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A Frustrating Moment


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So what do you do if you visit a convent with some friends who are in contact with a sister there, and when Mass begins they invoke "God our Father and Mother"?

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I think I'd leave. :ohno: That's terrible. And I think I'd just explain afterward to my friends why I left. I think I'd just wait outside and pray the Rosary... at least, I hope I'd have the courage to do that.

Edited by zunshynn
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Since I have such an honest face, I prolly wouldn't be able to move, and let the shock of hearing such a thing linger to the point of the celebrant knowing I was not impressed. I've had that happen before.

Then I'd complain to the superior; chaplain; and bishop.


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Sr Mary Catharine OP

[quote name='TheresaMF' post='1058870' date='Sep 8 2006, 12:49 AM']
So what do you do if you visit a convent with some friends who are in contact with a sister there, and when Mass begins they invoke "God our Father and Mother"?

Try not to roll your eyes, stay in your place and offer the intention of the Mass for those who are um, "confused" as to who Jesus revealed who God is. Pray to have the wisdom to say something that will be both charitable and truthful. Remember you hopefully want to be a vehicle of grace and conversion.

No matter the nonsense, if the words of consecration aren't touched than the Mass is valid and is of infinite value.

Later on, I'd have a long talk with my friend.

Basically, this sort of thing is just plain silliness.

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[quote name='HeavenlyCalling' post='1059005' date='Sep 8 2006, 09:41 AM']
Could it have been a mistake? Could they have ment Mary, our Mother, but just messed up?
That was my first thought as well. What about the rest of the Mass, any more weirdness? :wacko: If not, then I would assume that I just heard something wrong or that something was misspoken. If, on the other hand, they continued the nonsense I would probably recommend that you do what Sr. Mary Catharine suggested. I'm not as holy as her though and I'm certain that I would get up and leave and then say something to the priest afterward (trying my best to be charitable) and then I would write a letter to the Bishop if the priest doesn't provide a satisfactory response (which would be very difficult to do).

There is few things in life that makes me more angry than somebody tinkering with the holy sacrifice of the Mass and my tolerance for it is, unfortunately, very limited. That's one of the reason I attend a Tridentine Rite Mass on Sundays, less tinkering and lower blood pressure.

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[quote name='HeavenlyCalling' post='1059005' date='Sep 8 2006, 09:41 AM']
Could it have been a mistake? Could they have ment Mary, our Mother, but just messed up?
That was my first thought as well. What about the rest of the Mass, any more weirdness? :wacko: If not, then I would assume that I just heard something wrong or that something was misspoken. If, on the other hand, they continued the nonsense I would probably recommend that you do what Sr. Mary Catharine suggested. I'm not as holy as her though and I'm certain that I would get up and leave and then say something to the priest afterward (trying my best to be charitable) and then I would write a letter to the Bishop if the priest doesn't provide a satisfactory response (which would be very difficult to do).

There is few things in life that makes me more angry than somebody tinkering with the holy sacrifice of the Mass and my tolerance for it is, unfortunately, very limited. That's one of the reason I attend a Tridentine Rite Mass on Sundays, less tinkering and lower blood pressure.

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[quote name='OLAM Dad' post='1059016' date='Sep 8 2006, 05:59 PM']
[...]That's one of the reason I attend a Tridentine Rite Mass on Sundays, less tinkering and lower blood pressure.

But that´s a problem - what if you have the strong desire to receive Holy Communion every day? And you don´t have the possibility to ettend the TR because it´s too far away or the "wrong" time for you (because you have to work)? :unsure:

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[quote name='All4HIM' post='1059157' date='Sep 8 2006, 03:40 PM']
But that´s a problem - what if you have the strong desire to receive Holy Communion every day? And you don´t have the possibility to ettend the TR because it´s too far away or the "wrong" time for you (because you have to work)? :unsure:
I wasn't suggesting that you can only find good masses in the TR, only that they are normally tinker free. When I attend daily Mass I go to an Opus Dei run chapel near my work and they too are tinker free. :)

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Ok...good to know if words are changed during the Mass (except the words of the Consecration)...then it is a valid Mass...At one church I go to, a priest says "May the Lord accept this sacrifice at [b]our[/b] hands...For the praise & glory of God's Name...For our good & the good of all the Church".

Now, it bothers me, because I think the words are "at your hands" & refer to the priest's hands...not everybody's hands...So I just say the words quietly...

Of course, I could be wrong! :huh:

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[quote name='brandelynmarie' post='1059455' date='Sep 9 2006, 12:59 AM']
Ok...good to know if words are changed during the Mass (except the words of the Consecration)...then it is a valid Mass...At one church I go to, a priest says "May the Lord accept this sacrifice at [b]our[/b] hands...For the praise & glory of God's Name...For our good & the good of all the Church".

Now, it bothers me, because I think the words are "at your hands" & refer to the priest's hands...not everybody's hands...So I just say the words quietly...

Of course, I could be wrong! :huh:

The congregation is supposed to say those words to the priest. And everyone says "at your hands" referring to the priest's hands.

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I am a liberal, a exmember of Opus Dei, I was years out of the church and al to return I did myself the liberals, this is a false advance. And I do not share the position of that priest. I am angry. >:(

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Thanks for your various comments. My initial reaction is to get up and leave, immediately, because otherwise I'm very likely to flip out as the service progresses. Now, thankfully it was actually my sister rather than myself who had this experience; I don't remember if other weirdness went on, but she seemed pretty upset. She stayed because although the one friend recognized that there was a problem, the other was pretty clueless, and my sister wouldn't have been able to leave without making a fuss.

Must pray for the restoration of sacred, especially at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

I came out of Mass on Friday almost floating because in honor of Our Lady's Birthday the friars sang the Missa Cum Iubilo, and the Gloria in Latin. I could scarcely believe it. Singing the Gloria is like rehearsing well-trod paths of beloved memories, like honey on the tongue, like the delight of remembering perfectly, habitually, how to do something you have neglected for years. (Yay for Christendom College.) And singing a Sanctus and Agnus Dei that actually have more than one note for each syllable, and that I actually [i]don't know[/i]--indescribable. Wow. Really, really awesome.

(Just to throw a more positive light on the state of the Mass in the world. :))

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This reminds me of a book I bought from some nuns awhile ago. It was a breviary designed for women. Like, there were topics that associated with different life events of women, and then psalms that pertained to it. But the "glory be" was:

"Glory to you Source of all Being, Eternal Word and Holy Spirit."

And I read that and thought :unsure:

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