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Intercessors of the Lamb!


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Hi all,

A friend of mine is in some fairly serious spiritual trouble and the people supporting her want to contact the Intercessors of the Lamb- www.bellwetheromaha.org

Do any of you know of them and what do you know about them?

She is very hesitant to involve them, so any information would be most welcome.

In His Light

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I discerned with them for about a year, they are a great group of Sisters, Brothers, and Priests....and would be GREAT...and trustworthy of someone who is in some serious spiritual warfare.....I'd be glad to talk more with you of any questions you might have, just send me a private message....

God Bless You..


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I don't know if they can help her. I looked through their website and I didn't pick out anything bad .... but just how would they help her? I am unsure but they seem to be in the USA? How would they help in Australia? By prayer? :idontknow:
They don't seem to say anything about their Catholic standing either (maybe I missed something in the web page) but they appear legit.
If your friend is hesitant maybe its not the best option. Have your tried the Carmelites in Brisbane for spiritual direction? They are very lovely.

My advice is probably not much help .... and probably what you figured anyways.
:sign: lots of prayers

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I spent time with them in a discernment retreat. Mother Nadine came up to Ottawa one year to give a Lenten retreat. This retreat alone was a time of healing for me.

As well, they discerned that I wasn't out of mind and that I did have a vocation to religious life. So I kept on looking. There was a possible vocation with them but it didn't work out.

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I have a friend from college who is in the Intercessors of the Lamb! Her name is Sister Mary Regina. They are very orthodox (more toward the charismatic end), and I would definitely recommend them for helping your friend.

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I went to school with these sisters in Rome (at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas aka the Ang). They are totally legit as in down with Papa and the Magisterium. They are particularly hard corp as they beg [for] all of their meals!

***SORRY, I was referring to "THE LITTLE SISTERS OF THE LAMB". I don't actually know about the "INTERCESSORS" ***

Here's a picture at the site of a friend of mine -scroll down to July 2:


Here's a more explanatory page with pictures:


They are uber cool!

Edited by Veritas
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[quote name='SisterAli' post='1040511' date='Aug 10 2006, 11:20 AM']
I discerned with them for about a year, they are a great group of Sisters, Brothers, and Priests....and would be GREAT...and trustworthy of someone who is in some serious spiritual warfare.....I'd be glad to talk more with you of any questions you might have, just send me a private message....
God Bless You..


Thanks Allie pm on the way :)

In His Light

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When I hear about 'anointed nuns' giving retreats, and heavily involved with schismatic/heretical pentecostalism, that always worries me...

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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1040742' date='Aug 10 2006, 12:34 AM']
Are they a 'co-ed' convent?
While I've never visited them, it appears from the website that there is a campus (ie, the men and women of the community minster and pray together, but don't live intimately together).

Has anyone her visited them?

[quote name='brendan1104' post='1041004' date='Aug 10 2006, 01:55 PM']
When I hear about 'anointed nuns' giving retreats, and heavily involved with schismatic/heretical pentecostalism, that always worries me...
Brendan, did you read this on their website? Our conclusions about all communities we speak of on this board ought to be well-informed, and said out of deep charity.


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Yep, on their website. Calling the mother superior's teachings 'anointed' and 'full of unction' and then they 'pray' and 'praise' like protestant charismatics... :sadder:

[quote name='shortnun' post='1041065' date='Aug 10 2006, 04:13 PM']
Brendan, did you read this on their website? Our conclusions about all communities we speak of on this board ought to be well-informed, and said out of deep charity.


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[quote name='shortnun' post='1041065' date='Aug 10 2006, 04:13 PM']
While I've never visited them, it appears from the website that there is a campus (ie, the men and women of the community minster and pray together, but don't live intimately together).

Has anyone her visited them?

Yes. As I said earlier, there was a possible vocation with them but it didn't work out. As it is with Madonna House Apostalate, there are houses that are for the women and there are houses for the men. No coed living here folks!!! As well since they have a lay community attached to them, some of the members live near by. They are responsible for their own upkeep.

As for Canonical status: Public Association of the Faithful and they are on the road to the status of Society of Apostolic Life.

Our Canon Laws don't allow for mix communities as religious orders so communities like Madonna House and Beatitudes usually come under the status of Public Association or even Secular Institute.
These communities are mixed with lay men and lay women priests and in the case of the Community of the Beatitudes consecrated women (religious) as well.

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