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Mormon Or Roman Catholic ~ Can U Tell?


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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1062100' date='Sep 13 2006, 06:29 PM']
It is.

That is why { to use YOUR teminology } OUR people are not POORLY Catechised.
just doesnt look like they would focus on Jesus in there. it reminds me of my political science lecture hall really.

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[quote name='Anomaly' post='1062093' date='Sep 13 2006, 05:21 PM']
Snort. Great in theory, but it's not applied. You either have friendly 'priests' that have clown masses or dour Trad priests who won't let women in with pants and lacking a head covering. The 'CC' is a poor gaurdian of the sacraments because it's clergy doesn't know what to teach. It all depends upon the seminary they went to. No wonder one can't find the tabernacle in most of the new Cath Churches. The 'gaurdian of the Sacraments' has been placing it in the broom closet.

I know a great number who must slip through the cracks for they are friendly yet very orthodox

The first fruits are unripen and ruined. It is the second batch that will bear true fruit.


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Eutychus said:

"Everyone detests Pentecostals" ????

Are you serious?

I know three Pentecostal pastors who are some of the kindest people that I have ever met.

Furthermore, they know full well that I'm Catholic and amazingly enough, we still manage to have civilized conversations that don't resort to name calling. I know plenty of Pentecostals who I in no way "detest".

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[quote name='SJP' post='1062211' date='Sep 13 2006, 08:56 PM']
Furthermore, they know full well that I'm Catholic and amazingly enough, we still manage to have civilized conversations that don't resort to name calling. I know plenty of Pentecostals who I in no way "detest".

wow, hear that Eutychus? <_<

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[quote name='Anomaly' post='1061594' date='Sep 12 2006, 05:34 PM']
Hello! It's a symptom of elevating your chosen denomination to God status. Catholics are just as adept at it. EECNS. They are justifying worshiping their denomination. It must really smell of elderberries to be be dealing with Eut and Budge. It's the unflattering mirror, isn't it?

Im sorry sir. I dont follow you here. Are you saying that extreme fundis are a mirror for catholics? Now, I will assume you as totally naive to who I am, but you cant claim the sheltered catholic with me. If you read some of my earlier posts. And the spilling of a Dr. JoeyO you will find that I was a well respected evangelical on a theology related scholarship. Basically had my ticket written to any MA. Div program I desired. Multiple published theologians on the cell phone and public appearence debates were not uncommon. I reconciled myself to the Catholic faith roughly 2 years ago. I am still finishing up my undergrad at a well respected protestant bible college. My protestant background/training is better than the majority of preaching pastors. I do not mean to be prideful here, but I know evangelical protestantism. Ive lectured on it, defended it and been well trained in it. To the point that towards the end of my reversion one of the top evangelical theologians refered to me as Anakin, because I was the choosen one that went to the dark side. This is why the straw arguements of a Eut or Budge do not phase me other than annoyance. It is a matter of personal hate and vendetta that they write what they write. It isnt a strong conviction towards doctrinal issues. (*I have yet to read one post where they try to argue from a moltman spirit christology, or even a Volf eccesiology.--no serious academic protests. Luther and calvin wouldnt be impressed.) There is no meat in there beef. And in that I see it is emotional, and emotions betray logic. Free church or fundi protestants can not even get along with the free church or fundi protestants down the block. I have seen churches split over worship styles, youth activities and things to the level of carpet color. How can we expect them to properly understand a unity when they have been formed out of autonomy.

sorry if that comes across strong. I love my protestant friends and brothers and family members. I just think we play around too much. We need to represent. Why humor hate?

Edited by Revprodeji
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I'm pretty much confused by your post.
What is 'spilling of a DrJoeyO'?
What is 'moltman spirit christology'?
What is 'Volf eccesiology'?

I stand by my statement with the typographical correction of EECNS to EENS. Everyone is basically arguing for the authoritative right of their chosen denomination.

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[quote name='Anomaly' post='1062093' date='Sep 13 2006, 06:21 PM']
Snort. Great in theory, but it's not applied. You either have friendly 'priests' that have clown masses or dour Trad priests who won't let women in with pants and lacking a head covering. The 'CC' is a poor gaurdian of the sacraments because it's clergy doesn't know what to teach. It all depends upon the seminary they went to. No wonder one can't find the tabernacle in most of the new Cath Churches. The 'gaurdian of the Sacraments' has been placing it in the broom closet.
Oh come on... those are the options? Clown masses (really? when was the last clown mass you attended?) and Rad trad? Those are the two options?

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' post='1062485' date='Sep 14 2006, 05:53 AM']
Oh come on... those are the options? Clown masses (really? when was the last clown mass you attended?) and Rad trad? Those are the two options?
Extreme examples to easily make a point.

You read the posts here. Who here can say they've attended a Sunday Mass without "ABUSES"!

Maybe you'll get a few posters who will say they visted some other parish, or found the one parish in town with the least amount of liturgical abuses. Admit it. A mass without serious abuses is as common as hen's teeth. I can't say I've ever attended one in the last 20 years at the dozens of different parishes accross the Country that I've attended.

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I don't know... I suppose. I don't go looking for abuses (I'm not even sure I would spot them if I saw them). I'm there for another purpose-- not to be the abuse police.

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[quote name='Anomaly' post='1062502' date='Sep 14 2006, 06:22 AM']
Extreme examples to easily make a point.

You read the posts here. Who here can say they've attended a Sunday Mass without "ABUSES"!


Regulary :ninja:

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[quote]It is a matter of personal hate and vendetta that they write what they write. It isnt a strong conviction towards doctrinal issues. (*I have yet to read one post where [u]they try to argue from a moltman spirit christology, or even a Volf eccesiology.[/u]--no serious academic protests. [/quote]

God bless you my man, seriously.

IF that is indicative of the version and form of Christianity you seek, want, and like, more power to you. You really DO belong in the Roman Catholic denomination. Seriously.

Normally we call this "dancing on the head of pins" theology.

Compete erudite snobbery, elevated ego and a distorted view of one's place in the universe. Utter incomprehsion of basics and inability to understand the real world of pew dynamics and street evangelism.

Spending your entire life talking with your "peers" creating and producing theological works that MIGHT, just might be, read or understood by 0.0001% of humanity.

[quote]Ec 12:12

And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

Ro 1:22

Professing themselves to be wise, they became geniuses,[/quote]

Frankly, we applaud your swimming the Tiber. Thereby, our laity will be excused from those that think that understanding "Volf eccesiology" has any bearing whatsoever on anything.

Frankly dear sir, having interacted with the "Dave Armstrongs" of the world before, I have a personal believe, and suspicion, that all such people are really just Christian Talmudics. Spending the majority of their time and effort, reading each other, historical men that wrote, and writing commentaries where they agree, or disagree with each other. In essence, they are CathoTalmudics.

And one only has to read Matthew 23 with an open mind to see what the Lord had to say about such sorts.


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[quote name='Anomaly' post='1062093' date='Sep 13 2006, 07:21 PM']
Snort. Great in theory, but it's not applied. You either have friendly 'priests' that have clown masses or dour Trad priests who won't let women in with pants and lacking a head covering. The 'CC' is a poor gaurdian of the sacraments because it's clergy doesn't know what to teach. It all depends upon the seminary they went to. No wonder one can't find the tabernacle in most of the new Cath Churches. The 'gaurdian of the Sacraments' has been placing it in the broom closet.
Individuals do not make up the whole Church. When the members of the Church start doing weird things, it is time for renewal - not a rejection of the teaching they are failing to follow.

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[quote name='thedude' post='1062540' date='Sep 14 2006, 08:17 AM']
Individuals do not make up the whole Church. When the members of the Church start doing weird things, it is time for renewal - not a rejection of the teaching they are failing to follow.
"Individuals do not make up the whole Church." So. What the heck is that supposed to mean?

The point is, the actual normative practice of the majority of the Church members actually reject the teachings of the Church. The behavior obscures the belief. Who wants to belong to an organization that says 'Do as I say, not as I do.' and you have to go to great lengths to figure out what the heck the organization really says.

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The point is, the actual normative practice of the majority of the Church members actually reject the teachings of the Church. The behavior obscures the belief. Who wants to belong to an organization that says 'Do as I say, not as I do.' and you have to go to great lengths to figure out what the heck the organization really says.[/quote]

I agree.

If I go to a baptist church and they have written on their "official papers" we believe in the inerrancy of Gods Word and I go and see they are preaching God is in all religions, Im not going to sit there, and accept it because "the paperwork is in order".

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How many like Rev are led to Rome through vain philosophies?

[quote](*I have yet to read one post where they try to argue from a moltman spirit christology, or even a Volf eccesiology.[/quote]

What is Volf eccesiology? WOLF? Moltman? Sheesh....

Jesus preached against the Scribes for a reason.

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