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Mormon Or Roman Catholic ~ Can U Tell?


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If you think that one is bad, how about the TEEPEE TABERNACLE?


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Are you sure its not Epcot Center? :wacko:

I can't stand modern architecture.

[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061383' date='Sep 12 2006, 02:21 PM']
If you think that one is bad, how about the TEEPEE TABERNACLE?




alright, I want to laugh, but that's just not funny. :huh:

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Why don't you show the picture of the rest of the interior?


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Ugh that is ugly.

Im going to guess CATHOLIC since it has that the cross with the two horizontal bars.

Nothing beats this Catholic church for pure NWO satanic imagery...

Eye of Horus Catholic church...


Mormons love that Satanic symbology as well..


Edited by Budge
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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1061396' date='Sep 12 2006, 02:39 PM']
Why don't you show the picture of the rest of the interior?


That truly is splendid.

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:idontknow: Why do fundis hate so much? No offense Budge. I have never spoke to you ma'am, but I am in often dialogue with a former prof at trinity (Dr. Jefferson) and I am just surprised at the amount of hurtful language. What exactly are they trying to prove? It is as if they are trying to justify something to themselves.
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[quote name='Revprodeji' post='1061445' date='Sep 12 2006, 03:15 PM']
:idontknow: Why do fundis hate so much? No offense Budge. I have never spoke to you ma'am, but I am in often dialogue with a former prof at trinity (Dr. Jefferson) and I am just surprised at the amount of hurtful language. What exactly are they trying to prove? It is as if they are trying to justify something to themselves.
that's actually how I interpret it too. I mean, there are plenty of religions out there that I consider to be false and even evil and/or demonic in origin, but I still can't imagine acting the way so many protestants do toward Catholics. I mean as if being as offensive and nasty as possible is really going to win people over to your side?
I guess that's why they call it protest-antism, they've been protesting Catholics all along. Kind of sad that a religion exists, and is almost defined in opposition to another entity. It is also ironic considering that there is in fact a single Church that Christ established and that traces back to the Apostles and alone has the authority to teach in Christ's name, and that this would be the Church that these people hate so much in the name of Christ. I certainly have my opinion as to where the satanic deception lies here.

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[quote]that's actually how I interpret it too. I mean, there are plenty of religions out there that I consider to be false and even evil and/or demonic in origin, but I still can't imagine acting the way so many protestants do toward Catholics. I mean as if being as offensive and nasty as possible is really going to win people over to your side? [/quote]

My my, TECHNIQUE #3 one more time... { from Dave Armstrong site where the opposition ran with the TEN TOP TECHNIQUES OF THE ONLINE CATHOLIC APOLOGIST }

[quote] [color="#330033"] [b]* 3:- Accusation of hate Technique

[u]Always Insist that your opponent is full of hate.
It is always advisable to paint your opponent as hateful.[/u][/size]
This technique should always contain a reference,
to your extreme caringness and the limitless bounds of your great humility.[/b][/color][/quote]

Thus giving you the CATHOLIC TRIFECTA:

- Paint your opponent as a hater.

- Claim victim status for yourself trying to evoke sympathy.

- And show how superior you are to your opponent by default.


Edited by Eutychus
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Yeah Euch, it is sad how they always have to start playing the


game over and over and over again.

Its weird to me how Catholics since the 90s have picked up the techniques of all militant liberals {HOMOPHOBE! ring a bell?} to use in apologetics.

I always think it is the lamest approach on the planet.

I suppose that is Cognitive Dissonance in action, a defense mechanism that allows them to block out what we are saying.

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Justified Saint

I know what else is really lame -- this thread.

I've been by many Baptists churches that I mistaked for a Mormon one and living in Arizona I know plenty about what a Mormon church looks like. So what is the point? Nothing really, just like this thread.

However, in the mind of the fundamentalist everything that is different from their point of view is meshed all into one huge [i]diabolical[/i] mess. If you don't agree with the fundi then you are by default from the devil -- and that has proven to be their only apologetic technique. Label everything diabolical and your response against it knows no limits and is always justified.

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Does that mean you believe Joseph Smith is just a maligned prophet?


After all us bad fundies who point out Joseph Smith was a seer rock using treasure hunting occultist arent being very ecumenical are we?


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Sadly I don't think anyone here has to paint either of you as 'haters', you do a pretty good job on your own.

I think I was wise to ignore these sorts of threads, the two of you make yourselves look about as credible as jimmy swaggart so it’s not like there is some necessity to actually engage your posts 90% of the time. And I've yet to see any sign of an actual desire to discuss Catholicism.

Do you honestly believe that the statements about you being offensive haters are merely a diversion tactic? Do you honestly believe that you present yourselves as ministers of Christ? For some reason I find that hard to believe, but maybe I'm just a tad naive.

And I'm not bringing this up as you suggest to divert from some killer argument that you presented. Last time I checked this thread was just some asinine pictures from some incredibly demented anti-catholic website apparently intended to upset people on this site.

Is the point of this to somehow shake our confidence in the Church so that we will join you in being, whatever it is you are? Honestly I'm not even sure what religion you are. All I've seen is Catholic bashing, I've never heard either of you preach the gospel in any meaningful way or say much of anything about Christ. Is attacking the Catholic Church some important part of your personal religiosity?

I would think that if you were actually here to help people come to a deeper relationship with Christ or something like that your behavior would be quite different. Are you really just going to ignore and invalidate this point and simply persist in clouding everything in a web of lies and darkness? You seem to try and turn everything into some kind of accusation against, not just Catholicism in general, but Catholics on a personal level.

There is nothing authentic or Christian about the behaviour you display on phatmass (from what I've seen anyway). And I don't say this as some kind of cheap rhetorical tactic, I'm simply raising an issue that is based on observation and I find it disturbing that you are seemingly incapable of even entertaining the possibility that there is truth behind this.

If you want my opinion, you are projecting your own sinister sophistry upon us. You are the ones who relentlessly dodge and skate around issues with sneaky and cheap rhetoric. But in my estimation that's why you're here in the first place. I've observed that many anti-catholics are motivated by a kind of twisted pride whereby they derive some kind of satisfaction from craftily pushing the buttons of Catholics and expressing their egos in a stream of flamboyant, tacky diatribes.

Am I wrong? :idontknow:

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Justified Saint

[quote name='homeschoolmom' post='1061543' date='Sep 12 2006, 02:53 PM']
Is he barfing or crying? :huh:

He is barfing because of the fundis conflation of Catholics and Mormons.

Them fundis ain't very smart!

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[quote]Is he barfing or crying? huh.gif[/quote]

hehehehe :lol:

You made me laugh homeschool Mom.

Actually this is how Joseph Smith translated those golden plates, looking at a seer stone in a hat...

{actually making it up}

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