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The Telling Of The Beads


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just a lil interesting fact, the english word "Bead" is derived from the German word for prayer.

so.. anymore apologetics about the Rosary?

i'm reading this book, and it takes you back to about the 5th century to show an explicit explanation of a practice of the early church to use rocks to keep track of the number of prayers, specifically like the "Jesus Prayer" the earliest known repetitive prayer, dating way back to persecution centuries.

anyway, it also makes the claim that it's possible that these prayer rocks were in use even in the days of St. John the Apostle, citing revelation, i think it talks about the white rock/amulet that it says you get, saying that that represents prayer. i'm not sure... but it's an interesting thought.

theres a bunch of cool stuff about the Rosary.


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Guest Legion

I do know there are 2 explainations of how the rosary came about. The one where our Lady appeared, I believe, to St. Dominic. The other is more earthly, the early monks used to recite all 150 psalms and moved little rocks from one pocket to the other to keep track. That evolved down to the rosary we have today. I personnally believe in the former.

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the former came from a Dominican Order tradition. it's not likely that this happened making the ROsary come out of the blue, St. Dominic may have been visited by the Virgin Mary, and most certainly was guided by her in his fight against the albeiganism (sp?) heresy, and definitely spread the devotion greatly.

there's stuff as early as 6th century, i'm pretty sure, of a woman doing the angelic salutation 150 times because they didn't know the psalms but modeled themselves after the monks.

the Rosary is a product and gift of the laity to the Blessed Virgin. It is a product of ancient offices, prayer rock devotionals, psalters, the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Angelic Salutation, and the Our Father.

it really ignores history to truly believe it was not in existence before St. Dominic. but St. Dominic spread the devotion very well and it definitely helped him defeat heresy.

Pax Christi

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St Dominic had nothing to do with it, that is a pious legend.

THe rosary arose out the piety of the faithful of the fifteenth century who wre meditiating on the mysteries of the faith.

Prayer beads of all sorts have been known since ancient times.

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he DID have something to do with the spread of it, as he encouraged it to defeat the heresy he was fighting.

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