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Something I've Noticed

hyperdulia again

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hyperdulia again

Protestant 1 says, "Scripture says ______."

Catholic 1 says, "Scripture does indeed say ______, but my Church, the one Jesus started, says that Scripture musst be interpreted in the light of the traditional understanding of a particular/verse/passage subject and in the light of what She (the Church) which I believe to be Christ's infallible and indefectible Bride teaches."

Protestant 1 says, "I'm tired of you falling back on that 'My Church is right therefore you are wrong' stuff."

Catholic 1 scratches head and leaves discussion.

Catholic 2 says something that to the Catholic mind sounds perfectly innocuous.

Protestant 2 makes some completely off subject statement about some other Catholic teaching.

Catholic 3 verbally punches Prot 2.

Prot 1 says a truism.

Prot 2 agrees.

Catholic 2 agrees.

Catholic 1 realizes that despite the use of the same word two distinct things are being talked about. He/She elaborates.

Prot 2 says something random and insulting.

Prot one disagrees with Cath 1.

Cath 2 and 3 assault Prot 2 and Prot 1.

Cath 1 disagrees with Prots 1 and 2.

Prot 1 disagrees with Cath 1.

Cath 1 disagrees with Prot 1.

Prot 2 sas something insulting.

Prot 1 gets offended at Cath 1's "prideful posts".

Cath 1 scrateches head and leaves discussion.

Cath 2-5000 and Prots 1 and 2 get into a fist fight.

In the meantime somebody out in cyber space gets completely rpulsed and decides they won't nothing to do with any for of Christianity.

What have we learned? I dunno either.

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Yes, someone may get repulsed.

But the good willed person (or trying to be of good ill; or, trying to be wiling to not be of bad will), that soul, shall try again to understand.

Please, my Holy Face.

In fact, the thread you (very ably) summarized, speaks loud and clear for:

a) the need for a Holy-Ghost commissioned and protected authority

b) that in the very midst of the very human condition, one Ecclessia has remained.


God will do what He will; He is God.

For me, knowing the hierarchy was/ is not perfect (to say the least) was/is a strong apologia for me to consider Someone else

behind this Catholic Church.

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hyperdulia again

"For me, knowing the hierarchy was/ is not perfect (to say the least) was/is a strong apologia for me to consider Someone else

behind this Catholic Church. "


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Hey, this basic scenario has been ongoing since Wycliffe, then Huss jumped in, Luther and Calvin had a few choice words....

At least we are not killing each other, burning at stakes, and pillaging villages over it.

What makes you think that anything CAN be resolved here online if it hasn't been for 500+ years?

Think about it.

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  hyperdulia again said:
Protestant 1 says, "Scripture says ______."

Catholic 1 says, "Scripture does indeed say ______, but my Church, the one Jesus started, says that Scripture musst be interpreted in the light of the traditional understanding of a particular/verse/passage subject and in the light of what She (the Church) which I believe to be Christ's infallible and indefectible Bride teaches."

Protestant 1 says, "I'm tired of you falling back on that 'My Church is right therefore you are wrong' stuff."

Catholic 1 scratches head and leaves discussion.

Catholic 2 says something that to the Catholic mind sounds perfectly innocuous.

Protestant 2 makes some completely off subject statement about some other Catholic teaching.

Catholic 3 verbally punches Prot 2.

Prot 1 says a truism.

Prot 2 agrees.

Catholic 2 agrees.

Catholic 1 realizes that despite the use of the same word two distinct things are being talked about. He/She elaborates.

Prot 2 says something random and insulting.

Prot one disagrees with Cath 1.

Cath 2 and 3 assault Prot 2 and Prot 1.

Cath 1 disagrees with Prots 1 and 2.

Prot 1 disagrees with Cath 1.

Cath 1 disagrees with Prot 1.

Prot 2 sas something insulting.

Prot 1 gets offended at Cath 1's "prideful posts".

Cath 1 scrateches head and leaves discussion.

Cath 2-5000 and Prots 1 and 2 get into a fist fight.

In the meantime somebody out in cyber space gets completely rpulsed and decides they won't nothing to do with any for of Christianity.

What have we learned? I dunno either.

:rolling: I almost fell on the floor reading this!!!!!!

:D :sweat::lol: :D :rolling:

I agree. Just as hard as it is for someone to follow this example, it's just as hard to follow some of these threads unless you sit on it for 3 days with no sleep.

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  mulls said:
i like how only the prots say insulting things.

well, we Catholics are busy with verbal punches and assaults. We don't have time to be insulting.

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  Sojourner said:
well, we Catholics are busy with verbal punches and assaults. We don't have time to be insulting.

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: too funny!

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  mulls said:
hmm, a verbal punch sounded like a compliment to me

You must be thinking HAWAIIAN punch. There's a good punch for ya.

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:rolling: This thread cracks me up!

I agree. Just as hard as it is for someone to follow this example, it's just as hard to follow some of these threads unless you sit on it for 3 days with no sleep.

So true. I just joined a couple days ago, and some of the threads that I wasn't here for the beginning of, I'm not even bothering to try to join in (esprecially the ones that are 6+ pages...)

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