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[quote name='Dave' post='1061890' date='Sep 12 2006, 09:21 PM']
At my parish, there's always coffee and fellowship after Mass, not to mention a potluck supper at least once a month.

I wish I was there then :eat:

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061851' date='Sep 12 2006, 07:36 PM']
1: It is called HISTORY BOOKS, my boy, you ought to give them a try sometime.
When Euty says "history books" he means "Jack Chick comic-book tracts."
I don't think he's ever cited anything that's not blatant anti-Catholic propaganda.

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[quote name='PadrePioOfPietrelcino' post='1061869' date='Sep 12 2006, 08:49 PM']
I must admit the ONE thing I truely miss about not being a Protestant anymore, is the after service Fellowship. In my former Churches we would have a monthly meal after services, and every week we would have an hour between Sunday School and worship with doughnut, coffee, juice ect. to talk and have good friendships.
Yeah... we have pretty good fellowship (Bible studies, coffee and donuts etc) at our parish, but I do miss the fellowship at our Protestant church... but I wouldn't trade...

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061829' date='Sep 12 2006, 07:13 PM']

Actually it doesn't. However we believe in good music, sound, and the best in Audio Visual and comfortable seats { seeing as how our services are generally a little short of two hours, they are appreciated. }

And we see OUR churches as community FIRST, so we normally have a good library, a bang up gym, classrooms galore, bookstore, and the newest trend is an onsite coffee shop for socialization. { Understand that 30 minutes AFTER our service ends, you will find about 30% of the congregation STILL there, greeting, meeting, socializing and getting to know each other...unlike the Indy 500 atmosphere that prevails 30 SECONDS after Mass ends...}
How can you argue with [b]that[/b]?!

You can tell Eutychus' church is the true Church founded by Christ because it has . . . [b]the best in Audio Visual and comfortable seats[/b], not to mention[b] a good library, a bang up gym, classrooms galore, bookstore[/b], as well as an [b]onsite coffee shop for socialization!![/b] Just as described in the Bible!

I now know my Catholic parish must be a devilish imposter - it doesn't even have a decent gym!

Edited by Socrates
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[quote] Those Waldensians you cited were HERETICS, not true Christians.[/quote]

Yeah, that is what those 12 and 14 and 16 year old popes said too around that time.

Gotta let the teenagers, placed on the throne at the Vatican, by mothers, families, and mistresses determine what IS and IS NOT heresey, don't you?

After all, by the time they got to their mid 40's, most of them were murdered, absconded, or were run out of town one step ahead of a Roman mob.

I suggest you get, and read, [u]THE VICARS OF CHRIST, the Dark Side of the Papacy[/u] written by a RC priest, if you want the "skinny" on those that determined who WAS, or was NOT a "heretic" in the eyes of the pimple faced neer-do-well's that were all so often making such decisions.


I now know my Catholic parish must be a devilish imposter - it doesn't even have a decent gym![/quote]
[b]That is why they invented CATHOLIC AEROBICS!!

Stand, sit, kneel, stand, sit, kneel, stand, kneel....ONE TWO THREE FOUR....cross yourself and out the DOOR!!
{ and you think I was never a church going Catholic....see...proved I've been there and got that T-shirt! }

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[quote]Actually it doesn't. However we believe in good music, sound, and the best in Audio Visual and comfortable seats { seeing as how our services are generally a little short of two hours, they are appreciated. }

And we see OUR churches as community FIRST, so we normally have a good library, a bang up gym, classrooms galore, bookstore, and the newest trend is an onsite coffee shop for socialization. { Understand that 30 minutes AFTER our service ends, you will find about 30% of the congregation STILL there, greeting, meeting, socializing and getting to know each other...unlike the Indy 500 atmosphere that prevails 30 SECONDS after Mass ends...}[/quote]

Weren't you arguing about the "Vatican's Billions" not too long ago?

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[quote]Weren't you arguing about the "Vatican's Billions" not too long ago? [/quote]

Uhhhh, lesseehere.....

YOU have to fly around the world, book a hotel, to visit YOUR Vatican.

You MAY do that once or twice in a lifetime.

We go to OUR church building Sunday, monday, wednesday, friday, sat morn. That is the entire family, for this or that, not all going to all, but some to this event or that event.

The church is USED, it is a community center, and gathering place mostly, kids use the gym every nite, and between all the various bible studies, mens womans, teens, etc and the other do good stuff, meals on wheels, food pantry for the poor, ... the building is under constant use just about every day of the week.

:drool: :weep:

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1062050' date='Sep 12 2006, 11:28 PM']
Yeah, that is what those 12 and 14 and 16 year old popes said too around that time.[/quote]
According to your sources, Pope Benedict IX was 12.

From Wikipedia...
[quote]According to the Catholic Encyclopedia [1] and other sources, [b]Benedict IX was around 18 to 20 years old when made pontiff[/b], although some sources claim 11 or 12. Entirely unsuited to be pontiff, he reportedly led an extremely dissolute life, although in terms of theology and the ordinary activities of the Church he was entirely orthodox.[/quote]
[quote]After all, by the time they got to their mid 40's, most of them were murdered, absconded, or were run out of town one step ahead of a Roman mob.
The Catholic Church has sinners. It's true. Protestants have their fair share too.

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1062055' date='Sep 12 2006, 10:37 PM']
Uhhhh, lesseehere.....

YOU have to fly around the world, book a hotel, to visit YOUR Vatican.

You MAY do that once or twice in a lifetime.

We go to OUR church building Sunday, monday, wednesday, friday, sat morn. That is the entire family, for this or that, not all going to all, but some to this event or that event.

The church is USED, it is a community center, and gathering place mostly, kids use the gym every nite, and between all the various bible studies, mens womans, teens, etc and the other do good stuff, meals on wheels, food pantry for the poor, ... the building is under constant use just about every day of the week.

:drool: :weep:

Oh my, and here I thought people lived in Vatican City and surrounding Italy... Silly me, it's all a desolate world except for us over here in the Western Hemisphere.

I use my local Church Mon, Tues, Wednes, Thurs, Fri, Sat, and Sun... I don't mind the kneelers... as they say, Every Knee Shall Bend.

As I've said before, it has functions everyday of the week, it is open 24/7 as a place for those who have no where to sleep, ect...

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1062050' date='Sep 12 2006, 11:28 PM']

[b]That is why they invented CATHOLIC AEROBICS!!

Stand, sit, kneel, stand, sit, kneel, stand, kneel....ONE TWO THREE FOUR....cross yourself and out the DOOR!!


OK, UT made a funny....enjoy it while it lasts....

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061803' date='Sep 12 2006, 07:34 PM']
Given that I have NEVER stated here what my denomination happens to be, and won't, just HOW am I elevating something that is unspoken?

Just wondering..... :idontknow:
:sadder: My my, that was certainly "charitable" wasn't it? :sadder:
Fine with me, here is the style of sanctuary that I feel most comfortable with, and NO, this is NOT my church, NOR my denomination, the picture is for illustrative purposes only.

is that really a church? how can one feel the Lord's presence in there? it looks more like a lecture hall.

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[quote name='thedude' post='1061894' date='Sep 12 2006, 08:28 PM']
A bit off topic, but I think you are positing a negative reading of EENS, which is not Church teaching.

Without a doubt the Church believes it best to worship within her. We believe we are the guardian of the sacraments - a most powerful tool in reaching heaven.
[/quote]Snort. Great in theory, but it's not applied. You either have friendly 'priests' that have clown masses or dour Trad priests who won't let women in with pants and lacking a head covering. The 'CC' is a poor gaurdian of the sacraments because it's clergy doesn't know what to teach. It all depends upon the seminary they went to. No wonder one can't find the tabernacle in most of the new Cath Churches. The 'gaurdian of the Sacraments' has been placing it in the broom closet.

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is that really a church? how can one feel the Lord's presence in there? it looks more like a lecture hall. [/quote]

It is.

That is why { to use YOUR teminology } OUR people are not POORLY Catechised.

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1062100' date='Sep 13 2006, 05:29 PM']
It is.

That is why { to use YOUR teminology } OUR people are not POORLY Catechised.
[/quote]Yeah, right. Who are "YOUR" people that get 'properly' catechised. I haven't seen any denomination stay consistent.

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