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Mormon Or Roman Catholic ~ Can U Tell?


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Its wasnt until after the 60's that Church archtictecture becamse repulsive and meaningless.. The Catholic Church has always used archtictecture to glorify God. Now a days we just have a large loss of faith and common sense and many of the people designing churche's dont know a thing about designing churches.

[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061833' date='Sep 12 2006, 08:19 PM']
Being carefully stored in the CDC at the Vatican, for use in the end times.....

[b]Didn't you get the MEMO?[/b]

hahahaha that's so Jack Chick. The Vatican doesnt persecute people, they never have.

Budge, Eutychus Catholics arent so bad. The problem is, you all fill your brains with negativity and anti-catholicism. I mean come on, do you see any good in us at all?

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[quote] hahahaha that's so Jack Chick. [size=6]The Vatican doesnt persecute people, they never have.[/size][/quote]

Several million DEAD souls will be waiting for you in the afterlife, with personal testimonies quite to the contrary.

[i]{ Sitting here, simply STUNNED at that statement....God forgive that boy, talk about TOTAL brainwashing....}[/i]

You use as a SIG TAG, "Beyond the Alps" so I would expect such a person, to actually KNOW OF the real history of the Alpine Christians...

The VAUDOIS { AKA, the Waldensians } who were systematically hunted down, tortured, persecuted, and harrassed for hundreds of years....for what? Being Christians first, and believing in the bible.

Those are the folks "Beyond the Alps"....and now you know.

[quote]The Waldensians or Vaudois are a Christian denomination believing in poverty and austerity, founded around 1173, promoting true poverty, public preaching and the literal interpretation of the scriptures. Declared heretical, the movement was brutally persecuted by the Roman Catholic church during the 12th and 13th centuries and nearly totally destroyed, but the Waldensian Church survives to this day.

There are two prevailing theories about the identity and origin of the Waldensians. Some Waldenses, and other groups seeking to trace their history through the Waldenses, claim that the Waldenses history extends back to the apostolic church, while the mainstream academic view is that the Waldensians were followers of Peter Waldo (or Valdes or Vaudes).[/quote]

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061842' date='Sep 12 2006, 08:29 PM']
Several million DEAD souls will be waiting for you in the afterlife, with personal testimonies quite to the contrary.

[i]{ Sitting here, simply STUNNED at that statement....God forgive that boy, talk about TOTAL brainwashing....}[/i]

Brainwashing? Several million dead? Where did you get that sum? Besides even if it were that much, it was not at the command of the Vatican.

May God forgive you for calling his Saints pagans, Christ's mother a sinner and his church satanic. You are the brainwashed one here.

Edited by Akalyte
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[quote]Brainwashing? Several million dead? Where did you get that sum? Besides even if it were that much, it was not at the command of the Vatican. [/quote]

1: It is called HISTORY BOOKS, my boy, you ought to give them a try sometime.

2: Wasn't the Vatican, ok, it was the Easter Bunny and Vlad Dracula then. See, your version of history has been confirmed now by the [u][b]"Grimm's Fairy Tale Book of Catholic History."[/b][/u]

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061842' date='Sep 12 2006, 08:29 PM']
Several million DEAD souls will be waiting for you in the afterlife, with personal testimonies quite to the contrary.

[i]{ Sitting here, simply STUNNED at that statement....God forgive that boy, talk about TOTAL brainwashing....}[/i]

You use as a SIG TAG, "Beyond the Alps" so I would expect such a person, to actually KNOW OF the real history of the Alpine Christians...

The VAUDOIS { AKA, the Waldensians } who were systematically hunted down, tortured, persecuted, and harrassed for hundreds of years....for what? Being Christians first, and believing in the bible.

Those are the folks "Beyond the Alps"....and now you know.

Actually your wrong:


A Catholic who accepts the Pope’s authority in all matters, particularly dogma and doctrine.

The name means “beyond the Alps,” specifically Rome.

Those who lived on the northern side of the Alps were called Cisalpine.

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Justified Saint

[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061803' date='Sep 12 2006, 05:34 PM']
Given that I have NEVER stated here what my denomination happens to be, and won't, just HOW am I elevating something that is unspoken?

Just wondering..... :idontknow:

Actually, you have. But given that you pride yourself on being so obscure it only goes further to prove L_D's point that you are only here to demonize Catholics.

[quote]Actually it doesn't. However we believe in good music, sound, and the best in Audio Visual and comfortable seats { seeing as how our services are generally a little short of two hours, they are appreciated. }

And we see OUR churches as community FIRST, so we normally have a good library, a bang up gym, classrooms galore, bookstore, and the newest trend is an onsite coffee shop for socialization. { Understand that 30 minutes AFTER our service ends, you will find about 30% of the congregation STILL there, greeting, meeting, socializing and getting to know each other...unlike the Indy 500 atmosphere that prevails 30 SECONDS after Mass ends...}[/quote]

Do you guys have the McDonald's at your church too? Nothing like busting out a McMuffin sandwich during church.

I love how many Christians pride themselves on inviting consumerism through the Church doors. Talk about ecumenism!

Also, I thought you guys lambasted the Catholic Church for "aesthetics" during mass. Oh wait, this must be your version of "practical Christianity" -- don't let those comfy chairs and surround sound fool you! Now there is a false gospel for ya.

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061829' date='Sep 12 2006, 08:13 PM']
so we normally have a good library, [/quote]

Parish schools do as well....

[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061829' date='Sep 12 2006, 08:13 PM']
a bang up gym, [/quote]

the Catholic school I went to had a gym....and although it would be nice to have a nice weight room with some heavy bags and a pool, that's not the main focus of worship of God...

[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061829' date='Sep 12 2006, 08:13 PM']
classrooms galore, [/quote]

we normally call that the parish school...

[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061829' date='Sep 12 2006, 08:13 PM']

Some parishes have those....I know the local Opus Dei parish has one....

[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061829' date='Sep 12 2006, 08:13 PM']
and the newest trend is an onsite coffee shop for socialization. [/quote]

Although we should feed the hungry, an onsite "food court" is getting a bit too crass commercial.

But St. John Cantius (where an approved Tridentine Latin Mass is offered) does have (or used to have) something informal for a short time after Mass.

[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061829' date='Sep 12 2006, 08:13 PM']
{ Understand that 30 minutes AFTER our service ends, you will find about 30% of the congregation STILL there, greeting, meeting, socializing and getting to know each other...unlike the Indy 500 atmosphere that prevails 30 SECONDS after Mass ends...}

Well, you may have a point there, and there are some parishes/young adult Masses that have socialization after Mass, and I have scheduled activities for our young adult group (hockey game outings, motorcycle blessings) to begin with meeting for Mass and have used these events as a way of inviting people to Mass.

But also keep in mind that the primary focus of the Mass is what happens at consecration, not after the ite missa est....

Edited by Norseman82
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[quote] Do you guys have the McDonald's at your church too? Nothing like busting out a McMuffin sandwich during church.[/quote]

We snack AFTER the service....

.... unlike some during the service.

{ couldn't resist, sorry! }

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I must admit the ONE thing I truely miss about not being a Protestant anymore, is the after service Fellowship. In my former Churches we would have a monthly meal after services, and every week we would have an hour between Sunday School and worship with doughnut, coffee, juice ect. to talk and have good friendships.

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061842' date='Sep 12 2006, 08:29 PM']
Several million DEAD souls will be waiting for you in the afterlife, with personal testimonies quite to the contrary.

[i]{ Sitting here, simply STUNNED at that statement....God forgive that boy, talk about TOTAL brainwashing....}[/i]

You use as a SIG TAG, "Beyond the Alps" so I would expect such a person, to actually KNOW OF the real history of the Alpine Christians...

The VAUDOIS { AKA, the Waldensians } who were systematically hunted down, tortured, persecuted, and harrassed for hundreds of years....for what? Being Christians first, and believing in the bible.

Those are the folks "Beyond the Alps"....and now you know.

Phony Statistics

Many Fundamentalists believe, for instance, that more people died under the Inquisition than in any war or plague; but in this they rely on phony "statistics" generated by one-upmanship among anti-Catholics, each of whom, it seems, tries to come up with the largest number of casualties.

But trying to straighten out such historical confusions can take one only so far. As Ronald Knox put it, we should be cautious, "lest we should wander interminably in a wilderness of comparative atrocity statistics." In fact, no one knows exactly how many people perished through the various Inquisitions. We can determine for certain, though, one thing about numbers given by Fundamentalists: They are far too large. One book popular with Fundamentalists claims that 95 million people died under the Inquisition.

The figure is so grotesquely off that one immediately doubts the writer’s sanity, or at least his grasp of demographics. Not until modern times did the population of those countries where the Inquisitions existed approach 95 million.

Inquisitions did not exist in Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, or England, being confined mainly to southern France, Italy, Spain, and a few parts of the Holy Roman Empire. The Inquisition could not have killed that many people because those parts of Europe did not have that many people to kill!

Furthermore, the plague, which killed a third of Europe’s population, is credited by historians with major changes in the social structure. The Inquisition is credited with few—precisely because the number of its victims was comparitively small. In fact, recent studies indicate that at most there were only a few thousand capital sentences carried out for heresy in Spain, and these were over the course of several centuries.

I'm done here. Ya'll can have your thread back.

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[quote name='PadrePioOfPietrelcino' post='1061869' date='Sep 12 2006, 09:49 PM']
I must admit the ONE thing I truely miss about not being a Protestant anymore, is the after service Fellowship. In my former Churches we would have a monthly meal after services, and every week we would have an hour between Sunday School and worship with doughnut, coffee, juice ect. to talk and have good friendships.
Depends where you go. There are donuts and coffee after every 10 AM Mass in my hometown I think.

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061803' date='Sep 12 2006, 06:34 PM']
Given that I have NEVER stated here what my denomination happens to be, and won't, just HOW am I elevating something that is unspoken?

Good thing I wasn't drinking milk when I read this.

Your denomination is 'Anything but Catholic'. All you can post is what's wrong with Catholic. You don't have to name it for it to be readily identified. It's defined by your hatred of how you twist what Catholics 'do'. It's the polar oppisite of EECNS. Who's not in YOUR circle is going to hell. Same story, different book jacket.

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[quote name='Anomaly' post='1061886' date='Sep 12 2006, 10:16 PM']
It's the polar oppisite of EECNS. Who's not in YOUR circle is going to hell. Same story, different book jacket.
A bit off topic, but I think you are positing a negative reading of EENS, which is not Church teaching.
[quote]Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience - those too may achieve eternal salvation.[/quote]
Without a doubt the Church believes it best to worship within her. We believe we are the guardian of the sacraments - a most powerful tool in reaching heaven.

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