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Pope Visits Black Madonna


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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061552' date='Sep 12 2006, 04:56 PM']
Oh dear biblical illiterate.... { that is so much fun to say...}[/quote]
I guess humility is not in your Bible. Check Beatitudes.

[quote]Have you NEVER even read Galatians?
Or the John episcopal letters?
Or Jude, one of Jesus's biological half brothers?
Or Revelation[/quote]
All examples of division and strengthen my case for its poisonous nature. These are not things we strive for. These are cautionary notes about the cancerous effects of division. It's arguments against division, not for it.

It is not surprising someone who relies on [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prooftexting"]prooftexting[/url] misunderstands "In the beginning, it was not so." "In the beginning" means before the fall of man, not the beginning of Christian history.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1061499' date='Sep 12 2006, 11:32 PM']
Did you know the Pope of that time wrote a PRO-Confederate Letter to Jefferson Davis?
HERE IS AN ACADEMIC LINK...so no one will try and say this is PHONY, and ANTICATHOLIC FAKE LETTER.[/b]

[url="http://cdl.library.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/moa/pageviewer?frames=1&cite=http%3A%2F%2Fcdl.library.cornell.edu%2Fcgi-bin%2Fmoa%2Fsgml%2Fmoa-idx%3Fnotisid%3DANU4547-2003&coll=moa&view=50&root=%2Fmoa%2Fofre%2Fofre2003%2F&tif=00991.TIF&pagenum=975"]RIGHT FROM CORNELL UNIVERSITY[/url]
That has this letter of evil?, ¿to Ask to God that illuminate to Jefferson Davis for put an end to a war?, To show that there is catholics in the south?. That two men unite in perfect charity?.
It entertains you to write foolish things, it congratulates of my part to whom they washed you the brain, they have done a good work, Fortunately the Protestants that know, they are not believed your "urban legends" :P:

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[quote] It is not surprising someone who relies on prooftexting misunderstands "In the beginning, it was not so." "In the beginning" means before the fall of man, not the beginning of Christian history.[/quote]

Oh the biblical illiteracy continues.... { gosh, I *LOVE* being able to say that...me bad!}

So, you want to look to the GARDEN? Paradise??

Let's see, we had TWO people, and ONE went bad, then talked the OTHER ONE into going bad with her....{ sound personally familiar to anyone? }

And you want to call that UNITY of purpose?

You either have a 50% apostacy rate, OR a few minutes later, a 100% apostacy rate.

:wacko: [u]Pick one. [/u] :unsure:

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[quote name='Budge' post='1061534' date='Sep 12 2006, 04:48 PM']
Glad you thought that was funny.

So what do you think that of one of your Pope's taking up for the South?


Seeing as I think both sides were reprehensible, not much. Thankfully, it's not doctrinal and there is nothing to keep popes from being foolish in their personal opinions.

Gosh darn that free will!

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[quote] Seeing as I think both sides were reprehensible, not much. Thankfully, it's not doctrinal and there is nothing to keep popes from being foolish in their personal opinions.[/quote]

I know this is swept under the carpet, but many have noted that Lincoln was assasinated by a cabal of Roman Catholics, working with the Jesuits who deeply hated Lincoln and wanted revenge for an event that happened long before, when young Abe, and attorney in Illinois took on and defended Fr. Charles PT Chiniquy who was an HONEST priest, being railroaded by the corrupt heiracry, who wanted sexual infidelites, financial shenanigans and the like hidden while Chiniquey was a stalwart HONEST priest who was being sued in trumped up charges by the Catholic Church. Lincoln, despite the death threats at teh time from the Roman Catholics, took the case pro-bono, WON, when the Jesuits and Priests were CAUGHT lying and all fled town in the middle of the trial. The Jesuits swore revenge, and apparently years later, using the pretext of the South, were able to get their agents maneuvered into a position to assasinate teh president, EXACTLY as Chinequey had written to Lincoln, EVERY SINGLE year from the date of teh trial, even to the time he was in the Whitehouse warning him.


In 1891 John G. Nicolay, Lincoln's former secretary, received a note from Benedict Guldner, a Jesuit priest in New York, asking for information about a "libellous pamphlet" printed in Germany. The pamphlet, according to Guldner, was a translation of a work "originally written in this country ... in which the author maintains that the assassination of President Lincoln was the work of Jesuits." Nicolay and John Hay, another former secretary to the President, had not mentioned the allegation in their biography of Lincoln, and Guldner wished to know if they had heard the charge and if they considered it false. [1] Nicolay consulted Hay, and then replied:

To [y]our first question whether in our studies on the life of Lincoln we came upon the charge that "the assasination of President Lincoln was the work of Jesuits", we answer that we have read such a charge in a lengthy newspaper publication.
To your second question, viz: "If you did come across it, did the accusation seem to you to be entirely groundless?", we answer Yes.
It seemed to us so entirely groundless as not to merit any attention on our part. [2]

Perhaps the decision of Nicolay and Hay to ignore the charge of a Jesuit conspiracy against Lincoln was unwise. A prompt and firm denial might have prevented further publication of the story. [3]

The originator of the conspiracy theory was Charles P.T. Chiniquy, a former Catholic priest who claimed to be a close friend and confidant of Abraham Lincoln's. According to Chiniquy, "emissaries of the Pope" were plotting to murder Lincoln for his defense of Chiniquy in an 1856 trial. Chiniquy's autobiography, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, published in 1885, attributes remarks to the President on a variety of subjects, particularly religion. [4] Most of Chinquy's stories are so foreign to what is known about the Sixteenth President that scholars have ignored them. Nevertheless, many of the less sensational portions of Chiniquy's reminiscences have been used by serious students of Lincoln's life, and the most sensational passages have been widely quoted and disseminated by writers engaged in anti-Catholic polemics.

Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy was born on July 30, 1809, in Kamouraska, Quebec. As a young man he was ordained a priest in the Roman Catholic church, and his labors to stamp out drunkenness caused him to be known throughout Quebec as "The Apostle of Temperance". [5] In 1851 he moved to Kankakee County, Illinois, to serve a colony of French-Canadians who had migrated there. Chiniquy got into difficulty with his bishop, resigned his position in the church in 1860, and with some of his former parishioners established a new church. In time Chiniquy became a Presbyterian minister and published many books and pamphlets with an anti-Catholic theme. He also lectured extensively throughout the United States, Europe and Australia on the evils of Roman Catholicism. He died in Montreal on January 16, 1899. [6]

[b]It was while he lived in Illinois in the 1850s that Chiniquy met Abraham Lincoln. According to Chiniquy's Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, he hired Lincoln to defend him against a charge of personal immorality; the charge, Chiniquy said, had been brought by his enemies in the Catholic Church. Chiniquy won the case, thereby incurring the wrath of the Jesuits. By Chiniquy's account, when the verdict came in, Lincoln said; "I know that Jesuits never forgive nor forsake. But man must not care how or where he dies, provided he dies at the post of honor and duty." [7]

Chiniquy claimed that he later met with[/b] Lincoln on three different occasions in Washington. The first interview, he said, took place at the White House "at the end of August" in 1861. Chiniquy had learned from another former priest of an assassination plot against President Lincoln, and considered it his duty to warn him. Chiniquy reported that Lincoln received him cordially and then made the following lengthy statement:
[b] Your friends, the Jesuits, have not yet killed me. But they would have surely done it, when I passed through their most devoted city, Baltimore, had I not defeated their plans, by passing incognito, a few hours before they expected me. We have the proof that the company which had been selected and organized to murder me, was led by a rabid Roman Catholic, called Byrne; it was almost entirely composed of Roman Catholics ... A few days ago, I saw Mr. [Samuel F.B.] Morse, the learned inventor of electric telegraphy; he told me that, when he was in Rome ... he found out the proofs of a formidable conspiracy against this country and all its institutions. It is evident that it is to the intrigues and emissaries of the pope, that we owe, in great part, the horrible civil war which is threatening to cover the country with blood and ruins.[/b] [/i][8][/quote]

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061840' date='Sep 13 2006, 03:27 AM']
I know this is swept under the carpet, but many have noted that Lincoln was assasinated by a cabal of Roman Catholics, working with the Jesuits who deeply hated Lincoln and wanted revenge for an event that happened long before, when young Abe, and attorney in Illinois took on and defended Fr. Charles PT Chiniquy who was an HONEST priest, being railroaded by the corrupt heiracry, who wanted sexual infidelites, financial shenanigans and the like hidden while Chiniquey was a stalwart HONEST priest who was being sued in trumped up charges by the Catholic Church. Lincoln, despite the death threats at teh time from the Roman Catholics, took the case pro-bono, WON, when the Jesuits and Priests were CAUGHT lying and all fled town in the middle of the trial. The Jesuits swore revenge, and apparently years later, using the pretext of the South, were able to get their agents maneuvered into a position to assasinate teh president, EXACTLY as Chinequey had written to Lincoln, EVERY SINGLE year from the date of teh trial, even to the time he was in the Whitehouse warning him.
:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :lol_roll: :lol_roll: :lol_roll: :lol_roll: :lol_pound: :lol_pound: :lol_pound: :lol_pound:

:bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap:
more, more, more

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I take it then, that you just haven't read the history books.


If it isn't in the Sunday Diocesan Bulletin, the pew classes are unaware of it.

Read the book FIRST, then you will have standing to take off your shirt, pretend you are black, braid your hair in dreadnaughts, and mock Jesus.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1061411' date='Sep 12 2006, 03:03 PM']
No, {I wouldnt be allowed in the door, a bit too dark ;)}

I hate the KKK and what it stands for.

The NWO plays divide and conquer especially using different races, constantly.

But I sure wonder about these guys...


Was Jack Chick way out to lunch on this one?

{Just asking, because I don't know}
Ever notice how the KKK logos match logos of a certain other group?

I got this off the ADL website so I did not link to any KKK groups...

KKK logo...


Cross of Knights Templar...


Knights of Malta


Would a PROT-founded group call themselves[u] KNIGHTS[/u]?

{Yes plenty of duped and deceived Protestants joined}
:biglol: :biglol: :biglol: :lol_pound: :lol_pound: :lol_roll: :rofl:

Yeah, when in doubt, you can always turn to the inestimable Jack Chick for reliable and sound historical information! (Don't listen to what them highfalootin' history books might tell you - old Jack always knows the [i]real[/i] story of what happened!)

I love the way he pulls "facts" out of thin air - "The KKK was created by Jesuits following their failure in the Civil War . . ." No evidence given whatsoever to back up this astounding claim! (But according to Mr. Chick, with his infinite store of hidden knowledge, the Vatican founded the Communist and Nazi Parties also - that's right, both parties - and made them fight each other just for kicks.)
Well, it's a good thing we whupped them dirty, no-good Jesuits in the War Between the States! (Which side did they fight with anyway?)

(I had always personally been under the impression that the KKK was really secretly created by giant cockroaches from the planet Gyron as part of an elaborate plot to conquer the Earth by getting all the Earthlings to kill one another.)

So the Catholics founded a vehemently anti-Catholic group just to make anti-Catholics look bad! Brilliant stategy!

And, wait, we have proof that the KKK is Roamin' Cath-lick, 'cause they have a red-and-white coss logo! Can't refute that proof there!
I guess we'd better watch out for the Red Cross, too, then! I'll bet every drop collected in their "blood drives" is used for sinister satanic Jesuit vampire blood rites! :shock:

[quote]Just to reiterate for the confused on this thread,

BLACK MADONNA has nothing to do with being of the African race...

the Black signifies the EARTH...[/quote]
Another "fact" pulled out of thin air. Actually, the "black madonnas" are dark because of age and accumulated soot.

But remember everything black signifies the earth (and is therefore eeevillll!)
(But I thought Mary was really that demonic "Queen of [b]Heaven[/b]," not a fertility earth goddess.) And Mary's official color is [b]blue[/b].
Budge and Euty have already showed us how anything red or white or purple or gold or black (and now we know blue) is evil, so avoid anything with those colors! (Are there any [i]safe[/i] colors out there? :idontknow: )

[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061840' date='Sep 12 2006, 07:27 PM']
I know this is swept under the carpet, but many have noted that Lincoln was assasinated by a cabal of Roman Catholics, working with the Jesuits who deeply hated Lincoln and wanted revenge for an event that happened long before, when young Abe, and attorney in Illinois took on and defended Fr. Charles PT Chiniquy who was an HONEST priest, being railroaded by the corrupt heiracry, who wanted sexual infidelites, financial shenanigans and the like hidden while Chiniquey was a stalwart HONEST priest who was being sued in trumped up charges by the Catholic Church. Lincoln, despite the death threats at teh time from the Roman Catholics, took the case pro-bono, WON, when the Jesuits and Priests were CAUGHT lying and all fled town in the middle of the trial. The Jesuits swore revenge, and apparently years later, using the pretext of the South, were able to get their agents maneuvered into a position to assasinate teh president, EXACTLY as Chinequey had written to Lincoln, EVERY SINGLE year from the date of teh trial, even to the time he was in the Whitehouse warning him.
A silly anti-Catholic conspiracy theory fairy-tale.

(And I had always thought the invisible interdimensional Masonic-Jewish lizard-men were responsible for the deaths of both Lincoln AND JFK!)

Were the Jesuits also behind 9-11? :rolleyes:

Edited by Socrates
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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061862' date='Sep 12 2006, 07:42 PM']
I take it then, that you just haven't read the history books.


If it isn't in the Sunday Diocesan Bulletin, the pew classes are unaware of it.

Read the book FIRST, then you will have standing to take off your shirt, pretend you are black, braid your hair in dreadnaughts, and mock Jesus.
So now to mock Eutychus' nonsensical anti-Catholic tirades is to mock Jesus? :detective:

I've read plenty of real history books (by Catholic, protestant, and secular authors) and no serious historians take Chiniquy's anti-Catholic propaganda seriously. (Unless we are to consider his most devoted follower, Jack Chick, a serious historian.)

[b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Chiniquy"]Wikipedia bio of Charles Chiniquy[/url][/b]

[b][url="http://www.geocities.com/chiniquy/"]Site giving the facts on Charles Chiniquy[/url][/b]

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061840' date='Sep 12 2006, 09:27 PM']
I know this is swept under the carpet, but many have noted that Lincoln was assasinated by a cabal of Roman Catholics, working with the Jesuits who deeply hated Lincoln and wanted revenge for an event that happened long before, when young Abe, and attorney in Illinois took on and defended Fr. Charles PT Chiniquy who was an HONEST priest, being railroaded by the corrupt heiracry, who wanted sexual infidelites, financial shenanigans and the like hidden while Chiniquey was a stalwart HONEST priest who was being sued in trumped up charges by the Catholic Church. Lincoln, despite the death threats at teh time from the Roman Catholics, took the case pro-bono, WON, when the Jesuits and Priests were CAUGHT lying and all fled town in the middle of the trial. The Jesuits swore revenge, and apparently years later, using the pretext of the South, were able to get their agents maneuvered into a position to assasinate teh president, EXACTLY as Chinequey had written to Lincoln, EVERY SINGLE year from the date of teh trial, even to the time he was in the Whitehouse warning him.[/quote]All I can say is, someone has a vivid imagination.

Considering that John Wilkes Booth (an Episcopal) was a member of the anti-Catholic Know-Nothings Party, your story doesn't have a whole lot of traction. You might as well blame the Episcopal Church for Booth's misdeeds. Or maybe you should blame the Quakers, since that's who gave him his education. Or maybe we should blame the Baptists, since another conspirator, Lewis Powell, was the son of a Baptist minister.

Or, maybe we should just believe every half-baked anti-Catholic tale that is presented to us...

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[quote name='Mateo el Feo' post='1061975' date='Sep 12 2006, 09:45 PM']
Or, maybe we should just believe every half-baked anti-Catholic tale that is presented to us...
They're called "HISTORY BOOKS," son, better read them! (And they can all be found in the library of Eutychus' church, right next to the bang-up gym, and state-of-the-art coffee and donut shop!)

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1061826' date='Sep 12 2006, 08:10 PM']
So, you want to look to the GARDEN? Paradise??

Let's see, we had TWO people, and ONE went bad, then talked the OTHER ONE into going bad with her....{ sound personally familiar to anyone? }

And you want to call that UNITY of purpose?[/quote]
No. I call it disunity, division. I said "'In the beginning' means [b]before[/b] the fall of man, not the beginning of Christian history." I think you are having trouble understanding the word "before."

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