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Do Budge and Eutychus agree on theology?


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Mateo el Feo

[quote name='Eutychus' post='1049271' date='Aug 23 2006, 10:14 PM']We are NOT told to honor such men, but to DEBASE them openly, and so I do.

I'm just following the CLEAR instructions of our Lord Jesus Christ here.[/quote]You really are a mean-spirited man. We try to engage in civil dialogue with you, and you just can't find enough ways to insult us and those who share our Faith. So much for [i]"love thy neighbor"[/i]...

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1049271' date='Aug 23 2006, 08:14 PM']
Not to belabor the point, but they do wear silk dresses.

Evangelicals would laugh a preacher out of the pulpit who showed up gussied up like those dandies, with watered silk, lace, and such.

Why should, I *an evangelical* honor those who are so obviously violating the CLEAR teachings of Jesus? Walking around, dressed like SPECIAL HUMANS, desiring praise, honor, and using such terms of address as holy father, your eminence, your excellency, and other such honorifics SPECIFICALLY condemned? The dress is condemned, the titles are condemned, and I will NOT pretent to have anything other than disguste at those effeminate prissies in such garb and with such elevated needs for human adoration.
We are NOT told to honor such men, but to DEBASE them openly, and so I do.

I'm just following the CLEAR instructions of our Lord Jesus Christ here.
[/quote]So what should a preacher wear?

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Honestly, I have no idea why our members here give these two [mod]personal attack[/mod] the benefit of the doubt. They have been offensive to our teaching authority, they have twisted scripture to mock our priests and call them boys in dresses, they have accused us of open idol worship, and mixing and creating hybrid-religions.

These are the men we are warned against in the Proverbs. They are foolish, wise in their own eyes. Why benefit their arguments by wasting your breath?

Leave them to their foolish mindset and let the ultimate judge decide where and whom is right. We cannot change them...And they WILL NEVER CHANGE US!!They are to foolish and have no understanding of an open mind. Fight and debating will only anger you or cause you are beat your head against a wall. Truth be told these men arent worth my time anymore. They answer no questions or give respect when resepct is due.

Their theology is a bunch of hogwash protestant propaganda

and twisted scripture...All bark and no bite.

Edited by homeschoolmom
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[b]Eutychus[/b], I'm puzzled as to why you think it's necessary to use malicious sarcasm to make your points? It's not exactly Christ-like in nature, and since you've implied we're not truely Christian, and thus then there is no obligation on our part to hold onto your standards, a sarcastic reply on my part cannot be viewed as hypocritical.

[sarcasm]You preach to us, but don't practice. Then why should we?[/sarcasm]

Now if you excuse me, I have to hit the sack, I have work tomorrow morning.

Edited by Paladin D
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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1049271' date='Aug 23 2006, 08:14 PM']
I'm just following the CLEAR instructions of our Lord Jesus Christ here.

I think you may be missing some of the meat in Matt 23 by using the KJV. I use RSV as it is used by Cats and Evangelicals:

[quote]2: "The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat;
3: so [u]practice and observe whatever they tell you[/u], but not what they do; for they preach, but do not practice. [/quote]

Here Jesus is saying that no matter how they act, you must be subjected to them.

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Gal. 5:22,23

[quote name='Paladin D' post='1049457' date='Aug 23 2006, 11:18 PM']
[b]Eutychus[/b], I'm puzzled as to why you think it's necessary to use malicious sarcasm to make your points? It's not exactly Christ-like in nature...

Exactly. Have you ever read 1 Peter 3:15? "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with [b]gentleness and respect.[/b]"

When I was Protestant, my pastor used to preach "walk the talk." Good words.

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1049271' date='Aug 23 2006, 08:14 PM']
Not to belabor the point, but they do wear silk dresses.

Evangelicals would laugh a preacher out of the pulpit who showed up gussied up like those dandies, with watered silk, lace, and such.
Well, well! When in doubt, make more silly remarks about "boys in silk dresses." (Ands you forgot the "gilded hockey sticks" -whatever they are- this time. :rolleyes:)

Somebody obviously does not know the difference between robes and dresses! They in fact are quite different. (And the liturgical vestments of the priests I know are not silk, nor lacy, etc.)
Robes were in fact the normal men's clothes in middle-eastern regions, and Catholic priestly garments are descended from those of the Jews in Biblical times.

In fact, most pictures of Jesus (even those by protestants - though I suppose those were obviously the evil, idolotrous sorts), show Him wearing robes.
But I suppose Jesus never wore those sissy robes, and instead walked about Palestine in a pair of trousers, shirt and tie, or probably a nice white suit, like the good Evangelical that He was! (Or was He more of the jeans and t-shirt type? :idontknow: )

[quote name='Eutychus' post='1049271' date='Aug 23 2006, 08:14 PM']
We are NOT told to honor such men, but to DEBASE them openly, and so I do.

I'm just following the CLEAR instructions of our Lord Jesus Christ here.
LOL - Is there anyone you do NOT debase openly! :lol:

We're all very impressed by your heroic Christ-like efforts on this board.

So all you have to do to follow Christ is constantly insult and debase people?
Sounds like fun! Sign me up for your church now! :drool:

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[quote]Honestly, I have no idea why our members here give these two Edited by [b]moderator: personal attack[/b] the benefit of the doubt. They have been offensive to our teaching authority, they have twisted scripture to mock our priests and call them boys in dresses, they have accused us of open idol worship, and mixing and creating hybrid-religions. [/quote]

I quess an apology is due to those reading this.

Maybe I shouldnt have been hasty, however it doesnt change my mind about these men. They really [b]do not[/b] do what they say and say what they do and I seriously pray for them.

And if we are to debase men rather than honnor them. They why are we supposed to love our neighboor as ourselves? Thats secound to the greatest command! To love our LORD with all heart, mind and, strength

Again, my apologies.

Edited by Convert4888
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[quote]I also find it ludicrous that the RC poster seems to hint that ALL Catholics believe what Rome teaches. There is just as wide a range of beliefs inside the Catholic Church as anywhere else. On PAPER you might have a claim to uniformity of belief, but in REALITY, there is more outright hostility and divergent beliefs betwen a militant Opus Dei Catholic, and a Minnesota Far Left liberal Catholic. Not to mention the VAST differences between other countries and here and there.[/quote]

Those who deny the Dogmata of HMC, are non-Catholics and heretics. There is only one type of Catholicism, orthodox Catholicism. Orthodox Catholicism believes in all Dogmata and obeys the Magesterium.

[quote]A true Catholic is one who believes in the dogmas taught by the Church and is loyal to Rome and the Magisterium. Those who do not, whether schismatic "rad-trads," or liberal "Catholics" who deny some or all of Church doctrine, are not really Catholics, despite what they may call themselves.[/quote]

Actually, 'rad-trads'; unless they are priests in a schismatic society, deny the validity Novus Ordo Missae in Latin or of the Second Vatican Council or do not believe any of the Popes since Vatican II were valid popes; are indeed Catholics.

Eutychus, would you please stop calling the Good Magesterium of the Holy Catholic Apostolic Roman Church the Magicsteeringthem!

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1048683' date='Aug 23 2006, 03:41 AM']
.... Where we tend to disagree is on the non-essentials, like eschatological timings, spiritual gifts, and the like, on the biggies the differences are almost inconsequential.........

Going back to the very beginning....i noticed this little snipet by Eutychus.


Can you please show me from YOUR bible, where the list or index of what IS Essential and non Essential doctrine? (i cant find it in mine :idontknow: )

Does doctrine even matter to non-Catholic Christians?

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Cow of Shame

[quote name='jswranch' post='1048671' date='Aug 23 2006, 03:52 AM']
do they share all the same beliefs about morality, blah blah blah blah

Do they care?
Do [i]I[/i] care?

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1049129' date='Aug 23 2006, 05:44 PM']

I'm not catholic, and I find the very concept hilarous beyond belief. Since NO ONE actually knows who they are, and there are what, three or FOUR different versions of them...it is a concept that actually parallels the Sanhedrin or the Rabbinical Councils.

You do know, that in Matthew 23, when Jesus says call no man "teacher" the actual word in GREEK when translated into Latin is MAGISTER, so actually your church, picked the ONE word that Jesus said not to use for collective governence and made it into THE word that they use.

Magister = Teacher = Magisteerium = Group of Teachers = Sanhedrin

You need to work on your typology from OT to new covenant where the law fore shadows something greater (Heb 10:1).

Check out [url="http://etext.virginia.edu/etcbin/toccer-new2?id=RsvExod.sgm&images=images/modeng&data=/texts/english/modeng/parsed&tag=public&part=18&division=div1"][u]Exodus 18 where Moses selectes judges over the people of God[/u].[/url]

That is the OT magisterium (teaching/ruling arm of God on earth) which ruled over items of the law.

Where is it in the NT? [url="http://etext.virginia.edu/etcbin/toccer-new2?id=RsvActs.sgm&images=images/modeng&data=/texts/english/modeng/parsed&tag=public&part=15&division=div1"][u]Check out Acts 15 where the Holy Spirit guides sinful, fallible men to make infallible rulings on items of faith[/u].[/url] Besides these guys, like the bible, were God breathed (Jn 20:22)

So where is this teaching/ruling arm of God on earth today?


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Theologian in Training

[b]We are NOT told to honor such men, but to DEBASE them openly, and so I do.[/b]

What an excellent way to justify being uncharitable, hiding behind "the Scriptures told me to."

Personally, I don't care what you call us, and when you have heard that you are anything from a child molester to a Mary worshipper words start to lose meaning...or maybe it is just the whole childish "I'm rubber, you're glue" justification, but Jesus also says something else, "do unto others as you have them do unto you." If you want people to stop calling you "Protestant," non-theological, and anything else, then you too need to stop leveling attacks, be them personal or upon the Church itself, because though you do not believe the same things we believe, they are a part of our life, and for you to come along and just blatantly toss around insults, we take it personally, because, once again, that is our life.

If you are trying to see how many people you can annoy or offend then I would question your motives for being here, on the other hand, if you are genuinely interested in what we believe, then it should be a given that there would be a level of civility in our dialogue, rather than blatant attacks.

I have met many people in my day that I don't see eye to eye with, and some have leveled personal attacks...I think my favorite was "turn or burn," but I have also had some great conversations, one I recall with an evangelical minister, where we spent a very long time discussing our differences, and understanding what we each believed. I listened, and he did as well, we didn't try to cut each other off in the middle of a sentence, and we did not fall into personal attacks, and, in the end, we both learned a lot.

I am sure you know this already, but the credibility of your argument is always greatly affected when the argument is less about theology and more about attacking one's beliefs, and though they are related, and there is always the element of taking it personal, when you argue on a theological level, you are more "in the mind," as it were and it is more of a rational discussion rather than, "all priests are gay because they wear those prissie dresses."

Just my .02

God Bless

Fr. Brian

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