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Trip To Alton IL


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[quote name='veritas99' post='1041550' date='Aug 11 2006, 12:39 PM']
I'm glad you're able to go now. It should be a fun trip. A freind of mine, Emilie Kenney will be receving the habit so that will be really to see her and support her. Some of my seminarian freinds will be at it is well they will be coming from Nashville because they went there for the stuff there. A UST grad recived the habit and another UST grad was making first professions in Nashville.


Yay, Emilie! Trace, if you have pictures of Emilie receiving the habit, post for us would you? And tell us about your trip when you return! Oh, and give us the update on Sr. Elizabeth Marie and Sr. Malina down in Nashville, if you heard anything.


Edited by Veritas
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[quote name='Veritas' post='1044807' date='Aug 16 2006, 04:17 PM']

Yay, Emilie! Trace, if you have pictures of Emilie receiving the habit, post for us would you? And tell us about your trip when you return! Oh, and give us the update on Sr. Elizabeth Marie and Sr. Malina down in Nashville, if you heard anything.

It was awesome I cried the whole time. There were 7 Bishops there and lots of priests. Emilie ( Sister Mary Faustina looked amazing) I didn't have a camera so I couldn't take any pictures. I was ableto talk to her for quite awhile. When the postulants left and came back in their habits and white veils I was so happy for each one of them. They all looked so radiant. The Sisters who made thier first profession they looked like they would jsut float right out of the Church. I was amazing, I can't even find words. I think Malin'a name is something like Sister Karol Maria but I'm not sure, I know Karol is in there.

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Here's a picture of two of the new novices entering the chapel after putting on their new habits!

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[quote name='veritas99' post='1044902' date='Aug 16 2006, 07:06 PM']
It was awesome I cried the whole time. There were 7 Bishops there and lots of priests. Emilie ( Sister Mary Faustina looked amazing) I didn't have a camera so I couldn't take any pictures. I was ableto talk to her for quite awhile. When the postulants left and came back in their habits and white veils I was so happy for each one of them. They all looked so radiant. The Sisters who made thier first profession they looked like they would jsut float right out of the Church. I was amazing, I can't even find words. I think Malin'a name is something like Sister Karol Maria but I'm not sure, I know Karol is in there.

Thanks V99.

Em is Sister Mary Faustina? -That is PERFECT for her! And Malina is Sr. Karol.... or ....Karol? Karol is perfect for her! How do these Mothers and Sisters do it (all that beautiful, prayerful, perfect seeming, discernment i.e.)?!

Hey, I'm going to try calling you!

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This is funny, I didnt know any of the candidates, and I just balled my eyes the whole entire time, then at the reception I went around introducing myself to the novices, I met three, I just dont remember their names, :lol_pound: and kind of said, "Hi, I dont know you, but I really dont know any of the candidates anyway, my name is Amanda...." *shake hands* she says, I am sister so and so, then *hug* "Congratulations!!!" while hugging, then we talked for a few minutes. Then I met two new professed, HAHA! If any of you know the now Sister Mary David FSGM she is HILARIOUS! I'll explain more about this three day visit with the FSGM, later, I hope you can sense how tired I am. :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

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Okay...I give up with the pictures so here's where I "stole" the pics from anyway....
[url="http://startingafreshfromchrist.blogspot.com/"]Sister Eva-Maria's blog[/url]
And Sister has more pics up of the new novices and professed sisters!

Sr. Mary David is crazy funny! Interestingly, her aunt not only goes to my home parish, but worked (and still works) at my parish grade school!

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[quote name='magnificat' post='1045624' date='Aug 17 2006, 04:54 PM']
Okay...I give up with the pictures so here's where I "stole" the pics from anyway....
[url="http://startingafreshfromchrist.blogspot.com/"]Sister Eva-Maria's blog[/url]
And Sister has more pics up of the new novices and professed sisters!

Sr. Mary David is crazy funny! Interestingly, her aunt not only goes to my home parish, but worked (and still works) at my parish grade school!

Sister Mary David has a tenendcy to be [size=3]very[/size] theaterical...Sister Stephania is kind of short while Sister Mary David is seriously like six feet tall. Sister Stephania wanted a hug from Sister Mary David Weds Morning. SS is standing, and SMD jumps out of the crowd, runs to Sister Stephania, kneels down with arms open wide for a BIG hug!!!!! :lol_pound: :lol_pound: the girls and I start clapping and were like, "Wooohooo!" I mean seriously she has to be at least a ruler and a half taller then me!! Its hilarious! Then Sister Stephania wanted a picture with the new sisters, and I kind of came out to Sister Mary Gianna and said, "I'll stand by you sister..." Then we got into an introduction, she stood behind me, and shes like, "Oh I'll just lean on you, hahaha, no." Also during the picture, I cracked up right before Sister Stephania snapped the 3rd one. Sister Mary Gianna said, "More pictures...I thought this was over lastnight..." I just cracked up. And after I turned to the two and said, "Congratulations to the both of you..." Sister Mary David turned to me and said, "And you are...?" Then there was another introduction, and we talked for about five minutes.

Anyway... :sweat: :sweat: :sweat: sorry, long story. Heheh

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