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Amata Means Beloved By Sister Mary Catharine


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I thought you'd like to know why I am not in school, particularly those nuns who keep tabs on me through email, phone, cell phone, and blogs. Here is part I:

An Irregular Morning

I had a wonderful dream, it had my handsome brother Brandon in it and we were doing a variety of things, I started to come back into reality and I felt more rested like I got twenty hours of sleep, I opened my eyes happy and ready for school, I was going to put my SMME t-shirt on and shorts and my Catholic gear, have a nice day, come home happy, do homework if any watch Truth In The Heart at four on EWTN and watch the Nashville Dominicans and Dominicans of Saint Rose at 7 on Life on the Rock -

When I looked at my alarm clock it was 9:20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I jumped 20 feet in the air threw my door open ran out into the living and shouted in PANIC, "MY ALARM CLOCK DIDNT GO OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!"

So I've been home, I was ticked and in shock for at least 30 minutes I laid in my room and tried to listen to my NEW praise and worship CD I bought, I thought it would comfort me it only did for about 10 minutes when I suddenly ached horribly to play my electric guitar which currently has no strings, then I felt horrible because I SOOOOOOOO BADLY WANT TO LEARN how to play my Christian songs, so I quit that, was tired HADNT EVEN finished my 1st Mountain Dew, and laid and played and hugged and cuddled with my cat when all of a sudden a BOOK popped into my mind.

[b]Part II Coming To A Blog Near You[/b]

So I ended the first one with a tale, and now I shall continue and end this one, I ended Part I by saying that A BOOK popped into my head, here is part II:

I strolled into my room to find my cat Chewie snooping about, I half grinned, and stride to my Novitiate Library and picked a book that popped into my head, standing in the shelf innocently right next to "To Heaven With Diana" edited by Sister Judith Miryam in Summit NJ with her card she wrote me jutting out slightly as a bookmark, I plopped down on my couch (my bed) and Chewie jumped on as well and laid down by me and the stress level rising, so I started to read:

[i]It was their motto that grabbed her: Veritas, Truth. And wasn't that what gnawed and ate at her deep down: What really was the truth? Were things so black and white and simple as all those at the lay community made it seem? Her mind glanced over the fifteen years her family lived as part of a community of Catholic families. It wasn't the cultic and extreme place that many who misunderstood made it out to be. There was alot of fun, a sense of stability, a sense of knowing what was right and what was wrong.[/i]

I read this book sooooooo many times (26 now) before when I received it in the mail during the sufferings of my family life, but today it seemed soooooooooo different, as if it had another meaning or as if I had never REALLY read it before. I did this until the end...

[i]Flushed, perspiring and happy, Sister Maria Amata turned away from the bell rope and began walking toward the monastery. Her veil had slid back and wisps of hair were escaping all over her face. She looked up and saw Sister Maria Bernadette standing at the doorway watching her. Sister Maria Amata stopped in front of the Novice Mistress.
"I rang the Angelus bell."
"So I heard."
She smiled. She took Sister Maria Amata's hand with one hand and with the other began pushing the wisps of hair back under her veil. "Come into the house and get some dinner. I hear Sister Mary Jordan is serving bean stew."[/i]

This stress I thought would keep me from smiling all day suddenly disappeared, vanished along with its evilness - and I read the last paragraph of the book with joy and thanking God:

[i]Sister Maria Bernadette put her arm around Sister Maria Amata and led her into the house. It was bright, austere and welcoming. It was peaceful; a place of prayer.

It was home.[/i]


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It is, and I've read this book several times, I was going to try and read it again this weekend, it really HELPS me each time, its total God grace - I read it yesturday in two in a half hours, I was sooooooo stressed from my stupid alarm clock, its just weird how things pop into the human mind.

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[quote name='AlterDominicus' post='1059620' date='Sep 9 2006, 10:28 AM']
Yes Amata was written by "our" Sister Mary Catharine from Summit, OP. :lol:


Wow. We have our very own Celebrity Nun! I feel very honored. ;)
Three cheers for Sister Mary Catharine :cheers:

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  • 4 months later...

You can get it [url="http://monialesop.blogspot.com/2006/10/have-you-read-amata-means-beloved-if.html"]HERE[/url] or you can get it [url="http://amatameansbeloved.8m.com/"]HERE[/url]

Enjoy it! It's a lovely novel.

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