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Just to play devil's advocate here, I'd say yes. Granted the fires he is rumored to put out are on a much larger scale, but really, everyone knows how to throw water (or flour if its a grease fire) on the flames, right?

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I am not at all certain how to respond. As a truck chauffer, I'm now more concerned with ventilation, search and rescue. The real extinguishment is done by the pumper crew. We have 2 1/2 gallons of water on that truck.

I think I remember something about extinguishment, though.

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You'd be surprised how effective it can be at containment.

New Ladder trucks in Houston don't have pumps or tanks. They're devoted entirely to carrying tools and ladders.

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I was on a fire dept for awhile hence the AFD in my screen name. 2 1/2 gallons??? Do you mean 2500 gallons?? One of our tankers held that much. It was pretty sweet. But, alas, I'm not on the dept anymore..... :(

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[quote name='Winchester' post='1057873' date='Sep 6 2006, 01:03 PM']
They're devoted entirely to carrying tools and ladders.
Is that anything like Chutes and Ladders? I loved that game.

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[quote name='afdchick' post='1058499' date='Sep 7 2006, 03:11 PM']
I was on a fire dept for awhile hence the AFD in my screen name. 2 1/2 gallons??? Do you mean 2500 gallons?? One of our tankers held that much. It was pretty sweet. But, alas, I'm not on the dept anymore..... :(

No 2 1/2 gallons.

We went old school with our new ladder trucks and eliminated the tank and pump.

The pumper I used to drive carried 500 gallons, and had a capacity at draft of 1500 gpm. In Houston we don't have tankers because our water supply is usually adequate. Of course, I made a 2-11 recently because there weren't any plugs within a quarter mile. Luckily, E46 was assigned to the exposure behind the building, so we didn't drop any hose. My engineer ended up filling the tank from three garden hoses. We never got water. The initial attack pumper ended up bringing us an apartment lay. I got a sunburn. It's my firm belief that you should never get a sunburn at a fire.

You should get back in the game; there's no better way to spend your time.

[quote name='dUSt' post='1058579' date='Sep 7 2006, 05:05 PM']
The radiator holds more than 2 1/2 gallons you liar.
Actually, I'm not sure how much it holds. I never got the manual for this truck, although another guy from the C shift is going to hook me up with a power point presentation on it. I'll get back to you.

That is a trick question they put to rookies.

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[quote name='Sojourner' post='1058553' date='Sep 7 2006, 04:33 PM']
Is that anything like Chutes and Ladders? I loved that game.
I hate that game. It takes forever for someone to win...

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