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Partying Pilgrims Put Lourdes in an Uproar


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[quote name='Budge' post='1046656' date='Aug 20 2006, 11:00 AM']
Yeah Mardis Gras outdistances this, another pagan Catholic fest...

Why is that scandalous? He married her.
The seedy characters are RUNNING the place.

Ever wonder why Catholics are told drinking and gambling are ok?

Why Lourdes is full of tacky gift shops? [making merchandise of folks]

Doesnt look like anyone is following Gods Word there.
Let me ask you a question, is a church body, a group of people or a bunch of buildings?
Just sounds like another deceiver telling you to ignore Christ's commandment...

[size=5][size=5]Mat 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Mat 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Interesting how Catholics always come up with SLOGANS DIRECTLY against Gods Word.

Good quote because you and all your protestant brothers are fruits (although some might claim that they are rotten fruit) of the Catholic church. Without us there would be no you. How are you enjoying that Baptism.

Edited by stbernardLT
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[quote name='Aloysius' post='1046711' date='Aug 20 2006, 10:10 AM']
Eutychus fails to mention that this "fastest growing religion" of [u]"ex-roman catholics" is a "religion" full of people who want to contracept, divorce and remarry, have premarital and extra marital sex, have abortions,[/u] and do whatever they beaver dam well please as long as they can find an ambiguous protestant denomination that won't call them on it.\

No fellah, THOSE people are called PEW CATHOLICS!

[quote]More than three-quarters of Catholics in the United States say the church should allow the use of artificial birth control, according to a recent Gallup Poll. And millions ignore the ban every day.......

But surveys and birthrate statistics show that many Catholics reject that view. Italy, which is 97 percent Catholic and the seat of the Vatican, has the lowest birthrate in Europe, and that rate has declined since John Paul was elevated in 1978.

Even in Latin America, where the church is far more conservative than in the United States and Europe, there is evidence that birth control is widely accepted. Surveys commissioned by Catholics for a Free Choice have found that 87 percent of Catholics in Colombia believe that a person can use artificial contraception and still be a "good Catholic." More than 80 percent in Mexico and Bolivia agreed. In Brazil, 70 percent of Catholic women of child-bearing age said they had used modern contraception.[/quote]

[quote]Abortion Estimates — The estimates of abortions within each diocese are based on average abortion rates for the various races, an urban density factor for each diocese, statewide abortion totals and an estimate of the occurrence of abortion within that diocese. The 25 dioceses, in which the most Catholic abortions occur, are tabulated below.

Nationwide, the abortion rate is 5.1 per 1,000 population. Blacks and Hispanics abort at a rate of 12.6 and 8.9 per 1,000 population, respectively, while non-Hispanic whites abort at a rate of only 3.3 per 1,000 population. Since a significant number of these minorities are Hispanic Catholics, the rate of Catholic abortions is 5.1 per 1,000 population, the national average. [/quote]


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Justified Saint

Actually Germany has the lowest birthrate in Europe and almost the lowest in the world. Just thought I would point that out -- continue on.

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[quote] Actually Germany has the lowest birthrate in Europe [/quote]

Just one more "factoid" that you know, that is wrong.

Russia does.

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perhaps he was thinking western europe. Russia's half europe and half asia anyway, sometimes people don't think of it when talking about Europe.

yeah, there's a bunch of lukewarm catholics in the US. but a lot of them have left or are leaving the more the younger generation of priests and bishops starts stepping up and enforcing these doctrines.

Most people who leave the Church leave because it's too strict.

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isn't this thread about Lourdes? Of course, it turned into Eutychus's favorite thing to do: play the numbers game, and the into the reasons catholics in the US leave the Church :wacko: ... are you trying to prove that you can turn any subject into that? What do you have to say about the growth rate of Wicca? Maybe those are the "good fruits" our Lord was talking about? We should all follow the crowds, huh?

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I'm going to merge all of these threads into one one of these days. They all stray so far from the OT....

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[quote]isn't this thread about Lourdes? Of course, it turned into Eutychus's favorite thing to do: play the numbers game, and the into the reasons catholics in the US leave the Church ... are you trying to prove that you can turn any subject into that? What do you have to say about the growth rate of Wicca? Maybe those are the "good fruits" our Lord was talking about? We should all follow the crowds, huh?[/quote]
One thing about the growth rate of Wicca, keep in mind that if a religion has 10 members, and then get's one more, that's a 10% increase. Aside from that there's really no way to measure the amount of Wiccans, since there's no central authority and many are in the "broom closet", so to speak. ;) Really, there's not that many of us.

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yeah I suppose. My entire point is that there is no point in a numbers competition as if it could prove one religion better than another.

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If God would have had the good sense to have Mary appear in Wisconsin instead of that god-foresaken 'French' Country, there wouldn't have been all the wine to get the tourists riled up.

But then again, all those people eating all that coagulated milk...

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