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Ritualism Leads People AWAY from God


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[quote name='Anomaly' post='1054657' date='Aug 31 2006, 04:28 PM']School Teacher wanna be... :P:[/quote]it's that darn religion teacher in high school! :P:

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Groo the Wanderer

Public apology:

I am sorry for my earlier use of a 3rd grade word for mushy mud pie. Twas not meant to be offensive, nor to call names, but to illustrate an absurd point.

Will go to Reconciliation soon.... :sadder:

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' post='1054684' date='Aug 31 2006, 06:05 PM']
Public apology:

I am sorry for my earlier use of a 3rd grade word for mushy mud pie. Twas not meant to be offensive, nor to call names, but to illustrate an absurd point.
Will go to Reconciliation soon.... :sadder:

don't call it that..... :P:

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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' post='1054739' date='Aug 31 2006, 05:52 PM']don't call it that..... :P:[/quote]don't call 'what' what? :huh: mushy mud pie or reconciliation? or apology or offensive? :P:

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All I want to know is, Budge, how and where do you come up with this stuff? And, did you spend your time away making a list of crazy ideas to post here?

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

[quote name='Lil Red' post='1054743' date='Aug 31 2006, 06:58 PM']
don't call 'what' what? :huh: mushy mud pie or reconciliation? or apology or offensive? :P:

well i think its fine to call the Sacrament Reconciliation (although i don't, and i don't like it), But can you go to Reconciliation? it sounds weird. i usually go to confession....

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[quote name='Norseman82' post='1054584' date='Aug 31 2006, 03:14 PM']
So what does that have to do with anything?

It has to do with the fact that you don't have to goto church to be saved or even goto chuch to be a religious person. Jesus is in our hearts and no priest is needed to make a connection.

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[quote name='Anomaly' post='1054650' date='Aug 31 2006, 04:24 PM']
In one perspective, putting too much emphasis on the Ritual (read Rubrics) would indeed lead someone away from God. How often have you seen Caths posting here asking "Can they do that?" "The priest/lector/acolyte/deacon said or did "X", does that make "Y" invalid?" "The priest didn't say Zs, but said Z. Did that make the Sacrament invalid?"

Can people's emphasis on the Rituals in the Catholic Religion lead them away from God?
Absolutely YES.

Is it a necessary outcome? Absolutely NO!

Can Rituals be an aid and a help to lead people to God? Absolutely YES!

Does Scripture support the use of Rituals in aiding people in their relationship with God? Yes, without a doubt. To claim otherwise would be to deny the historical acts in both the New and Old Testament.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1054509' date='Aug 31 2006, 01:01 PM']
"Romanism is largely a religion of ceremonials and rituals, and as such it is a far departure from the purity and simplicity of the gospel. The suppose blessing is mysterious and magical. No really intelligent participation is required on part of the people. They are largely spectators watching the pageantry and are supposed to be blessed just because they are there.

Elaborate ritual and ceremony, which theoretically are designed to aid the worshipper, have the opposite affect in that they tend to take the mind away from things which are spiritual and eternal and to center it on that is material and temporal. Artistic ritual and exquisite music often become ends in themselves and can easly become instruments which prevent the people from joining in the worship of God. The reason the Roman service tends to become more and more elaborate, liturgical and ritualistic is that the heart of the exercise true adoration of God, is missing and a persistent effortis made to fill the emptiness and unsatisfactoriness of it all by piling one ceremony and ritual upon anohther. But ironically, the more that is done, the more difficult it becomes to worship God, and so the vicious cycle goes round and round.
Where is this quote taken from, and why should we pay attention to or care about this particular person's opinion? :idontknow:

It just sounds like your standard ignorant protestant rant against the Catholic liturgy.

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If ritualism detracts away from God then I guess you dont say the Lord's Prayer. Its been prayed by all Christians the same ways for centuries. I know many protestant (my dear parents included) Who have a liturgy in their worship. All liturgy seems to be ritualistic, but it was made that way for a reason. Ritualism comes out in more than worship. We are ritualistic every year when we celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas. And these holidays center around the Thanks of what GOD has given us and the Birth of Our Most Blessed LORD. How can these ritualistic holidays ( Turkeys, Christmas Tree's, presents.) detract away from GOD? Even in the Jewish Temple before Christ came it was ritualistic to sacrifice a lamb for the forgiveness of sins. Jacob has done it some much that his own son Issac wanted to sacrifice himself for the forgiveness of sins, but GOD provided the lamb for the ritualistic sacrifice.

[quote]Romanism is largely a religion of ceremonials and rituals, and as such it is a far departure from the purity and simplicity of the gospel.[/quote]

Ritualism is part of the Gospel.

Ritualism even comes out in our daily lives ( Hi, bye, I love you, whats up, etc.)

:lol: Budge we cant seem to let the small things spark more hatred for each other, can we?

Edited by Convert4888
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[quote name='IcePrincessKRS' post='1054748' date='Aug 31 2006, 06:07 PM']
All I want to know is, Budge, how and where do you come up with this stuff? And, did you spend your time away making a list of crazy ideas to post here?

Personally, I think she is married to Eutychus. Notice that they both went away about the same time last week and all of a sudden they both reappeared today?

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[quote name='Ferocious Badger' post='1054751' date='Aug 31 2006, 06:13 PM']
It has to do with the fact that you don't have to goto church to be saved or even goto chuch to be a religious person. Jesus is in our hearts and no priest is needed to make a connection.

Then how can you "keep holy the Lord's Day?" Where do you go to receive Eucharist?

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I would counter that you Budge lead people away from Christ. You only wish to "budge" us away from Holy Mother Church founded by Our Lord. You only point out what you see as failers in the church, be they made up, lies or misunderstandings. Rarely if every do you preach salvation, and if you do it is not without your down right hate of your brethren, who are Catholic.

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