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The Ewtn Tv Show "the Journey Home"


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[quote]Frankly, given the EXODUS rate because of the problems, that INTAKE rate is abysmal. Were it not for those "green card Catholics" I suspect that your denomination would be in a serious freefall here in the USA and the illegals are the only thing keeping the numbers positive.[/quote]

And again you've completey disregarded everything I've said up until this point.

1) We weren't talking about conversion rates, we were talking about your comment about a show "Leaving Rome" and what an uproard that would be. I explained 3 times why that was a non-sensical idea.

2) YOu keep referring to the Church as a "denomination," but as I've already insisted, the Church is not "one among many" as the Protestants are, for the simple reason that there are tons and tons of Protestant 'churches;' there is only ONE Catholic Church. This is verified by the fact that you continue to make it evident that you see this as some sort of wrestling match. All the Protestant denominations against the Catholic Church which is apparently some corporate powerhouse that needs to be put out of business.

3) Those "numbers" make no difference when speaking to any mildly informed Catholic. It doesn't even make us blink. Do you know why?

And anyway those numbers are beginning on the upswing. Take seminary enrollment for example, which is up.

Edited by DAF
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[quote name='OLAM Dad' post='1064132' date='Sep 16 2006, 10:39 AM']
I suspect that a show titled "Leaving Rome" would be pretty boring, even to the fundy/non-denominational crowd.[/quote]It sounds as interesting as "Air America" programming.

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[quote name='DAF' post='1064236' date='Sep 16 2006, 10:39 AM']
Isn't Whoopi Goldberg on Air America now?


What's "Air America" (I'm serious)

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[quote name='Veritas' post='1064251' date='Sep 16 2006, 01:10 PM']

What's "Air America" (I'm serious)

It's a liberal/progressive radio network.

I don't know if Whoopi is on Air America, but I know she's on the Lite (Chicago) in the mornings now.

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Air America is a radio network whose purpose is to spread the glories of left-wing ideology. It is known for the fact that it can't get anyone interested enough to listen to its broadcasts.

Wiki page for Air America Radio: [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_America_Radio"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_America_Radio[/url]

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1064080' date='Sep 16 2006, 05:33 AM']Frankly, given the EXODUS rate because of the problems, that INTAKE rate is abysmal. Were it not for those "green card Catholics" I suspect that your denomination would be in a serious freefall here in the USA and the illegals are the only thing keeping the numbers positive.

Since when did God base His Church on numbers? Is it not a true Church simply because it doesn't have the highest number of people? Really, you are better than that. Expose Novus Ordo through the real issues, that you and Budge had been doing so much until recently. Playing a numbers game just begs the question of whether or not you actually have anything useful to say anymore.

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[quote][u] 2) YOu keep referring to the Church as a "denomination," but as I've already insisted, the Church is not "one among many" as the Protestants are, for the simple reason that there are tons and tons of Protestant 'churches;' there is only ONE Catholic Church. [/u]This is verified by the fact that you continue to make it evident that you see this as some sort of wrestling match. All the Protestant denominations against the Catholic Church which is apparently some corporate powerhouse that needs to be put out of business. [/quote]

Really? Coulda fooled me.....

Please NOTE, this list is compiled by the SAME PERSON and organization, Barett that compiled the list wherein the Catholic Church online apologist likes to CLAIM there are 30,000+ denominations, the SAME criteria was applied to the Catholic Church as was applied to other groups.

[quote][color="#660000"][b]No doubt the same Roman Catholic apologists who so gleefully cite the erroneous 25,000-denominations figure, and who might with just as much glee cite the revised 8,196-denominations figure, would reel at the notion that there might actually be 223 distinct denominations within Roman Catholicism! Yet that is precisely the number that Barrett cites for Roman Catholicism. Moreover, Barrett indicates in the case of Roman Catholicism that even this number can be broken down further to produce 2,942 separate “denominations”—and that was only in 1970! In that same year there were only 3,294 Protestant denominations; a difference of only 352 denominations.

If we were to use the Roman Catholic apologist’s method to “project” a figure for the current day, we could no doubt postulate a number upwards of 8,000 Roman Catholic denominations today! Hence, if Roman Catholic apologists want to argue that Protestantism is splintered into 8,196 “bickering” denominations, then they must just as readily admit that their own ecclesial system is splintered into at least 2,942 bickering denominations (possibly as many as 8,000). If, on the other hand, they would rather claim that among those 2,942+ (perhaps 8,000?) Roman Catholic denominations there is “unity,” then they can have no objection to the notion that among the 8,196 Protestant denominations there is also unity.[[/b][/color][/quote]

[quote]324 Roman Catholic Denominations

Denomination Name - Christian megabloc- Country of denomination -AC 2000
Catholic Church Roman Catholics Afghanistan 1,400
Catholic Church in Albania: Roman Catholics Albania 512,601
Eglise Catholique en Algerie: Roman Catholics Algeria 3,450
Catholic Church: D Samoa-Pago Pago Roman Catholics American Samoa 12,000
Iglesia Católica (D Urgell) Roman Catholics Andorra 76,015
Igreja Católica em Angola: Roman Catholics Angola 8,377,139
Igreja Lusitana Católica Apostólica Ev Independents Angola 460
Catholic Church (D Saint John's) Roman Catholics Anguilla 310
Catholic Church Roman Catholics Antarctica 1,400
Catholic Church: D Saint John’s Roman Catholics Antigua 7,277
Iglesia Católica en la Argentina Roman Catholics Argentina 33,640,205
Catholic Church in Armenia: Roman Catholics Armenia 230,000
Catholic Church (D Willemstad) Roman Catholics Aruba 80,000
Catholic Church in Australia: Roman Catholics Australia 5,158,460
Katholische Kirche Österreichs: Roman Catholics Austria 5,936,937
Catholic Church (m Baku) Roman Catholics Azerbaijan 120
Catholic Church: D Nassau Roman Catholics Bahamas 47,688
Catholic Church (VA Arabia) Roman Catholics Bahrain 23,000
Catholic Church in Bangladesh: Roman Catholics Bangladesh 263,655
Catholic Ch: D Bridgetown Roman Catholics Barbados 10,000
Eglise Catholique de Belgique: Roman Catholics Belgium 8,179,503
Catholic Ch: D Belize City Roman Catholics Belize 132,940
Catholic Ch in Belarus: Roman Catholics Belorussia 1,059,000
Eglise Catholique au Bénin: Roman Catholics Benin 1,493,468
Catholic Ch: D Hamilton in Bermuda Roman Catholics Bermuda 9,300
Catholic Church (D Tezpur) Roman Catholics Bhutan 600
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Bolivia -682,445
Iglesia Católica en Bolivia: Roman Catholics Bolivia 7,290,797
Catholic Church in Bosnia: Roman Catholics Bosnia-Herzegovina 456,184
Catholic Church in Botswana Roman Catholics Botswana 78,187
Catholic Church: D Bougainville Roman Catholics Bougainville 165,069
Congregação dos Missionários DSTS Independents Brazil 3,100
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Brazil -43,396,721
Igreja Católica no Brasil: Roman Catholics Brazil 147,359,395
Catholic Ch in England & Wales: Roman Catholics Britain 4,225,718
Catholic Church in Ireland: Roman Catholics Britain 741,269
Catholic Church in Scotland: Roman Catholics Britain 690,076
Old Roman Catholic Ch (English Rite) Independents Britain 930
Catholic Church Roman Catholics British Indian Ocean 700
Catholic Church (D Saint John's) Roman Catholics British Virgin Is 750
Catholic Church (PA Brunei) Roman Catholics Brunei 25,000
Catholic Church in Bulgaria: Roman Catholics Bulgaria 80,000
Eglise Catholique en Burkina Faso: Roman Catholics Burkina Faso 1,324,326
Eglise Catholique au Burundi: Roman Catholics Burundi 3,990,845
Eglise Catholique au Cambodge: Roman Catholics Cambodia 19,959
Eglise Catholique au Cameroun: Roman Catholics Cameroon 3,988,418
Catholic Church of Canada: Roman Catholics Canada 13,497,550
Old Roman Catholic Church Independents Canada 1,200
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Cape Verde -42,991
Igreja Catôlica: D Santiago de Cabo V Roman Catholics Cape Verde 408,813
Catholic Church (m Cayman Islands) Roman Catholics Cayman Islands 4,000
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Cayman Islands -4,331
Eglise Catholique à la RCA: Roman Catholics Central African Rep 718,196
Eglise Catholique au Tchad: Roman Catholics Chad 559,512
Catholic Ch in E & W (D Portsmouth) Roman Catholics Channel Islands 22,300
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Chile -3,112,004
Iglesia Católica en Chile: Roman Catholics Chile 11,750,773
Catholic Church in China (Clandestine) Roman Catholics China 7,500,000
Catholic Church: D Hong Kong Roman Catholics China 371,327
Igreja Católica: D Macau Roman Catholics China 29,850
Catholic Church (AD Singapore) Roman Catholics Christmas Island 250
Catholic Church (M Perth) Roman Catholics Cocos (Keeling) Is 40
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Colombia -721,977
Iglesia Católica en Colombia: Roman Catholics Colombia 39,222,604
Eglise Catholique: AA Comoro Islands Roman Catholics Comoros 1,500
Eglise Catholique au Congo: Roman Catholics Congo-Brazzaville 1,718,937
Mouvement Croix-Koma Independents Congo-Brazzaville 14,200
Eglise Catholique au Congo-Zaire: Roman Catholics Congo-Zaire 27,066,941
Catholic Church: D Rarotonga Roman Catholics Cook Islands 3,140
Arbol de la Vida Independents Costa Rica 2,300
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Costa Rica -464,418
Iglesia Católica en Costa Rica: Roman Catholics Costa Rica 3,719,697
Catholic Church in Croatia: Roman Catholics Croatia 3,803,928
Iglesia Católica en Cuba: Roman Catholics Cuba 5,178,652
Catholic Church in Cyprus: Roman Catholics Cyprus 12,000
Catholic Ch in the Czech Republic: Roman Catholics Czech Republic 4,306,600
Hussite Church of the Czech Republic Independents Czech Republic 170,000
Catholic Church: D København Roman Catholics Denmark 34,369
Eglise Catholique: D Djibouti Roman Catholics Djibouti 7,000
Catholic Church: D Roseau Roman Catholics Dominica 56,800
Iglesia Católica en la Rep Dominicana: Roman Catholics Dominican Republic 7,486,808
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Ecuador -469,988
Iglesia Católica en el Ecuador: Roman Catholics Ecuador 11,730,813
Catholic Church in Egypt: Roman Catholics Egypt 237,653
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated El Salvador -1,124,523
Iglesia Católica en El Salvador: Roman Catholics El Salvador 5,667,551
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Equatorial Guinea -29,038
Igl Católica en la Guinea Ecuatorial: Roman Catholics Equatorial Guinea 384,534
Catholic Church in Eritrea: Roman Catholics Eritrea 132,937
Catholic Church: AA Estonia Roman Catholics Estonia 3,500
Catholic Church in Ethiopia: Roman Catholics Ethiopia 443,379
Catholic Church (D Kobenhavn) Roman Catholics Faeroe Islands 130
Catholic Church: PA Falkland Islands Roman Catholics Falkland Islands 580
Catholic Church: M Suva Roman Catholics Fiji 82,695
Catholic Ch in Finland: D Helsinki Roman Catholics Finland 7,835
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated France -3,373,026
Eglise Catholique de France: Roman Catholics France 46,618,273
Eglise Christique Primitive Independents France 760
Eglise Vieille-Catholique Romaine en F Independents France 40,800
Eglise Catholique: D Cayenne Roman Catholics French Guiana 140,000
Eglise Catholique de Polynésie Fr: Roman Catholics French Polynesia 90,615
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Gabon -11,759
Eglise Catholique au Gabon: Roman Catholics Gabon 645,761
Catholic Church: D Banjul (Bathurst) Roman Catholics Gambia 30,000
Catholic Church (AA Caucasus) Roman Catholics Georgia 40,000
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Germany -514,904
Katholische Kirche Deutschlands: Roman Catholics Germany 27,179,105
Catholic Church in Ghana: Roman Catholics Ghana 2,242,118
Liberal Catholic Church in Ghana Independents Ghana 86
Catholic Church: D Gibraltar Roman Catholics Gibraltar 22,500
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Gibraltar -2,651
Catholic Church in Greece: Roman Catholics Greece 54,913
Catholic Church (D Kobenhavn) Roman Catholics Greenland 110
Catholic Ch: D St George's in G Roman Catholics Grenada 54,919
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Grenada -6,046
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Guadeloupe -46,584
Eglise Catholique: D Basse-Terre Roman Catholics Guadeloupe 403,000
Catholic Church: D Agaña Roman Catholics Guam 130,000
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Guam -18,847
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Guatemala -1,817,717
Iglesia Católica en Guatemala: Roman Catholics Guatemala 9,471,750
Iglesia Católica Nacional Guatemalteca Independents Guatemala 9,000
Eglise Catholique au Guinée: Roman Catholics Guinea 133,641
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Guinea-Bissau -22,538
Igreja Católica no Guiné-Bissau: Roman Catholics Guinea-Bissau 136,000
Catholic Church: D Georgetown Roman Catholics Guyana 88,000
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Haiti -930,236
Eglise Catholique au Haïti: Roman Catholics Haiti 6,377,995
Chiesa Cattolica: V Città del Vaticano Roman Catholics Holy See 764
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Honduras -648,215
Iglesia Católica en Honduras: Roman Catholics Honduras 5,361,538
Catholic Church in Hungary: Roman Catholics Hungary 6,270,089
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Hungary -499,240
Catholic Church; D Reykjavik Roman Catholics Iceland 4,307
Catholic Church in India: Roman Catholics India 16,715,745
Catholic Church in Indonesia: Roman Catholics Indonesia 6,288,876
Catholic Church in Iran: Roman Catholics Iran 25,700
Catholic Church in Iraq: Roman Catholics Iraq 281,373
Catholic Church in Ireland: Roman Catholics Ireland 3,246,686
Catholic Ch in E & W (D Liverpool) Roman Catholics Isle of Man 6,850
Catholic Church in Israel: Roman Catholics Israel 143,370
Chiesa Cattolica in Italia: Roman Catholics Italy 55,911,504
Chiesa Cattolica Riformata d'Italia Independents Italy 440
Comunità Catt dei SS Andrea Ap e di C Independents Italy 1,100
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Italy -481,941
Eglise Catholique en Côte d’Ivoire: Roman Catholics Ivory Coast 2,613,896
Catholic Church in Jamaica: Roman Catholics Jamaica 116,130
Catholic Church in Japan: Roman Catholics Japan 511,063
Catholic Church in Jordan: Roman Catholics Jordan 41,420
Catholic Church in Kazakstan Roman Catholics Kazakhstan 180,160
Catholic Church in Kenya: Roman Catholics Kenya 7,360,971
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Kenya -2,022,112
Catholic Church in Kirghizia (m Kyrgyzstan) Roman Catholics Kirgizstan 300
Catholic Ch: D Tarawa & Nauru Roman Catholics Kiribati 46,536
Catholic Church in Kuwait Roman Catholics Kuwait 153,700
Eglise Catholique au Laos: Roman Catholics Laos 38,121
Catholic Church in Latvia: Roman Catholics Latvia 408,187
Catholic Church in Lebanon: Roman Catholics Lebanon 1,418,837
Catholic Church in Lesotho: Roman Catholics Lesotho 894,418
Catholic Church in Liberia: Roman Catholics Liberia 141,665
Catholic Church in Libya: Roman Catholics Libya 77,700
Katholische Kirche (D Vaduz) Roman Catholics Liechtenstein 24,993
Catholic Church in Lithuania: Roman Catholics Lithuania 2,828,220
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Lithuania -60,219
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Luxembourg -11,116
Eglise Catholique: AD Luxembourg Roman Catholics Luxembourg 400,000
Catholic Church in Macedonia: Roman Catholics Macedonia 75,320
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Madagascar -1,172,394
Eglise Catholique au Madagascar: Roman Catholics Madagascar 3,667,400
Catholic Church in Malawi: Roman Catholics Malawi 2,679,589
Catholic Church in Malaysia: Roman Catholics Malaysia 752,202
Catholic Church (M Colombo) Roman Catholics Maldives 480
Eglise Catholique au Mali: Roman Catholics Mali 210,601
Catholic Church in Malta: Roman Catholics Malta 364,208
Catholic Ch: PA Marshall Islands Roman Catholics Marshall Islands 4,576
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Martinique -31,606
Eglise Catholique: M Fort-de-France Roman Catholics Martinique 350,000
Eglise Catholique: D Nouakchott Roman Catholics Mauritania 4,500
Catholic Church: D Port-Louis Roman Catholics Mauritius 287,726
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Mauritius -29,327
Eglise Catholique (AA Comores) Roman Catholics Mayotte 500
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Mexico -7,979,944
Iglesia Católica en México: Roman Catholics Mexico 92,308,933
Catholic Ch: D Caroline Islands Roman Catholics Micronesia 70,185
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Micronesia -13,181
Catholic Ch in Moldova: Roman Catholics Moldavia 73,000
Eglise Catholique: AD Monaco Roman Catholics Monaco 28,000
Catholic Church: m Urga (Ulan Bator) Roman Catholics Mongolia 94
Catholic Church (D Saint John's) Roman Catholics Montserrat 400
Eglise Catholique au Maroc: Roman Catholics Morocco 24,064
Igreja Católica em Moçambique: Roman Catholics Mozambique 3,735,019
Catholic Church in Myanmar: Roman Catholics Myanmar 597,407
Catholic Church in Namibia: Roman Catholics Namibia 306,546
Catholic Ch (D Tarawa and Nauru) Roman Catholics Nauru 2,920
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Nauru -1,159
Catholic Church (PA Nepal) Roman Catholics Nepal 6,195
Catholic Church in the Netherlands: Roman Catholics Netherlands 5,261,028
Old Roman Catholic Church Independents Netherlands 1,200
Catholic Church: D Willemstad Roman Catholics Netherlands Antilles 150,000
Eglise Catholique: M Nouméa Roman Catholics New Caledonia 115,680
Catholic Church in New Zealand: Roman Catholics New Zealand 458,947
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Nicaragua -498,453
Iglesia Católica en Nicaragua: Roman Catholics Nicaragua 4,330,346
Eglise Catholique de Niger: Roman Catholics Niger 20,000
Catholic Church in Nigeria: Roman Catholics Nigeria 15,424,007
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Nigeria -19,611,471
Catholic Church (D Rarotonga) Roman Catholics Niue 150
Catholic Church (M Sydney) Roman Catholics Norfolk Island 250
Catholic Church in Korea Roman Catholics North Korea 40,000
Catholic Church: D Chalan Kanoa Roman Catholics Northern Mariana Is 62,000
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Northern Mariana Is -11,316
Catholic Church in Norway: Roman Catholics Norway 52,276
Catholic Church (VA Arabia) Roman Catholics Oman 50,000
Catholic Church in Pakistan: Roman Catholics Pakistan 1,263,934
Catholic Church (D Caroline Is) Roman Catholics Palau 8,600
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Palau -112
Catholic Church in Palestine: Roman Catholics Palestine 16,870
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Panama -360,523
Iglesia Católica en Panamá: Roman Catholics Panama 2,204,446
Catholic Ch in Papua New Guinea: Roman Catholics Papua New Guinea 1,465,220
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Papua New Guinea -1,164,208
Paliau Church Independents Papua New Guinea 1,200
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Paraguay -36,162
Iglesia Católica en el Paraguay: Roman Catholics Paraguay 4,739,737
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Peru -2,618,315
Iglesia Católica en el Perú: Roman Catholics Peru 24,581,381
Catholic Church in the Philippines: Roman Catholics Philippines 62,616,769
Christian Ecumenical Faith of the P Independents Philippines 8,600
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Philippines -19,840,280
Filipino Christian Church Independents Philippines 900
Independent Ch of Filipino Christians Independents Philippines 3,300
Philippine Independent Catholic Church Independents Philippines 2,200,000
Philippine Independent Church Independents Philippines 3,500,000
Catholic Church in Poland: Roman Catholics Poland 35,343,967
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Portugal -304,902
Igreja Católica em Portugal: Roman Catholics Portugal 9,064,361
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Puerto Rico 0
Iglesia Católica en Puerto Rico: Roman Catholics Puerto Rico 2,738,000
Catholic Church (VA Arabia) Roman Catholics Qatar 33,445
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Reunion -15,896
Eglise Cath: D St-Denis-de-La Réunion Roman Catholics Reunion 595,000
Catholic Church in Romania: Roman Catholics Romania 2,032,631
Catholic Church in Russia: Roman Catholics Russia 1,296,700
Eglise Catholique au Rwanda: Roman Catholics Rwanda 3,628,098
Iglesia Católica: PA Sahara Roman Catholics Sahara 150
Catholic Church (m Saint Helena) Roman Catholics Saint Helena 87
Catholic Church (D Saint John's) Roman Catholics Saint Kitts & Nevis 4,800
Catholic Church: M Castries Roman Catholics Saint Lucia 116,149
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Saint Lucia -12,627
Eglise Catholique: VA Iles S-P & M Roman Catholics Saint Pierre & Miquelon 6,312
Cath Ch in St Vincent: D Kingstown Roman Catholics Saint Vincent 10,000
Catholic Church: M Samoa-Apia Roman Catholics Samoa 30,336
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Samoa -61,551
Chiesa Cattolica Roman Catholics San Marino 23,509
Igreja Católica: D São Tomé & Princ Roman Catholics São Tomé & Príncipe 109,300
Catholic Church (VA Arabia) Roman Catholics Saudi Arabia 600,000
Eglise Catholique au Sénégal: Roman Catholics Senegal 482,946
Catholic Ch in Montenegro: Roman Catholics Serbia & Montenegro 25,000
Catholic Church in Serbia: Roman Catholics Serbia & Montenegro 408,109
Catholic Church: D Port Victoria Roman Catholics Seychelles 69,020
Catholic Church in Sierra Leone: Roman Catholics Sierra Leone 71,623
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Sierra Leone -44,329
Cath Ch: AD Singapore (Malacca) Roman Catholics Singapore 151,655
Catholic Church in Slovakia: Roman Catholics Slovakia 3,659,441
Hussite Church of Slovakia Independents Slovakia 2,600
Catholic Church in Slovenia: Roman Catholics Slovenia 1,620,968
Catholic Church in the Solomon Is: Roman Catholics Solomon Islands 83,115
Catholic Church: D Mogadishu Roman Catholics Somalia 100
Catholic Church (D Mogadishu) Roman Catholics Somaliland 30
Bantu New Christian Cath Apostolic Ch Independents South Africa 5,100
Catholic Church in South Africa: Roman Catholics South Africa 3,080,921
Catholic Church in Korea: Roman Catholics South Korea 4,171,537
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Spain -60,196
Iglesia Católica en España: Roman Catholics Spain 38,112,399
Iglesia Católica (D Cádiz, D Málaga) Roman Catholics Spanish North Africa 102,000
Catholic Church in Sri Lanka: Roman Catholics Sri Lanka 1,299,935
Catholic Church in the Sudan: Roman Catholics Sudan 3,208,942
Catholic Church: D Paramaribo Roman Catholics Suriname 100,280
Catholic Church: D Manzini Roman Catholics Swaziland 53,104
Catholic Church: D Stockholm Roman Catholics Sweden 95,291
Katholische Kirche in der Schweiz: Roman Catholics Switzerland 3,168,929
Catholic Church in Syria: Roman Catholics Syria 335,505
Catholic Church in Taiwan: Roman Catholics Taiwan 310,218
Catholic Church (m Tadjikistan) Roman Catholics Tajikistan 245
Catholic Church in Tanzania: Roman Catholics Tanzania 9,470,310
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Tanzania -1,159,241
Maria Legio of Africa Independents Tanzania 32,000
Catholic Church in Thailand: Roman Catholics Thailand 273,147
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Timor -64,351
Igreja Católica do Timur: Roman Catholics Timor 630,047
Eglise Catholique au Togo: Roman Catholics Togo 1,258,935
Catholic Church: m Tokelau Roman Catholics Tokelau Islands 510
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Tokelau Islands -222
Catholic Church: D Tonga Roman Catholics Tonga 15,339
Catholic Church: M Port of Spain Roman Catholics Trinidad & Tobago 383,302
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Trinidad & Tobago -44,745
Eglise Catholique: D Tunis Roman Catholics Tunisia 22,000
Catholic Church in Turkey: Roman Catholics Turkey 31,945
Catholic Ch: m Turkmenistan Roman Catholics Turkmenistan 500
Catholic Ch: m Turks & Caicos Roman Catholics Turks & Caicos Is 600
Catholic Church: m Funafuti Roman Catholics Tuvalu 112
Catholic Church in Uganda: Roman Catholics Uganda 10,107,388
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Uganda -330,396
Maria Legio of Africa Independents Uganda 26,800
Catholic Church in the Ukraine: Roman Catholics Ukraine 4,246,183
Catholic Church (VA Arabia) Roman Catholics United Arab Emirates 150,000
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Uruguay -65,601
Iglesia Catôlica en el Uruguay: Roman Catholics Uruguay 2,360,291
Catholic Church in the USA Roman Catholics USA 62,969,775
Czechoslovak Hussite Church Independents USA 60,000
Independent Catholic Ch Intern Independents USA 3,300
Old Roman Catholic Apostolic Ch Independents USA 1,900
Old Roman Catholic Ch (English Rite) Independents USA 25,800
Philippine Independent Church Independents USA 22,500
Catholic Church: m Uzbekistan Roman Catholics Uzbekistan 3,000
Catholic Church: D Port Vila Roman Catholics Vanuatu 28,600
doubly-affiliated doubly-Affiliated Venezuela -2,222,118
Iglesia Católica en Venezuela: Roman Catholics Venezuela 22,806,757
Catholic Church in Viet Nam: Roman Catholics Viet Nam 5,301,329
Catholic Church: D Saint Thomas Roman Catholics Virgin Is of the US 30,000
Eglise Catholique: D Wallis & Futuna Roman Catholics Wallis & Futuna Is 14,192
Catholic Church (VA Arabia) Roman Catholics Yemen 6,744
Catholic Church in Zambia: Roman Catholics Zambia 3,011,778
Catholic Church in Zimbabwe: Roman Catholics Zimbabwe 1,172,16[/quote]

Edited by Eutychus
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Now, you know these are all either different rites of THE Catholic Church (with no difference in faith, morals, or earthly leadership --the Pope) or they're just protestant churches using the word "Catholic". If they're not in communion --They're not Catholic :)

On the other hand, the protestant churches have infinite differences in faith, morals, earthly leadership, etc. =infinite different churches or "churches".

I still like you!

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[quote]Now, you know these are all either different rites of THE Catholic Church (with no difference in faith, morals, or earthly leadership --the Pope) or they're just protestant churches using the word "Catholic". If they're not in communion --They're not Catholic[/quote]

There is more difference between a trad church Catholic Church and a Haitian Catholic Church church, than a Methodist to a Baptist in the USA, and we both know that. Mexican Catholicism would SHOCK any middle class suburban Roman Catholic, and we won't even mention what goes on in the Phillipines.

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1064486' date='Sep 16 2006, 09:08 PM']
There is more difference between a trad church Catholic Church and a Haitian Catholic Church church, than a Methodist to a Baptist in the USA, and we both know that. Mexican Catholicism would SHOCK any middle class suburban Roman Catholic, and we won't even mention what goes on in the Phillipines.

Are you talking about cultural differences? When I was in France, I was at Mass with Italians on a pilgrimage one day. When it came time for the sign of peace, I got the shock of my life when this man kissed me on both cheeks. No harm meant, it is their way. So if you see these differences, it means little.

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1063841' date='Sep 15 2006, 10:31 PM']

What I have noticed however, is the number that said they were becoming Roman Catholic after being born again, and seeking Jesus and the WORD, was close to none.[/quote]

Hmmm... look who was on tonight!

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I have it TiVo'ed already, will watch it in the next few days. There are two shows on EWTN now that I catch every one of. COMING HOME, and MITCH PACWA, SJ where he tries to make papal encylicals sound plausible. { I really do like Mitch, besides being a Jesuit, and a priest, he seems like a really good guy...}

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