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Sr. Lauren's Book Recommendations


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I thought this might be fun. As part of our monthly letter Sr. Lauren sends us book recommendations. I'm interested in whether any of you have read these books and if so whether you agree with her review and recommendation. This is what she wrote:
1. [u]The Divine Romance[/u], by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

A good one to read in Adoration. It's about making progress in our love for God. (Not too long, either!)

2. [u]The Way of Perfection[/u], by St. Teresa of Avila

She wrote this for her nuns, so some of it is geared toward religious, but for example her explanations of vocal and mental prayer, and description of the Our Father are excellent for everyone. I [u]loved[/u] this book.

3. [u]Lift Up Your Heart[/u], by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

I really love his books! I squirm in my seat when I read this because it convicts me of all my faults! It's about overcoming the ego (ouch! hurts just to think about!) and becoming the 'I' that's made into God's image. Very good.

4. [u]Eucharistic Meditations[/u], by the Cure D'Ars! (Published by Source Books)

Perfect for reading in Adoration or on a Sunday afternoon. Not to be read all at once... just a little at a time :)

Well, there you have it. Four books this month. I haven't read any of these books so I can't comment on any of them. :blush: I guess I need to get them. Actually, I have read parts of Lift Up Your Heart and really liked it. Have any of you guys read these?

If you guys like this idea I'll post her recommendations every month (until she finds out from somebody and makes me stop :evil: ).

Edited by OLAM Dad
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