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Ignore Budge?

Groo the Wanderer

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[quote name='Farsight one' post='1059418' date='Sep 9 2006, 12:06 AM']
You think she's being a troll? Disagreeing simply to disagree? I think she's like these guys: [url="http://p203.ezboard.com/btruechristiansunite"]http://p203.ezboard.com/btruechristiansunite[/url]

That is one site I'm not going to. Too much hate.

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"The Catholic undertow"

Yep, GRACE is hard to resist.
I always laugh hysterically at the comment that catholics are blindly led around like sheep, especially when I think of my protestant relations who hang on dear pastors every blessed word. His interpretion of the bible is from God's mouth Himself ya know. However, when he preaches something a bit too close to home or to their disliking, they take it in their mind he might have made a mistake, they gather followers, split the congregation by infighting and factioning and ultimately go him a new little group, and find a "pastor" who agrees with their own little version of reality.

I know people who have been thru starting three different little sects.

So thats how we get the
united methodists, the free methodists, the evangelical methodists, the african methodists, the american baptists, the american baptist evangelicals, the bibl baptists, baptist missionaries, conservative baptists, the free will baptists, the full gospel baptists, the regular baptists, the 7th day baptists, the southern baptists, the world wide church of God
Of course then we have the pentecostals church, the united church of christ, the assemblies of God, international penticostal holiness people, and the regular church of God people. There are hundreds more little groups, each with their own little claim to authority.

Catholics know that we can't pick and choose, which little group of rules we want: should we be pro-homosexual, anti-honosexual, pro-abortion, anti-abortion, pro divorce, pro-polygamy, anti-alcohol, anti-smoking, anti this or anti that.
Our rules were set in stone a very long time ago, and reinforced by the authors the Church selected for inclusion in its own book the Bible. So if we follow the teachings of the Church, we discover we must CONFORM to church teaching, not pick a little group that agrees with us. Its called putting on the mind of Christ. We get so many graces along the way other people miss out on known as sacraments.

You people don't know what real freedom is.

Freedom is knowing that what the Catholic Church teaches is what was taught 1000 years ago and what the Apostles taught, and what Jesus Christ taught. Freedom is know the Scriptures I read today are the one picked out by the Early Church Fathers over 1600 years ago. Freedom is knowing that the Holy Spirit is in charge, and understanding that while the man in charge does not have to be particularly holy, the Holy Spirit guarentees he will not lead the Church into error, because CHRIST HIMSELF said the gates of hell will not prevail.
So while you see possible confusion and much misunderstanding and much sinfulness, we see the ship of ST Peter moving on thru history til the end of time.
To th Lord, We probably resemble Noahs ark a lot of the time, with lots of braying and plenty of manure to remove, but its His ship and His guidance as to our course.
So while the current or any previous captain in charge might and has been very sinful men, the actual PILOT who is doing the steering is topnotch.

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1059512' date='Sep 9 2006, 04:05 AM']
Let's see here....12 years of Catholic schools, and five years of studying RCism.

I daresay, that we know more about Catholicm than 90% of the laity snoozing in the pews.

We just have come to a different conclusion than those that adore her, "that sits a queen"
I believe the technical term is "Catholicism."

Your refusal to call the Catholic Church anything but "RC" does a lot to undermine your credibility. If your arguments could stand on their own, then you wouldn't have to lean on silly semantics.

Oh and I've spent most of my life in Catholic schools, but if you really want to learn about the faith, you really must do it outside of an academic setting. You know that just as well as I do.

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[quote]So while you see possible confusion and much misunderstanding and much sinfulness, we see the ship of ST Peter moving on thru history til the end of time.[/quote]

The problem with ships?

They eventually sink.

Ill take my chances here instead.


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[quote name='Budge' post='1059892' date='Sep 9 2006, 08:57 PM']
The problem with ships?

They eventually sink.[/quote]

Not the ship of St. Peter! It's unsinkable. Jesus made sure of that.

[quote]Ill take my chances here instead.


You can't truly be on the rock of Christ without at the same time being on the ship of St. Peter. It's a "both-and" situation, not an "either-or" situation.

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[quote]You can't truly be on the rock of Christ without at the same time being on the ship of St. Peter. [/quote]
Cool, great BUMPER STICKER![/b]

{ too bad it isn't rooted in anything other than hubris and pride....}

[i]{{ can an ex Catholic correct you and remind you it is NOT the "ship of Peter" but the "Barque of Peter".... see, I paid attenting when I was visiting the Vatican all those times....}}[/i]

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nice rock - is it auditioning for a Prudential ad, or the Gibralter Chamber of Commerce?

seriously, I've not been in the desert, and one desert looks sort of like another. Maccabean stronghold? Mt. Sinai? or something in the American southwest?

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1059512' date='Sep 9 2006, 05:05 AM']
Let's see here....12 years of Catholic schools, and five years of studying RCism.

I daresay, that we know more about Catholicm than 90% of the laity snoozing in the pews.

We just have come to a different conclusion than those that adore her, "that sits a queen"

Did you try MCism, UCism, or any of the other Rites?

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