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Next Time You Go To Confession


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Theologian in Training

[quote name='Budge' post='1060401' date='Sep 10 2006, 07:45 PM']
he better not tell his bishop he did that...

{bet he broke some canon rule on the books}


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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Budge' post='1060401' date='Sep 10 2006, 07:45 PM']
he better not tell his bishop he did that...

{bet he broke some canon rule on the books}
Priests can hear each other's confessions...in fact, no one else can, so I suppose they have to. :lol:

Priests go to Confession, too, you know.

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Groo the Wanderer

[quote name='Budge' post='1060658' date='Sep 11 2006, 11:14 AM']
I think thats a bad idea, all that means is they know each others secrets and the good ole boy network is kept intact.


But I forget....Budge tends to set him/herself up as pope with his/her private interpretations of everything....guess that means all our priests should confess to Budge?

BTW - even the Pope confesses to a priest....in keeping with Scripture....

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But I forget....Budge tends to set him/herself up as pope with his/her private interpretations of everything....guess that means all our priests should confess to Budge?[/quote]

I dont believe in Popes.

Obey God rather then men.

So even a Pope Budge, forget it..


By the way what is with that crabby avatar, that lady in the pic looks like after shes done downing that glass of wine that she wants to go rip a few heads off people...



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[quote name='Budge' post='1060734' date='Sep 11 2006, 01:09 PM']
By the way what is with that crabby avatar, that lady in the pic looks like after shes done downing that glass of wine that she wants to go rip a few heads off people...[/quote]

I was going to make a comment regarding crabby, but nm...

Edited by Norseman82
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Groo the Wanderer

[quote name='Budge' post='1060734' date='Sep 11 2006, 01:09 PM']

By the way what is with that crabby avatar, that lady in the pic looks like after shes done downing that glass of wine that she wants to go rip a few heads off people...




It is an avatar I created using an online program. I tried to select the features that most looked like me and this is what it spit out...kinda scary, huh? :shock: It's a guy, btw....the hair seems a bit long, but the avatar prog had RPGs in mind, hence the kinda medieval look. The wine? I like wine once in a while..about 1 glass a week.

Thanks! Never got feedback on an avatar b4 :D: :D:

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Budge' post='1060658' date='Sep 11 2006, 12:14 PM']
I think thats a bad idea, all that means is they know each others secrets and the good ole boy network is kept intact.
That theory only works if you presuppose that it's all about knowing each other's secrets. That seems to be the core issue with you in this debate. Why do you think that's what Confession is?

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Theologian in Training

[quote name='Budge' post='1060658' date='Sep 11 2006, 12:14 PM']
I think thats a bad idea, all that means is they know each others secrets and the good ole boy network is kept intact.

But, if, as you say, you know what the Church teaches, then you should know we are not confessing to ourselves we, as priests, administer the sacrament "in Persona Christi" (in the Person of Christ).

If I truly believed that anyone who came to confession to me was telling me what they were telling me for my benefit alone, or just so I could simply help them, I would both be scared and be functioning more as a pyschologist rather than a priest. It is Christ to whom they confess, I am merely the instrument of the grace God wishes to bestow upon that person.

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It is an avatar I created using an online program. I tried to select the features that most looked like me and this is what it spit out...kinda scary, huh? shock.gif It's a guy, btw....the hair seems a bit long, but the avatar prog had RPGs in mind, hence the kinda medieval look. The wine? I like wine once in a while..about 1 glass a week.

Thanks! Never got feedback on an avatar b4 D.gif D.gif[/quote]

Seriously ditch that avatar. It looks like a crabby middle aged college professor with a grudge either having a fight with somebody or about to crush the wine glass with her hand.

It does NOT look like a dude AT ALL. In fact I thought you were a girl all this time, because of it.

But, if, as you say, you know what the Church teaches, then you should know we are not confessing to ourselves we, as priests, administer the sacrament "in Persona Christi" (in the Person of Christ).

in Persona Christi is another false teaching.

This picture says it all.

Roman Catholicism does, indeed, teach that the priest functions on earth as another Jesus Christ, as this quote from Pope Pius XI and as this picture, above, shows. T[b]his revelation is damning, because the Bible forbids us to follow "another Christ"! Take a close look at this picture. In the very top, we see Jesus Christ in the robes of the Roman Catholic priest, making intercession to God the Father, Who is shown within the Pagan equilateral triangle. Then, through a cloud, we see a real human Roman Catholic priest, receiving the intercession passing through Jesus Christ, which he can then pass through to the parishioners below.[/b]

This picture does a lot more than just depict Catholic belief that the priest is working on their behalf, receiving power and authority directly from Jesus; the picture depicts the Catholic teaching that the human priest is "another Christ", as the writing to the left so clearly illustrates. Jesus Himself warned us, in Matthew 24, that, at the End of the Age, people would see many instances where "another Christ" would appear, claiming that he is a Christ. Listen.

" Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." [Matthew 24:4-5] Notice that Jesus immediately stated that such claims would be great deception, and would be successful in deceiving "many". Would you consider the Roman Catholic faithful, one billion strong, to constitute "many"? Further, I would consider the many thousands of Roman Catholic priests as "many" christs. Thus, in both sides of this coin, this Roman Catholic teaching qualifies as fulfillment of Jesus' End Times prophecy.

Now, let us examine another instance in which Jesus Christ warned that many "Christs" would appear. " Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not." {Matthew 24:23-26]

Jesus was warning here that, at the End of the Age, many false Christs would arise, claiming to be Jesus Christ. This false teaching is exactly what this Roman Catholic doctrine claims! Further, Jesus is saying that these many false Christs would appear in many places, and would show great power and claim great authority. Again, this is exactly what this Roman Catholic teaching accomplishes. Finally, Jesus warned that these false Christs would appear in a variety of places, from the open expanses of the desert to the closed confines of a secret room. We are told that, wherever we hear of a person claiming to be Christ, we are to ignore them, and believe them not![/quote]

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Uhh... that first picture is faulty. Some serious sloppy theology going on there... Jesus is the second person of the Trinity. Unless the triangle behind the old guy (why is God the Father always depicted as an old guy with a beard?) is not indicative of the Trinity?

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Just out of curiosity, is that actually your Baptist Religious denomination? (the cuttingedge site)

And doesn't that picture break the 2nd commandment? It is an imagination of what God looks like and is a vain imagination

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Theologian in Training

[quote name='Fides_et_Ratio' post='1060900' date='Sep 11 2006, 05:58 PM']
Uhh... that first picture is faulty. Some serious sloppy theology going on there... Jesus is the second person of the Trinity. Unless the triangle behind the old guy (why is God the Father always depicted as an old guy with a beard?) is not indicative of the Trinity?

Actually, I believe that is a picture from the Baltimore Catechism.

BTW Budge a priest is ordained into the priesthood of Christ and shares in that priesthood by virtue of his ordination. It is only by that and that alone that he can act in Persona Christi when administering the sacraments. I think that is what that picture is trying portray, though it may not be as clear as it could be.

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