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This Verse Proves NO Such thing as Co-Redemptrix or Co-Redeemers


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[quote name='Budge' post='1056616' date='Sep 4 2006, 01:59 PM']
The Mary of Catholicism bears absolutely no resemblance to the Mary of the Bible

The Mary of the Bible would have told you she needed a savior as well, and that to put her on the level with Jesus,[b] WITH[/b], was blasphemy.

It is interesting how Mary gets all these new titles, new doctrines attributed to her, while Jesus is ignored more and more.

This is Collyridian heresy renewed.

You all act as if Mary was running the show, she WAS NOT.
You didn't even answer my question. Did Mary give Jesus His human flesh, or not?

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[quote name='Budge' post='1056616' date='Sep 4 2006, 03:59 PM']
The Mary of the Bible would have told you she needed a savior as well, and that to put her on the level with Jesus,[b] WITH[/b], was blasphemy.

Of course Mary needed a savior. And Jesus indeed saved her. But unlike everybody else, Jesus saved her in anticipation of His Redemption and thus didn't allow her to even be stained by original sin.

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Budge I'm on this side of the computer laughing it up because, this whole time all you do is dig yourself a hole you most certainly can't climb out of and then gather enough nerve to say we dont prove you wrong, or answer your questions (although, these so called questions are disguised as hostile accusations). Here is what this is all about. You spew hot chunky protestant propaganda that I used to be a part of. It sickens me that I use to use the same arguments as you do now.

Deny mary, deny all this stuff. Argue against the First Church that Christ created. I will argue with you no more. But, remember this...

[size=5] One day when all the cards are on the table. And you find that these issues are simple you just can't possibly open your mind up for a small debate. And that we at least right one issue and not idol worshiping sons of the whore of babaylon. Then you will be the one offering the apology to the entire catholic theater, you will be the one looking bad. I have seen men in my old protestant churches write pamphlets and books against the Catholic faith. Now he is Catholic and loving it. God did the same for me and the same for Paul when he persecuted Christains. My conversion on the road to Damascus was hard. I hated Catholics and GOD chose the way to shut my mouth. He WILL DO THE SAME TO YOU.[/size]

So don't become to hypocritical, it will come back and bite your right on your faith

Edited by Convert4888
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It is now plain to see that when it comes to real theological discussions and not accusations, that their point of view gets stomped out rather quickly.

St. Thomas Aquinus pray for us.

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One day when all the cards are on the table. And you find that these issues are simple you just can't possibly open your mind up for a small debate. And that we at least right one issue and not idol worshiping sons of the whore of babaylon. Then you will be the one offering the apology to the entire catholic theater, you will be the one looking bad. I have seen men in my old protestant churches write pamphlets and books against the Catholic faith. Now he is Catholic and loving it. God did the same for me and the same for Paul when he persecuted Christains. My conversion on the road to Damascus was hard. I hated Catholics and GOD chose the way to shut my mouth. He WILL DO THE SAME TO YOU.

I would be interested.

Show me one thing here you wrote as an anti-Catholic, what kind of church were you in?

Did they teach you to hate Catholics, that was wrong if they did. Christians are to love Catholics as they warn them and tell them the true gospel is about being born again in Jesus Christ.

I would really love to see one of these FORMER writings...

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1056858' date='Sep 4 2006, 10:18 PM']
Sixty million Mexicans, for starters...
Wow, they must be hiding pretty well in the Mexican population. I haven't met one of those 60 million yet.

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[quote]I would be interested.

Show me one thing here you wrote as an anti-Catholic, what kind of church were you in?

Did they teach you to hate Catholics, that was wrong if they did. Christians are to love Catholics as they warn them and tell them the true gospel is about being born again in Jesus Christ.

I would really love to see one of these FORMER writings...[/quote]

Don't act like your in the dark and you dont know. Most main line protestants have no sympathy or interest in anything Roman Catholic. Alot, spend their time trying to disprove Catholic Christians. And no one asks you to show us the true gospel...You came from the true gospel. And like all seperatists who broke from the original claim that they are the original.

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Wow, you know 60 million Mexicans?

That would impress a lot of people.

I'm impressed. You're impressive. Everyone bask in his expansive network of Catholic friend with whom he has intimate aquaintance.

Do you know a billion screaming Chinamen, too, Cletus?

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There you go again ( You and your counter-part eutcyus)

If you think that my previous article was lableing then take it up with your friend that labels 60 million mexicans supposedly worshiping mary.

[quote]Sixty million Mexicans, for starters...[/quote]

You and eutchuys really know nothing about this. You cut and paste from articles that stand on your side. You dont read the Bible for what it is and your are so into disproving you cant even handle your own understanding of the Bible.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1056616' date='Sep 4 2006, 01:59 PM']

This is Collyridian heresy renewed.


I have trouble keeping up with what I think I believe - and so have not amassed an alphabetized and cross indexed listing of all the heresies . . . for others who might share my ignorance of the precise terms assigned to heresies, I offer the following unverified information from the internet

Collyridianism (Mary Worship)

Many anti-Catholics accuse Catholics of worshipping Mary. Of course, there is no basis for this because the Church explicity forbids the worship of anyone other than God. However, back in the early Church, there was group who did in fact worship Mary; they were known as "Collyridians". Their excessive Marian devotion developed into a full blown worship of the Holy Virgin. The heresy lasted about 100 years, existing between 350 and 450 A.D.

The great opponent of the Collyridian sect was Epiphanius, bishop of Salamis and a close colleague of St. Jerome. One of his most outstanding contributions in defeating the Collyridians was his apologetic Panarion (Medicine Box). In his refutation, he addressed both extremes of Marian heresies: Collyridianism (the super-exhaltation of Mary) and Antidicomarianitism (an Arabian movement which demoted and debased Mary's importance).

The Collyridian sect was comprised of mostly women who combined Catholic and Pagan rituals and beliefs and fused them into a new religion - not unlike, it should be observed, many pseudo Catholic nuns who do the same today. Epiphanius considered this blasphemous, writing "certain women there in Arabia have introduced this absurd teaching from Thracia: how they offer up a sacrifice of bread rolls in the Name of the ever-Virgin Mary, and all partake of this bread."

Heresy floats outside of the boundaries of the true faith. One extreme exaggerates a truth; the other extreme denies it. In the case of Collyridianism, we see a perfect example of the former: where there should be a veneration and devotion to Mary, there is an adoration of her instead.



Budge, there seems to be a belief that you represent a variety of Christianity, albeit not Catholic. Could you verify that? Some of your points could as easily have come from this site: [url="http://www.islamic-awareness.org/Quran/Contrad/External/marytrin.html"]http://www.islamic-awareness.org/Quran/Con...l/marytrin.html[/url]

Edited by journeyman
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[quote name='Fides_et_Ratio' post='1056959' date='Sep 5 2006, 12:07 AM']
Aside from all the arguing...

Budge, did Mary give Christ His human flesh or not?

Answer the question please.

[size=7] :yawn: [/size]

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[quote]Budge, did Mary give Christ His human flesh or not?[/quote]

Only HALF of it


23 Chromosones worth...

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