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I love Osama bin Laden!


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The good Lord teaches us to love our enemies. I love Osama Bin Laden, that doesn't meen I like him...but hate can't fight hate. I wouldn't bring myself down to his level. War is not the answer, only love can conquer hate. I'd cry for him...I'm sorry, brother, you got your life so off course. In the end who'll prove to be the better person? Although his heart pumps no blood, and his eyes have no mercy and he's a cold blooded psychopathic egomaniac murderer I still love him. If there was more loving going on, the earth would be a better place. God loves us ALL. thats just my opinion.

However, I understand the people who can't love him. Who lost their loved ones on Sept. 11 or in the war. It'd be a 52329548945080 times harder for them to love someone like that than it is for someone who hasn't experianced his evil directly. But still, hate won't conquer hate.

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[quote]I wouldn't bring myself down to his level[/quote]
It sounds like your love is kind of condescending.
[quote]hate won't conquer hate.[/quote]
I'm not so sure that our love should begin with the ends of 'conquering hate' in mind. Love should begin with a genuine willing of good for another person through love of Christ. Conquering hate is like a bonus, wouldn't you say?

Edited by DAF
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[quote name='peep' post='1053993' date='Aug 30 2006, 09:33 PM']
The good Lord teaches us to love our enemies. I love Osama Bin Laden, that doesn't meen I like him...but hate can't fight hate. I wouldn't bring myself down to his level. War is not the answer, only love can conquer hate. I'd cry for him...I'm sorry, brother, you got your life so off course. In the end who'll prove to be the better person? Although his heart pumps no blood, and his eyes have no mercy and he's a cold blooded psychopathic egomaniac murderer I still love him. If there was more loving going on, the earth would be a better place. God loves us ALL. thats just my opinion.
However, I understand the people who can't love him. Who lost their loved ones on Sept. 11 or in the war. It'd be a 52329548945080 times harder for them to love someone like that than it is for someone who hasn't experianced his evil directly. But still, hate won't conquer hate.
Love does not exclude justice, though.
True love does not means we let people off scot-free for their crimes, nor that get all warm-fuzzy, touchy-feely with everybody.

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In fact, charity might dictate that he recieve thr true Lord... <-- that's from Gangs of New York, you know, in the beginning when the "natives" and the irish are duking it out, and the head native says [s]"come here and meet your Lord" and the priest says "come here and prepare to meet the true Lord"[/s]
Okay, so long story short, we should beat him down...in love. :)

EDIT* So, from watching the actual [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4xJTRmBJTE"]scene[/url], he says "May the Christian Lord guide my hand against your Roman Popery." And then the priest says "Prepare to recieve the true Lord."

So the actual quote isn't so relevant, but my point still remains, and anyway, that part always makes me proud to be a Catholic. :P:

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Didn't Jesus say Hate the Sin?
Was Jesus a 'hater'?

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Wow, love and hate and the famous, "Love the sinner, hate the sin".

True love is tough love. When it comes to love and hate, they are two sides to the same coin: there are those who begin hating the sin (good) but then end up hating the sinner. (not good!) then there are those on the other extreme of loving the sinner, but end up also loving or condoning the sin. (again, not good) Christ gives us something better: he teaches us to love the sinner but hate the sin.

Bishop Fulton Sheen described tough love like this: "Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the buyers and sellers from the temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."To be sure, Christ taught about a kind of love that requires us to absorb evil; to take the blows and to bless those who persecute us. This sacrificial and merciful love is ultimately what saved us on Calvary. It is characterized by what Christ said on the cross: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." In the same spirit, many martyrs went to their death forgiving their executors. Who can forget St. Maximillian Kolbe or St. Thomas Moore?

Tough love is about the soul and eternal life. Although it does take into consideration one's feelings, (charity) tough love also recognizes that feelings will get hurt. Hope that helps some with the "Is Jesus a hater" question.

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[quote name='jmjtina' post='1054089' date='Aug 30 2006, 10:27 PM']
A mother still spanks her kid out of love.

How much more love will God show Osama?

I love him so much I'd beat him with a blunt object, like a 2x4! :love:

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yeah love conquers all, but after 9/11 i wanted to drop a nuke on Mecca. I love muslims, i love osama, but hell no i dont like em' or their phony religion.

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I associate with Muslims and like all groups they have good peeps and bad peeps.
but some Muslims don't think the way we do. They think a true follower of God kills their enemies. That is hating the man, not the sins. Its those types of Muslims that are quite disturbing...

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It might be kinda cool to sit down and have a beer with him. Shoot the breeze about politics and religion.

Lots of evil men were likeable and loveable. All evil men have mothers.

But, at the end of the day, their actions have consequences, whether they're likeable or not.

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"drop a nuke"

a little harsh don't you think?

i watched the second plane hit the world trade center from two blocks away. I watched and heard as people jumped from the buildings. I ran from them as they started to collapse. Also to find out later, a highschool classmate of mine was on that second plane. I was lucky to be spared that day, and I'm not going to pretend to know what it is like to have lost a loved one that day.

But to this day, I'm not going to let 19 guys, or 1000 guys, or 10,000 guys with a crazy outlook on world and a warped interpretation of God change the way I treat other people.

As the man said, "Love thy neighbor as thy self"

Live the change you want to see in the world.

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I agree peep, the worst thing we can possibly do is become what we fight.

Recall "Beauty and the Beast" (no, not the Disney movie, but hte real storie) where at the end, the 'slayer of the beast' becomes what the hated, he becomes a beast.

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