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no control


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sometimes i wonder and almost become parnoid that when you die life will turn into like a dream....what i mean by this is that it will almost be as if you will be just observing your life with no real control......when you dream at night you can sometimes rembember your dreams vividely and sometimes not so vivedly....but usually for the most part it feels as if you are not in control....that you are just observing what is happening and not makeing the choices..... sometimes that i fear that this will happen when you die.....that you will somehow know you still exist but not to the extent that you know that you are fullly in control and have complete free will.....this is probally a selfish concern and a concern that is in no way accurate to what life really will be like on the other side.....but since this is a discussion forum i thought i would post it.....i guess what im getting at is when you die do you belive that you will be COMPLETE CONTROL of everything you do.....or do you feel that it may be as a dream where life goes on for eternity but in someway you just receive happyness and pure bliss but are not really in complete control of what you do and in someways eternity will just blend in together as a joyfull state for your soul to be in forever......i appologize if you dont understand what the heck im talken about....... :idontknow: :D:

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I don't know about control, etc. I think heaven is so far beyond what I can conceive that it cannot be catagorized in human thoughts and words.

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when you die you either go to hell, purgatory or heaven. You make the decision of which one before you die. In purgatory you are suffering and praying. This choice was made by you, in Heaven you have perfect happiness, this was also chosen by you on earth, and in hell you burn eternally which was, again, chosen by you on earth. I don't know what the afterlife is like, no one can answer your questions on the afterlife except God. But you always have a free will.

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