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Again here you go--> Christ never intended the church to be like this or for there to even be a church? So thats saying Christ has no idea what he's doing and has 0 control over what he set up. Really sounds like a God I want to worship. But we're in luck cause the protestant reformers came around 1500 years after this Jesus guy died to save everyone from the evil church that Jesus tried to set up but failed at and is running away. But it looks to me like whats running away is protestantism because it, by deffinition, is a contradiction. You've got how many thousands of protestant denominations? You've got anglicans branching all sorts of ways cause some want women bishops and some don't. If Christ is the truth, as he said, and he gives us the truth, then how is it still the truth when its up to everyone's own interpritation as they see fit? The truth cannot change or its not the truth. If one protestant looks at 'Eat my body, Drink my blood...' and says its just a symbol, and then another says no its really his body and blood... whos right? They can't both be right. The truth is NOT the truth as each person sees fit. Hence why we have the church- which Christ established and continues to guide to interpert scripture and to teach the truth with ONE voice of authority, guided by the Holy Spirit.

Protestantism is a contradiction of itself, on many levels.

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God Conquers

I think you're a little confused in your questioning.

You ask a question about EVANGELIZATION, and then started posting quotes in the catechism from a section on the nature and purpose of the Church.

No one here mentioned the Catholic Church in their answers.

Evangelization is helping someone to know and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and their Savior.

And here is where the Catechism talks about it - under "Faith"

CCC 161
Believing in Jesus Christ and in the one who sent him for our salvation is necessary for obtaining that salvation.

- and under "evangelization"

CCC 425
The transmission of the Christian faith consists primarily in proclaiming Jesus Christ in order to lead others to faith in him.

It goes on to quote 1 John: 1-4, it doesn't get more explicitly Christocentric.


I'm not sure where you're going with this.

Talk about Evanelization and what it is to you in this thread... if you stopped and read other's posts in this area, you'll find it very hard to disagree with us "misguided" Catholics.

If you're talking about what it means to be a Church, or what "mother" really means in Revelations start a new thread.

You started this thread then took it off-track when you saw our answers weren't what you expected.

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Eutychus, what does the woman in revelations represent? She represents the Church by almost all accounts across denominations. She is described as the mother of Christians.

In the debate table it is customary to make a debateable point in your first post. It's etiquette... something like this is referred to as "baiting". Only honest dialogue is allowed here; baiting us hoping we'll come up with the answer you want so you can make the point is not proper online etiquette, this is why we move threads that do not contain a debateable point. This point of etiquette shows respect for one another as equal partners in a discussion.

Asking a question out of legitimate curiosity is fine, even in the debate table when you think it will produce debate. Baiting is not.

As to why, in your examples, they are not instructed to go to a church for their salvation: they are instructed to go to Christ. The Church (whether you define it as we do and include a magisterium as part of your ecclesiastical model or just define it as the people of God <which we also do> ) is the Body of Christ in the world. So when one says: "go to Christ for salvation" it is one in the same as "go to Christ's Body for salvation" or "go to Christ's Church for salvation". The Church is where one encounters Christ. The Church is how Christ acts in the world. Even if you define church as the invisible connection of believers, it is still Christ's body according to St. Paul. And it is still the woman in revelations who is referred to as the mother of all Christians.

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Personally, I think that the stuff that Euchtyus and Budge are doing is really getting boring. They never have got the picture. They are only here to pick a fight that they know deep down inside that they cant win.
They are simple protestant christians who just dont get it.

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God Conquers

This thread shows the true character of these guys...

If it isn't going your way, change the subject, cut and run, or talk smack.

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In their defense, they've both been suspended for a few days. Don't want people to think they aren't replying.

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