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Mormon Or Roman Catholic ~ Can U Tell?


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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' post='1061547' date='Sep 12 2006, 05:55 PM']Sadly I don't think anyone here has to paint either of you as 'haters', you do a pretty good job on your own.[/quote]Good point. I think most of us would be happy to see emotional attacks go away one their own (without any fanfare), so that we can actually maintain a friendly dialogue with non-Catholics.

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[quote] However, in the mind of the fundamentalist everything that is different from their point of view is meshed all into one huge diabolical mess.[/quote]

PS: don't tell anyone, I'm NOT a FUNDAMENTALIST.

I'm a Pentecostal!

Everyone detests Pentecostals, the Pope who call us a "sect" and the Fundies who claim we bark like dogs and roll around on the floor. Real Fundies, detest pentecostals almost as much as plaster venerators! :maddest:

{ :rolleyes: For what is worth, we banned barking when they passed the dog control ordinances in my town, and our floor is too darned hard for decent rolling around on! :drool: }

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I know the first pic isn't mormon because the Mormon Temple's have the gold statue at the top of a steeple with a trumpet in their hand.

Just thought you should know.

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061567' date='Sep 12 2006, 04:04 PM']
PS: don't tell anyone, I'm NOT a FUNDAMENTALIST.

I'm a Pentecostal!

Everyone [b]detests[/b] Pentecostals, the Pope who call us a "sect" and the Fundies who claim we bark like dogs and roll around on the floor. Real Fundies, detest pentecostals almost as much as plaster venerators! :maddest:

{ :rolleyes: For what is worth, we banned barking when they passed the dog control ordinances in my town, and our floor is too darned hard for decent rolling around on! :drool: }

If it waddles like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck... :ninja:

to feel abhorrence of; hate; dislike intensely.

* 3:- Accusation of hate Technique

Always Insist that your opponent is full of hate.
It is always advisable to paint your opponent as hateful.
This technique should always contain a reference,
to your extreme caringness and the limitless bounds of your great humility.[/quote]

Edited by CatholicCid
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[quote name='Revprodeji' post='1061445' date='Sep 12 2006, 03:15 PM']
:idontknow: Why do fundis hate so much? No offense Budge. I have never spoke to you ma'am, but I am in often dialogue with a former prof at trinity (Dr. Jefferson) and I am just surprised at the amount of hurtful language. What exactly are they trying to prove? It is as if they are trying to justify something to themselves.
Hello! It's a symptom of elevating your chosen denomination to God status. Catholics are just as adept at it. EECNS. They are justifying worshiping their denomination. It must really smell of elderberries to be be dealing with Eut and Budge. It's the unflattering mirror, isn't it?

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[quote]Hello![u] It's a symptom of elevating your chosen denomination to God status. [/u]Catholics are just as adept at it. EECNS. They are justifying worshiping their denomination. It must really smell of elderberries to be be dealing with Eut and Budge. It's the unflattering mirror, isn't it? [/quote]

Given that I have NEVER stated here what my denomination happens to be, and won't, just HOW am I elevating something that is unspoken?

Just wondering..... :idontknow:

[quote]]It must really smell of elderberries to be be dealing with Eut and Budge.[/u] [/quote]

:sadder: My my, that was certainly "charitable" wasn't it? :sadder:

Do you really want to get into a Catholic vs. non-Catholic architecture comparison? Really?[/quote]

Fine with me, here is the style of sanctuary that I feel most comfortable with, and NO, this is NOT my church, NOR my denomination, the picture is for illustrative purposes only.


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That's not the eye of Horus.

It's the eye of CBS.

I'm not sure which is worse.

Again with symbols having inherent meaning. And I wasn't aware mere architecture mattered to God (from a Pente perspective, at least...)

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[quote]That's not the eye of Horus.

It's the eye of CBS. [/quote]

Methinks you need to invest in some research materials....then read them also!


[url="http://www.amazon.com/Masonic-Occult-Symbols-Illustrated-Burns/dp/1891117122/sr=8-2/qid=1158106357/ref=pd_bbs_2/103-3527306-2242237?ie=UTF8&s=books"]MORE HERE - AMAZON LINK[/url]


[quote]And I wasn't aware mere architecture mattered to God (from a Pente perspective, at least...)[/quote]

Actually it doesn't. However we believe in good music, sound, and the best in Audio Visual and comfortable seats { seeing as how our services are generally a little short of two hours, they are appreciated. }

And we see OUR churches as community FIRST, so we normally have a good library, a bang up gym, classrooms galore, bookstore, and the newest trend is an onsite coffee shop for socialization. { Understand that 30 minutes AFTER our service ends, you will find about 30% of the congregation STILL there, greeting, meeting, socializing and getting to know each other...unlike the Indy 500 atmosphere that prevails 30 SECONDS after Mass ends...}

Edited by Eutychus
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[quote]Where are medievil torture devices when you need em' [/quote]

Being carefully stored in the CDC at the Vatican, for use in the end times.....

[b]Didn't you get the MEMO?[/b]

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