourem. She died at an early age after marrying the Count of Ourem and converting to Catholicism. Baptized with the Christian name of Oureana, she was named at birth "Fatima," like many other Moslem girls, in honor of the daughter of Mohammed. Of his daughter, Fatima, the founder of Islam, Mohammed, said: "She has the highest place in heaven after the Virgin Mary."

It is a fact that Moslems from various nations, especially from the Middle East, make so many pilgrimages to Our Lady of Fatima's Shrine in Portugal that Portuguese officials have expressed concern. The combination of an Islamic name and Islamic devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary is a great attraction to Moslems. God is writing straight with crooked lines, as we will see. Fatima is a part of Heaven's Peace Plan. It is hope for the world.

The Koran

In the Koran, the holy name of the Blessed Virgin Mary is mentioned no less than thirty times. No other woman's name is even mentioned, not even that of Mohammed's daughter, Fatima. Among men, only Abraham, Moses, and Noah are mentioned more times than Our Lady. In the Koran, Our Blessed Mother is described as "Virgin, ever Virgin." The Islamic belief in the virginity of Mary puts to shame the heretical beliefs of those who call themselves Christian, while denying the perpetual virginity of Mary. Make no mistake about it, there is a very special relationship between the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Moslems!

And with that we are back to Fatima, Portugal where Our Lady, when asked her name, said: "I am the Lady of the Rosary." At Fatima, Our Lady taught us to pray the Rosary every day. Heaven presented its peace plan at Fatima and truly gave us hope for the world. Conversions were promised at Fatima: the conversion of sinners; the conversion of Russia; and what also appears to be the conversion of Islam. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!

Soul Magazine
© 2001 The Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima, U.S.A., Inc.
September - October 2001, page 6

For subscription information:
The Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima, U.S.A., Inc.

PO Box 976
Washington, NJ 07882-0976
Website: www.bluearmy.com
E-mail: service@bluearmy.com
or Phone Toll Free: 866-513-1917


Provided Courtesy of:
Eternal Word Television Network[/quote]

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Not yet. Give it a tad more time.

She right now is given the attributes of a diety. Omnipresence, Omnipotence, Creative Powers, Tascending of time and space, and control over nature.

Where I come from, no matter how much you protest that you are not, when you believe the above, you are, whether you know that or not.

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1065056' date='Sep 17 2006, 09:23 AM']
Not yet. Give it a tad more time.

She right now is given the attributes of a diety. Omnipresence, Omnipotence, Creative Powers, Tascending of time and space, and control over nature.

Where I come from, no matter how much you protest that you are not, when you believe the above, you are, whether you know that or not.


Wow. You're just so wrong, but I'll let all the other good Catholics come to our defense to speak the truth in detail.

I still like you!

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Justified Saint

[quote name='Eutychus' post='1064954' date='Sep 17 2006, 06:18 AM']
I predicted this one.

FIRST OF ALL this is the ONE area, that I believe all Christians should unite together on. The Islamics have a saying .. ."First we kill the Saturday people, then the Sunday people next"


Does this mean you think Catholics are Christians? <I think I just fell off my chair>

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