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The Coming "Rapture"


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You can find the article [url="http://www.alphanewsdaily.com/theRapture.html"]here[/url]

[quote]The Coming "Rapture"

The Bible warns of a coming day when all who are found waiting in faith for the promised Messiah will be removed from Earth in a moment, in the "twinkling of an eye." God prepared us for this event with both Enoch (the seventh from Adam) and with Elijah, who were both taken or 'snatched away' by God before they died ... What is this strange, bizarre, mysterious, prophecy all about?

The Scriptures tell us the Messiah will return . . . twice:

First, "as a thief in the night" . . . for those who waited in faith

Second, "every eye shall see" . . . with those who waited in faith

It might help to understand why God feels it will be important to remove this remnant (or 'body') of believers from the Earth in such a decisive and startling way. We find the Rapture is somewhat analogous to a loving Bridegroom yanking His young wife ('betrothed') off the railroad tracks just as the train goes thundering by. Prophet after prophet in the Bible warns us of a very specific period of time referred to by many names, including the "Day of the Lord," "The Day of the Lord's Fierce Anger (Wrath)," "The Time of Israel's (Jacob's) Trouble," "the Great Tribulation" or the "Apocalypse" (which actually refers to the Revelation or "revealing"), when God is going to pour out His wrath on a violent, arrogant, immoral, disobedient, and unbelieving world in rebellion against His Word. We are told those who sincerely believe in Jesus-Yeshua, the promised Messiah, and humbly wait for Him in faith, are not 'appointed' to this coming time of God's wrath . . . [/quote]

I figured this would be an interesting topic to disscus considering the turmoil our world is going through. Any thoughts?

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"I believe in Jesus Christ,... he will come in glory to judge the living and the dead."

Notice the creed does not say 'he will come quietly to pick up the 'true Christians' then to come in glory a third time.'

Here is where the Darbyists' logic fails:

[quote] The Scriptures tell us the Messiah will return . . . twice:

First, "as a thief in the night" . . . for those who waited in faith

Second, "every eye shall see" . . . with those who waited in faith

It might help to understand why God feels it will be important to remove this remnant (or 'body') of believers from the Earth in such a decisive and startling way. [/quote]

These two are not necessarily different events (thief vs every eye).

Besides, the descendants of the Apostles have ruled against pre-milenialism.

Edited by jswranch
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haha what are you, a davinci code guy? it's generally referred to ast the "successors" to the apostles

the Scriptures say it will be like a theif in the night as in the time will not be expected. the point is that we should always be ready.

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