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Perhaps You Folks Should Reconsider Bible Prophecy


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I can show how BUDGE is the beast:

1) Convert letters to EBCDIC hexadecimal notation:
B = C2 = numeric 194
U = E4 = numeric 228
D = C4 = numeric 196
G = C7 = numeric 199
E = C5 = numeric 197

add the numeric together = 1014
add the digits together = 6
repeat the above by how many consonants in BUDGE = 3 times = 666

Edited by Norseman82
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The Mark of the Beast is simple...

The Mark in the forehead means you give your mind and soul to the Beast.

And the mark on the hand means you do the work of the Beast.

That is the meaning of the Mark of The Beast.

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I personally don't believe that the Book of Revelations pertains to the end times...it was written in coded language for the people of St. John's time.

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Do you also so believe this about the Book of Daniel? If you believe such a thing, then you are absolutely wrong, Flat out wrong, and Dead wrong.

Liberalism has poisoned your mind.

The Apocalypse is a revelation of the things that were, are and will be. We are actually witnessing some of the events foretold in this book, but many still lie in the future. It is Christ who commands John to write to the seven churches, opens the seven seals, reveals the sufferings of the saints, opens the little book, overcomes the beast, reigns during the period of the first resurection, judges the dead, both great and small, according to their works at His Second Coming, rules over all things from the beginning, presides over all the changing scenes of earth's history, and is the King of kings and Lord of lords.

The book presents Christ as the Coming One: it reveals the dealings of Him who com, and who is to come. Ti opens with the solemn hope that the Coming One wil come quickly.

The book is one of hope, but also one of warning; its aim is to assure the Church of the advent of her Lord in victory. The precise time of this victory lies hidden with God, but it is certain, althought the crown will not be won without a struggle. Heaven will be stormed and carried away thourgh suffering and conflict. And all who keep the words of this book will take part in the conflict and share in the victory.

The conflict is presented under the form of symbols. It is not easy to give a full interpretatioin of all the types, but the general symbols are not difficult to understand. Jerusalem stands asd the type of the good cause, and this is the Church of Christ. Babylon appears as the type of the evil cause, and this is the world power. The heavenly Jerusalem has the assistance of the divine power. The earthly Babylon has the help of evil powers, the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. The scenes in the great conflict arrange themselves around theses types of good and evil. The numbers, the seals, the rumpets and the bowls are phases in the development and consummation of the conflict.

John has arranged the scenes in a sevenfold structure; even in the subordinate vision he keeps to the arrangement.

The book was written in Greek by St. John the Evangelist, on the island of Patmos, about the year 96 A.D.

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it is heretical not to believe the Apocalypse of St. John does not pertain to the end times. It, like many other Bible verses, has a dual meaning.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1048658' date='Aug 22 2006, 11:49 PM']
Do you also so believe this about the Book of Daniel? If you believe such a thing, then you are absolutely wrong, Flat out wrong, and Dead wrong.

Liberalism has poisoned your mind.

The Apocalypse is a revelation of the things that were, are and will be. We are actually witnessing some of the events foretold in this book, but many still lie in the future. It is Christ who commands John to write to the seven churches, opens the seven seals, reveals the sufferings of the saints, opens the little book, overcomes the beast, reigns during the period of the first resurection, judges the dead, both great and small, according to their works at His Second Coming, rules over all things from the beginning, presides over all the changing scenes of earth's history, and is the King of kings and Lord of lords.

The book presents Christ as the Coming One: it reveals the dealings of Him who com, and who is to come. Ti opens with the solemn hope that the Coming One wil come quickly.

The book is one of hope, but also one of warning; its aim is to assure the Church of the advent of her Lord in victory. The precise time of this victory lies hidden with God, but it is certain, althought the crown will not be won without a struggle. Heaven will be stormed and carried away thourgh suffering and conflict. And all who keep the words of this book will take part in the conflict and share in the victory.

The conflict is presented under the form of symbols. It is not easy to give a full interpretatioin of all the types, but the general symbols are not difficult to understand. Jerusalem stands asd the type of the good cause, and this is the Church of Christ. Babylon appears as the type of the evil cause, and this is the world power. The heavenly Jerusalem has the assistance of the divine power. The earthly Babylon has the help of evil powers, the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. The scenes in the great conflict arrange themselves around theses types of good and evil. The numbers, the seals, the rumpets and the bowls are phases in the development and consummation of the conflict.

John has arranged the scenes in a sevenfold structure; even in the subordinate vision he keeps to the arrangement.

The book was written in Greek by St. John the Evangelist, on the island of Patmos, about the year 96 A.D.
I unfortunately cannot get my books out because my roomate is sleeping, but i will reply tomorrow when i can read again :topsy: I would like to say however, that i am the furthest thing from a liberal :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Budge' post='1047936' date='Aug 22 2006, 05:14 PM']
Are you folks keeping up on what is happening in the world?
Yes. I have heard of trials (in medical science and the criminology field) before Verichip's proposal. There have been numerous theories about this. Maybe it'll have something to do with access to the internet, who knows.

I don't know whether the mark will be a chip, tattoo, or whatever else, but I pray that I will be a faithful Catholic so I will know when the time comes, if it is in my lifetime. :)

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What I posted is the 2,000 yr. old Catholic Orthodox Traditional belief of The Apocalypse. That the book is what it says it is, revelation of future events and Christ commanded John to write it for all ages until the end of the "world."

While the view you seem to have gotten for these books is the more modern liberal view of some Catholics that the book of the Apocalypse is not about the end times, was only meant to for early Christians in a time of persecution, but it is still good story for us today to show Gods compassion and love.

And if we are to take the view that the Apocalypse was only really meant for the people of Johns time, then the book is a lie, because Christ did not come back, Satan was not defeated and Christ did not reigin on Earth nor did New Jerusalem did come to earth.

And if that is the case then all the prophetic books of the end times of the bible as also lies because they the same story.

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[quote] I personally don't believe that the Book of Revelations pertains to the end times...it was written in coded language for the people of St. John's time.[/quote]


And Jesus came, stood on the Mount of Olives, which SPLIT IN TWO and a river flowed through them right?

{ some days you just sit here stupified.....}

[quote]The conflict is presented under the form of symbols. It is not easy to give a full interpretatioin of all the types, but the general symbols are not difficult to understand. Jerusalem stands asd the type of the good cause, and this is the Church of Christ. Babylon appears as the type of the evil cause, and this is the world power. The heavenly Jerusalem has the assistance of the divine power. The earthly Babylon has the help of evil powers, the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. The scenes in the great conflict arrange themselves around theses types of good and evil. The numbers, the seals, the rumpets and the bowls are phases in the development and consummation of the conflict. [/quote]


No wonder you are so confused.

Proper biblical exegesis calls for taking things LITERALLY whenever you can, and it is not obviously a similie or a metaphore or an allusion or a pun.

The symbolism in Revelation is relatively easy, once you get the hang of what "things mean" { a good exhaustive concordance is most useful here } yoiu will find that symbols, throughout the bible really are rather consistant.

Such as

HORN = governmental power

HEAD = ruler

BEAST = satanic power

WOMAN = Israel or the church


Now, on the other hand.

Babylon MEANS the city of origin for pagan apostacy.

Jerusalem, is always the phyical city that we know as Jerusalem.

Use the literal where it makes sense every time.

A thousand years, IS a thousand years.

A short time, is not.

Edited by Eutychus
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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1049116' date='Aug 23 2006, 06:38 PM']

And Jesus came, stood on the Mount of Olives, which SPLIT IN TWO and a river flowed through them right?

{ some days you just sit here stupified.....}

No wonder you are so confused.

Proper biblical exegesis calls for taking things LITERALLY whenever you can, and it is not obviously a similie or a metaphore or an allusion or a pun.

The symbolism in Revelation is relatively easy, once you get the hang of what "things mean" { a good exhaustive concordance is most useful here } yoiu will find that symbols, throughout the bible really are rather consistant.

Such as

HORN = governmental power

HEAD = ruler

BEAST = satanic power

WOMAN = Israel or the church


Now, on the other hand.

Babylon MEANS the city of origin for pagan apostacy.

Jerusalem, is always the phyical city that we know as Jerusalem.

Use the literal where it makes sense every time.

A thousand years, IS a thousand years.

A short time, is not.
who decides that? You know? who is to say Jerusalem doesn't mean the city of the saved. Or a thousand years isn't actually 10,000 years, and a short time is not 5 and a half years? It all makes sense in the context of John writing for his time period.

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Revelation and the book of Daniel are apocryphal literature.. not straight prophetic; they don't predict anything. they are meant to give us all hope and inspire all of us.

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Farsight one

Don't know about you, but I've always been taught that the book of revelation is in actuality a dream. As well, I remember mention of other dreams being in the bible as well. Something about sickly cows and healthy cows. Each healthy cow represented a year of prosperity and each sickly cow a year of famine. There wasn't actually anything to do with cows in the dream.

Can't revelation be the same? Take things literally when you can if you want to, but dreams can't be taken literally, or sins committed in your dreams are real sins against God. The mark could mean many things and it is foolish to assume such things - though there is no fallacy in electing to pay more attention just in case - or are you of those who believe that the world is still flat due to the part of revelation that mentions the "four corners of the earth"

And, one more thing, I work at a Wal-mart, and I can definitely tell you that not all barcodes have 666 in them. I just pulled a reciept from my wallet to take a look and the barcode on it didn't begin or end in six. As well, it's not as though the three 6's are next to each other on barcodes. They are spaced out. [b]6[/b]09843[b]6[/b]24390[b]6[/b] is not the sign of the devil in any way whatsoever.

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[quote name='Franimus' post='1049249' date='Aug 23 2006, 07:41 PM']
Revelation and the book of Daniel are apocryphal literature.. not straight prophetic; they don't predict anything. they are meant to give us all hope and inspire all of us.

To predict is to reveal the future, and both "apocryphal, and prophetic means to reveal.

Both the book of Daniel and Revelations do indeed predict future events, your statement is an example of what I mean by a liberal view of the book of The Apocalypse.

Edited by KnightofChrist
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Mateo el Feo

[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1049797' date='Aug 24 2006, 05:03 PM']To predict is to reveal the future, and both "apocryphal, and prophetic means to reveal. [/quote]You guys are talking about "apocalyptic", not "apocryphal", right?

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1049116' date='Aug 23 2006, 05:38 PM']Use the literal where it makes sense every time.

A thousand years, IS a thousand years.

A short time, is not.

So in Genesis, where the Hebrew word "yom" is used, we should understand that to mean a "day" rather than an "age," which is an alternate meaning? See [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day-Age_Creationism"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day-Age_Creationism[/url].

See, that's the problem with literalism -- what's literal? That's why biblical exegesis should be left to experts in history, language and literature. Otherwise, you end up with David Koresh.

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