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i may be flying out next week to do a come and see. they also are having a big convention and some friends here are flying out. one will be discerning with them. another is a novice there. i don't know much about them, but so far i know they are very charismatic, and very big on intercessory prayer and spiritual warfare and stuff.

[quote name='brendan1104' post='1041004' date='Aug 10 2006, 01:55 PM']When I hear about 'anointed nuns' giving retreats, and heavily involved with schismatic/heretical pentecostalism, that always worries me...[/quote]

uh, what exactly is schismatic/heretical pentecostalism? since this is an old thread and i may not get an answer, i'll just reveal that it's a rhetorical question.

pentecostalism = heretical.
pentecostalism != being charismatic.
being charismatic != being heretical.

where you throw in schismatic is a mystery. maybe if you'd showed something about them plotting with Pentecostal or Eastern Orthodox churches there might be some validity..

[quote name='brendan1104' post='1041088' date='Aug 10 2006, 03:46 PM']Yep, on their website. Calling the mother superior's teachings 'anointed' and 'full of unction' and then they 'pray' and 'praise' like protestant charismatics... :sadder:[/quote]

"anointed" and "full of unction" is heretical or schismatic? :blink: is this thing on?

what is praying and praising "like protestant charismatics"? being animated, lively, singing Christian songs, having a prayer service, all of which is done [b]outside of Mass[/b]? i do that. i am not heretical or schismatic. there are no violations of canon law, the GIRM, or faithfulness to the Magisterium.

the only conclusion: you have committed many sins against charity, of gossip, and who knows what else. :thumbdown:

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[quote name='johnnydigit' post='1593376' date='Jul 7 2008, 01:40 AM']the only conclusion: you have committed many sins against charity, of gossip, and who knows what else. :thumbdown:[/quote]

While I certainly can't determine if anyone has sinned, and all are entitled to their opinions, I would like to make a comment regarding the CCR. I do think that assigning the terms, schimatic and heretical to Catholic Charismatics is pretty far off the mark.

I don't know how old the person is who wrote the post containing those terms - but as someone who has been around since the beginning of the "implementation" of Vatican II....I can tell you this.....if we are (and I believe we are) experiencing a resurgence of orthodoxy in the Church, after we thank God, we might consider thanking a "charismatic" Catholic.

Was the "movement" (by movement I mean the body of people who comprised the "renewal) perfect? No it was not perfect. Did it need some correction/guidance? Yes it did/does/always will. Yet regardless of our opinions and regardless of what imperfections we may find particularly intolerable we might also remember that "we stand on the shoulders of giants" and it could certainly be legitimately arugued that the Charismatic Renewal movement, directly in some cases and indirectly in others, gave us:

EWTN (whose programming at first consisted mostly of shows featuring prominent Catholic Charismatics some of whom remain on the show. A close personal friend of mine, a Charismatic (yes, still <smile>), was featured on The Journey Home)
The Franciscan Univeristy of Stubenville (and at least one religious community of women formed there)
The Crisis in Truth - Ralph Martin's book which was one of the first works to point out some of the errors regarding interpretation of Vatican II
A renewal of a larger committment, by Catholics, to Humanae Vitae and Catholic teaching on sexual morality in general
Families who talked to their children about vocations
Prayer Groups - in homes and in parishes
Evangelization - particularly a response to the "new evangelization" called for by Pope John Paul II in 1983
The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (Fr. Benedict was a very prominent figure in the CCR)
Not to mention NUMEROUS orthodox organizations which received funding from orthodox Catholic persons/foundations who were either members of or seriously influenced by the CCR (one of which would be the SMME and their Spiritus Sanctus Academies)

Whether or not all or any of the people or organizations metioned would still characterize themselves as "charismatic" is not the point I wish to make - some would, some would not - my point is the the Catholic Charismatic Renewal is responsible for a tremendous amount of good and for (at the very least) bringing to our attention again a lot of what today we view/know as "orthodox".....much of which was "lost" to the "Catholic in the pew" during the late 60's - 70's etc.

I would venture to say that many of the young people today, indeed I'm sure many phatmassers, who consider themselves orthodox Roman Catholics have parents and/or grandparents who were either directly or indirectly influenced by the good in Charismatic Renewal. I'm sure that some also rejected the movement due to some of the problems along the way...that's fair enough..but to say the movement itself is schismatic and heretical, when at least 3 Popes have supported it (at the same time issuing statements of caution/correction) seems to me to be a serious error in judgment.


*edited for typo

Edited by gloriagurl
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And please don't forget the Emmanuel movement, bringing you solid Catholic marriages and dozens of Orthodox priests since 1973 :)

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[quote name='VeniteAdoremus' post='1593666' date='Jul 7 2008, 12:18 PM']And please don't forget the Emmanuel movement, bringing you solid Catholic marriages and dozens of Orthodox priests since 1973 :)[/quote]

I'm not familiar with the Emmanuel movement, but a google search turned up something about psychotherapy - is this the movement you refer to? I did see something about "an" Emmanuael Movement coming out of the Charismatic Renewal but it does not refer to psychotherapy so I'm a little confused.



*edited for typo

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I meant [url="http://www.emmanuel.info/"]this one[/url].

I've been to one of their retreats, and while it's not really "for me", it was a defining moment in my spiritual life. And their members are wonderful. College-aged people living for Christ, you don't see that very often in the Netherlands.

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[quote name='gloriagurl' post='1593631' date='Jul 7 2008, 08:35 AM']While I certainly can't determine if anyone has sinned[/quote]

OT, i like Catholicism because God makes it plain and clear what is a sin and what the conditions of salvation are, unlike ideas like "once saved always saved" which offer no confidence. according to the evidence so far, i am confident in saying he has sinned and an apology would be nice.

you're right about the CCR. i consider myself traditional and as orthodox as i can be (to the point of being singled out by friends!), but i also am very supportive of the movement and its good fruits. as usual, there are some things that aren't my cup of tea, but that's not my problem, as long as there is obedience to the Magisterium.

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[quote name='johnnydigit' post='1593773' date='Jul 7 2008, 02:35 PM']OT, i like Catholicism because God makes it plain and clear what is a sin and what the conditions of salvation are, unlike ideas like "once saved always saved" which offer no confidence. according to the evidence so far, i am confident in saying he has sinned and an apology would be nice.
you're right about the CCR. i consider myself traditional and as orthodox as i can be (to the point of being singled out by friends!), but i also am very supportive of the movement and its good fruits. as usual, there are some things that aren't my cup of tea, but that's not my problem, as long as there is obedience to the Magisterium.[/quote]

What does OT mean?

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[quote name='VeniteAdoremus' post='1594081' date='Jul 7 2008, 05:52 PM']Off-topic.[/quote]

Thanks VA...I was really scratching my head over that one.

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