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a little :angel: from heaven sent to you!!!

:infant: :infant: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

PARTY TIME!!!! :balloons: :balloons:

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

So happy for you, Ironmonk!!!!!!!

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:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

that is WONDERFUL!!!

im soo VERY happy to hear the good news!! :dance: :tiphat:

what a blessing it is to have a :infant:!!!

:flowers: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

CONGRATULATIONS!!! :cheer::cheer: :cheer:

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  hyperdulia again said:
I really am happy for you Monk...um..VIDEO?

Yes :D

Nothing gross... just an adorable baby.

Thank you all!!!

I'll try to have the video up by 8 or 9 tonight... going to do it in a little bit, but people are coming by to see Olivia.

God Bless,


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Hurrah the baby monk is here.


Congrats to Mrs monk.

hmm :thinking:

are you gonna change it to babynun? :D

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Congrats! I was going to start combing every board on here until I found Olivia's birth announcement, and if it weren't up I was going start a thread yelling at you for NOT putting it up yet. ;) I am so glad to hear she's doing well, and I assume her Mommy is doing well, too. :) Make sure to give lots of kisses to both the women in your life. ;) In a couple months little Olivia is going to look up at you all smiles and laughter and your heart will melt even more than it already is at the adoring looks she gives you. :)

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:cheer: :cheer::cheer:

she has the most gorgeous blue eyes, the roundest cheeks the most cutest smile!!!

Big Bad Daddy Productions? :lol:

Olivia is just so darn tootin cute!

there are childrens literature about a cute little pig named Olivia...they are the cutest thing....

:book: "Read it again daddy!" :pepsi:

:cheer::cheer: :cheer:

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she looks soo tiny and soo beautiful!!!! :wub:

her big eyes are soo purdy! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

im in love with her!! :hearts: i can only imagine how proud parents you are!!!!

and olivia is such a sophisticated and wonderful name to call her!! :D :lol:

shes a cutie!! ^_^

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