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Dominican Sisters in England


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First, I have to give a hat tip to Sr. Mary Catherine on this one, she posted them on another board...thanks SMC!

[url="http://www.dominicansrs.co.uk/home.htm"]The Dominican Sisters of St. Joseph[/url] are a new community getting started in England. Their apostolate is cathechetics, retreat work and art. Their habit is the same style as the Nashville Dominicans. They also have some monasic observances such as :

[quote]Celebration of the Liturgy
Study of Sacred Truth
Wearing the Habit
Silence at certain times and places in the Priory
Spiritual Reading at Mealtimes
Cloister suitable to our way of life
Each sister has her own 'cell' for rest, prayer, lectio divina and study[/quote]

Personally, I really like them, although England would be really far for me to go! Acutally, I think Americans could help the UK get some more young vocations :D:

Other Dominican Sisters in the UK are the
[url="http://www.stone-dominicans.org.uk/"]Stone Dominicans[/url]

[url="http://www.dominicansisters-bushey.org.uk/"]Bushney Dominicans[/url]

Also, if you like this community, but are in Australia or New Zealand. check out the [url="http://users.dragnet.com.au/~veritas/"]Conventual Sisters of St. Dominic[/url]

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Is this a new community? :idontknow: Most of the Sisters seem to be old. Either way, they look like wonderful sisters!

Edited by brendan1104
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Grrr, I so started a thread about English Dominican women a few months ago :P

Anyway - Stone Dominicans are lovey, I've stayed with them a few times. The Dominicans in the New Forest I don't know as well, but they're very rawr and gung-ho! I think they're doing well with their lives, work and vocations. Most communities don't update their websites the moment they take new photos, so appearances are often deceiving.

Love and prayers,


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Thanks for sharing the Dominicans of St. Joseph with us, especially. As they are a "new" community, do you know where their roots are (there's no history page on the website)?


pp -behave! ;)

Edited by Veritas
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What? ;)

No, seriously, when I lived in the UK I went to events run by the Faith Movement, and one Summer one of the sisters from the New Forest congregation gave a talk. From what I remember - it was a long time ago, I'm an old lady and losing my memory, remember! - it was an excellent talk.

Yes yes, if there are folks in the UK who are [i]absolutely certain[/i] that they don't want to become Benedictines, the Dominicans are pretty good ;) :ninja: :P:

Love and prayers,


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[quote name='puellapaschalis' post='1055083' date='Sep 1 2006, 05:13 AM']
Grrr, I so started a thread about English Dominican women a few months ago :P

Anyway - Stone Dominicans are lovey, I've stayed with them a few times. The Dominicans in the New Forest I don't know as well, but they're very rawr and gung-ho! I think they're doing well with their lives, work and vocations. Most communities don't update their websites the moment they take new photos, so appearances are often deceiving.

Love and prayers,


I'm sorry!!! you should have posted it when you had the thought of doing soo.....oh well at least its posted!!!!

God Bless!!!

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I think you misread my post, Sixtina :) My original thread is [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=53540&hl="]here[/url]. But there's no harm in these things being brought to people's attention more than once.

*scuttles off to make lots of almost-duplicate threads about Buckfast, St. Hildegard's, Stanbrook and Ryde* ;)

Actually, I think I'll go and pray Vespers before my Benedictinism gets too virulent.. :book: :sign:

Love and prayers,


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[quote name='shortnun' post='1054937' date='Aug 31 2006, 11:06 PM']
Dominicans :clap:
I'll second that! :clap: :woot: Go Dominicans!

[quote name='GodChild' post='1055091' date='Sep 1 2006, 08:21 AM']
God bless Wagga Wagga :biglol: [its an aussie thing]

Nice Congregation though :)

:blink: What's wagga wagga?

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[quote name='brendan1104' post='1054881' date='Aug 31 2006, 07:39 PM']
Is this a new community? :idontknow: Most of the Sisters seem to be old. Either way, they look like wonderful sisters!


I e-mailed the Dominican Sisters of St. Joseph and this is what they said:

Thank you for your email. Our foundresses came from the Dominican Sisters of St.Catherine of Siena, of Oakford, Natal. The Sisters (5 in the beginning) responded to the call of the Holy Spirit through the Church (Vatican II) to renew their religious lives. We thank God for their fidelity to His call. In July 1994 we were given permission by Rome to become an autonomous religious community (of diocesan right) and were aggregated to the Order of Preachers in 1995. Sadly, but beautifully for them and a blessing for us, 3 of them are now with the Lord, one of our founding sisters died in 2002, Sr.Dominic, she was 86yrs old and 58yrs professed. We seek to keep faithful to that call. Sr, Margarita, one of the original 5, you can see on the community page of our web site www.dominicansrs.co.uk . She suffered a massive stroke in 2003, we thought the Lord was going to take her too. She radiates great peace and joy that comes through acceptance of the Lords will. The stroke robed her of her speech and the use of her right arm and leg. We miss her words of wisdom....but now she lives that Word and they do say actions speech louder than words! She is our finest Preacher! We are today 9 Sisters, including one Novice.
Our Horarium you can see on the web site.
I'll be happy to answer any other questions you may have.( Just to note, I will be away for 2 weeks, 5th-19th)

God Bless you.

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