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This doesnt even LOOK real


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Is that like the TWO "REAL HEADS" of Saint Paul in Rome?

I had the pleasant experience of visiting BOTH of the REAL heads in the same day a few years ago. Asking the guide at one, "Which is real, there is another one over in ST. X church" I was told, they are BOTH considered authentic by the Catholic Church and worthy of veneration.

Where is P.T. Barnum when you really need him??

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And if a tour guide told you, it must be true!

PS: In the Gospel of Thomas (suppressed by the Knights Templar under control of the Priuere de Sion) it clearly mentions Peter having two heads.


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[quote] And if a tour guide told you, it must be true![/quote]

Ah, my dear VERY DUMB Catholic friend....


St. John's in Lateran


St. Paul's Outside the Walls

Then you can come back and HUMBLY thank me for furthering your oh so deficient Catholic geographical/historical education.

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As the Party said "Ignorance is Strength"

I believe that explains your tenacity.

I believe all Rites would venerate them, not just the Roman (Hello dead horse, here's my stick wham wham!)

Yes, there are great holes in my knowledge. Luckily, I'm not a Gnostic.

You missed that I in error typed Peter. Tsk Tsk.

Sadly, I am not dumb. In fact, I'm quite vocal. Were I dumb, I'd not be able to perform my job properly.

I am also not very humble. But my eyes are good, so you don't have to resort to the all caps thing.

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1056825' date='Sep 4 2006, 08:21 PM']
Ah, my dear VERY DUMB Catholic friend....


St. John's in Lateran


St. Paul's Outside the Walls

Then you can come back and HUMBLY thank me for furthering your oh so deficient Catholic geographical/historical education.

thats not very nice... and if you did some research you would have read that it was FORMERLY the home of some relics including the ones you mentioned

[quote]On the walls are scenes of martyrdoms, including St Stephen the Deacon, Protomartyr of the Church, and Sts Peter and Paul. TRhe latter are shown explicitly as suffering in Rome, as it was their martyrdoms that first turned the city into a holy place. It was formerly used as the relic treasury of the papal palace, and allegedly held such relics as a bit of bread from the Last Supper, St John the Baptist's coat, St Matthew's shoulder, St Bartholomew's chin, and the heads of Sts Peter, Paul, Agnes and Euphemia. There are still many relics and holy objects here, including ancient reliquaries with stones and earth from the Holy Land, brought back by pilgrims. Many of the reliquaries have Greek inscriptions, and are from the time before the the Churches of theEast and West were separated. [/quote]


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[quote]I'd only care if the "snookering" were harming them, or if it was Heresy. But just believing something that is unlikely is not costing them anything. If I can't be sure it isn't true, and they think it helps them...who am I to question it?[/quote]

A lie is a lie.

You think its good people live under false delusions? That is what youre saying.

You know unbelievers see this kind of behavior and have more defense for their misconception that Christianity is just a nice myth that makes people "feel better"

I know Christianity is true, but Catholicism isnt being based on nice legends and myths that make for fun festivals and the pious deluded.

I think the answer I am getting here from some, that it doesnt matter if they believe a falsehood is extraordinarily WEAK and also unscriptural.

[size=5]Pro 12:17 [He that] speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit.[/size]

Edited by Budge
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Verse markings are not an original part of the writings which make up the Old Testament and New Testament (which books the Catholic Church picked from among many.)

Nor is English, which of neccesity has a different nuance from the original languages.

But I guess we'll just have to trust those "experts," won't we?

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[quote name='Budge' post='1056843' date='Sep 4 2006, 07:53 PM']
A lie is a lie.

You think its good people live under false delusions? That is what youre saying.

You know unbelievers see this kind of behavior and have more defense for their misconception that Christianity is just a nice myth that makes people "feel better"

I know Christianity is true, but Catholicism isnt being based on nice legends and myths that make for fun festivals and the pious deluded.

I think the answer I am getting here from some, that it doesnt matter if they believe a falsehood is extraordinarily WEAK and also unscriptural.

[size=5]Pro 12:17 [He that] speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit.[/size]
[/quote]You have dishonestly promoted misconceptions and untruths repeatedly here, especially in regards to this 'veil'. What does that make YOU?

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[quote]You have dishonestly promoted misconceptions and untruths repeatedly here, especially in regards to this 'veil'. What does that make YOU?[/quote]

Name one un- truth.

People have claimed I came up with PHONY pictures.

I did not.


Is anyone going to apologize?

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[quote name='Budge' post='1056524' date='Sep 4 2006, 11:23 AM']
So what if it is central or not?

Your Pope was there supporting it and it is obviously a hoax.

It is based on falsehoods.
Your Pope seemed to think it was something of substance, paying it a visit and all.

It's really kind of funny... Since you can prove 100% Correctly and Truthfully it's a hoax... Your sitting here at an Internet forum telling us... Go out and Spread the Word. Call up all Major News Organizations. Get the Press Conference going.

Now we'll go lock the Pope into a cell... He can't be allowed to go anywhere lest others make false acqusations against him... If he, say, walks on soil, he must be supporting cloning!

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[quote]It's really kind of funny... Since you can prove 100% Correctly and Truthfully it's a hoax... Your sitting here at an Internet forum telling us... Go out and Spread the Word. Call up all Major News Organizations. Get the Press Conference going. [/quote]

Really there is no need to now. Luther and the Reformers did that already, 1/2 the Catholic Church left then.

Today, the Europeans, the ones that KNOW this stuff is superstitions wrapped in ignorance have left the Catholic Church in the dust. Even such stalwart Catholic Church nations such as Spain, Italy, Ireland now see Mass attendence between 5-15% of those that SAY they are Roman Catholics.

They KNOW, they have been the closest to these hoaxes for hundreds of years, scammed by the flimflam men wearing frocks, and resplendent in luxury silks and lace, paid for, naturally, by the rubes that USED TO believe this nonesense. But NOW, with prosperity, money, education and the internet, they are deeply embarrassed over the flying house, bones, twenty tons of "the true cross" fragments,and all the other garbage the Catholic Church shoveled their way over the centuries.

So they just left, vamoosed, skeedaddled and have given to the Catholic Church what SHE gave to them forever...just as prophetically forcast.

[quote]Revelation 18:4 (KJV) [color="#660000"][b]And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.[/b][/color]

7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.

8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong [is] the Lord God who judgeth her.

9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,

10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.[/quote]

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[quote name='Budge' post='1057060' date='Sep 5 2006, 10:36 AM']
Name one un- truth.

People have claimed I came up with PHONY pictures.

I did not.


Is anyone going to apologize?
No I'm not going to apologize. I accused you of spreading untruths and misperceptions.

For example, just a little research on-line shows the image is not 'painted'. You dismissed it as a poor rendering and a bad painting as if it was just 'art'.
Whether or not this is the 'face of Jesus' is questionable, but you were not honest by disregarding or ignoring the scientific evidence and study that surrounds it. You intimate that a bunch of ignorant rubes believe in it while ignoring it's historical context.
The fact is, it is anomalistic and unique since we don't know how it was produced, have no other artifacts of art that are similar, the threads hold no pigment, etc. Why do you not address those questions with a clear opinion?

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1057070' date='Sep 5 2006, 10:51 AM']
Really there is no need to now. Luther and the Reformers did that already, 1/2 the Catholic Church left then.

Today, the Europeans, the ones that KNOW this stuff is superstitions wrapped in ignorance have left the Catholic Church in the dust. Even such stalwart Catholic Church nations such as Spain, Italy, Ireland now see Mass attendence between 5-15% of those that SAY they are Roman Catholics.

They KNOW, they have been the closest to these hoaxes for hundreds of years, scammed by the flimflam men wearing frocks, and resplendent in luxury silks and lace, paid for, naturally, by the rubes that USED TO believe this nonesense. But NOW, with prosperity, money, education and the internet, they are deeply embarrassed over the flying house, bones, twenty tons of "the true cross" fragments,and all the other garbage the Catholic Church shoveled their way over the centuries.

So they just left, vamoosed, skeedaddled and have given to the Catholic Church what SHE gave to them forever...just as prophetically forcast.

This is why I addressed it to Budge... I was talking about her disproving the shroud as a hoax (without say... any evidence other than her opinion that it doesn't look real)

Though, I must say the multiple topics annoy me but I see why they are all created... This is really no where on subject or topic.

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